Get up and ice down your sore body

From Create Your Own Story

You rest for a moment, then start to get up. "That was fun, but, damn, am I sore," you say with a laugh as you stumble, your sore thighs struggling to keep you upright. As you head to the door Jason gets up and helps you downstairs.

"Just sit down," Jason suggests as you get to the kitchen. He goes to the freezer and wraps ice in a towel, then grabs a wet rag. "Let's clean you up," he says as he wipes the cum off your face. You giggle then kiss him softly before he kneels down and cleans your pussy. You jump a little bit as the cold ice pack hits your sore inner thigh, but then relax as it starts to do its work. Jason gently rubs your other thigh, kissing it as you put your legs over his shoulder. As rough as Jason was before, he's now that gentle, taking care of your body. As exhausted as you are, the feel of your boyfriend's hands on your thighs has you aroused again, your hand drifting across your T-shirt to find your stiff nipple.

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