Grab the orange-skinned woman and grope her

From Create Your Own Story

You embrace the orange-skinned woman and feel her boobs. They're round and full like oranges, but as soft and springy as any woman's you've ever squeezed. The orange woman moans and giggles, but tries to back off from you.

"Please," she says. "That feels great, but I'm supposed to be helping my brothers track down Ms. Pac Man. If I find her, I get to eat her."

"Ms. Pac Man," you say.

"Yes," the orange woman says. "I'm Sue, and I'm a ghost monster. We hunt Pac Men. And if we catch them, we get to eat them."

You glance around at the corridor you're in. This could be part of a maze... Orange-skinned Sue slips out of your embrace and hurries down the hall.

"Come with me!" she says. "We can hunt her together!"

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

Pac Land

MP 0
Level 1
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