Go down and check the cyclist is ok
From Create Your Own Story
‘Sorry’ you yell and you run down the steep grassy hill towards the man slumped on the ground
‘I’m so sorry’ you repeatedly say as you get closer to him. He slowly gets up of the gr and brushes himself off.
‘Are you ok ?’ You ask now and the bottom of the hill standing beside him ‘Yeah I think so’ he replies taking off his helmet and picking up his bike.
‘I’m ok but my bikes not!’ He says turning to look-at the bike ‘my back tire has been punctuated on a rock or something sharp in the fall’
‘Oh I’m so sorry that’s all my fault, is there anything I can do ?’ You say feeling really guilty
‘Well not unless you have a tire repair kit on you ?then no there is nothing you can do’ he says in a shape voice clearly not happy with you. He turns and looks you in the eyes and this is the firs time you are seeing his face clearly. He is a man around the same age as you.he is from Indian decent with warm brown eyes and black shiny hair. Dressed in tight black cycling shorts and a black and green t-shirt. He has a slim build but from his legs you can tell he is in good shape.
‘I do ! Well I have one back at my place in the garage’ you reply desperately trying to help ‘I only live a few minutes away’ you continue
‘Really, well ok then’ he says picking up his bike
You help him get the bike back you the hill to the path and you both introduce yourself as you begin walking to you place as he pushes the bike. He tells you his name is Krish and you tell him you name is jake.
You both walk to your place.
Once you get home
Do you