Go join the delivery men playing pool

From Create Your Own Story

You walk up to the two men casually, watching them play. As you come around the side, you can't help but smile to yourself: they're hot. The gray haired guy keeps his hair nearly buzzed down to nothing, and has a short goatee to match. His brown delivery uniform shirt is unbuttoned half-way down his chest, without an undershirt, revealing a smooth, well-muscled chest. He's probably in his early fifties, but he's definitely kept himself in shape. His arms especially, which are straining the sleeves of his brown shirt. He glances at you as you approach, and you notice his eyes are a startlingly pale blue.

The other delivery man with him is younger than the gray haired man, maybe in his thirties. He's stocky, with a five o'clock shadow, and only two of his buttons are undone of his shirt, revealing a lot of dark chest hair and a slim gold chain. He leans over the pool table to take a shot, and the fabric stretches across his shoulders - the man is very wide. He looks Italian, and has a slight accent to his voice when he misses the shot and says, "Damn it."

The gray haired man nods at you as you step nearer, and you nod back. The Italian sees the exchange, and looks at you, flashing a smile.

"Not so easy to do in the dark," he says, as the gray haired man lines up a shot, and sinks a ball.

"For some," the gray haired man says. His voice has no accent, but is pitched quite low.

You smile, and say, "I don't think I'd do very well."

"You want to play the winner?" the gray haired man says, missing his next shot. They're pretty close to the end, you realize, with only one striped ball and two solids left on the table. The gray haired man is stripes, so you're pretty sure he's going to win.

You say...

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