Forget school and go buy yourself some new shoes!
From Create Your Own Story
How could you be expected to go to school on a day like this, screw your professor, hes an ugly fart anyway and there was probably nothing important today anyway. He was probably just going to droll on about the Krebs' cycle again for the 4th time. School was out of the question, and cancelling your date tonight with Aaron was out of the question. What to do what to do, your mind strolls to the mint and chip ice-cream in your freezer, you can almost hear it calling your name softly seducing you to embrace it longingly. Maybe the swelling would go down or go away, but right now you need something to get you out of a slump, and as much as cold sweet slippery ice-cream could do wonders not just on your tongue, your mind still slammed back to tonight with Aaron. Not an overly attractive man Aaron was 26 and going to the same college as you, you had gone out to eat with him last week and he had been so kind and sweet when he had asked to see you again tonight you had automatically accepted. Opening the door to your car you decide on a new pair of shoes to cheer you up, you could find a nice pair to go with your planned outfit for tonight, that would make you feel better.
Do you:
- Go buy a pair of sneakers
- Go buy a pair of flats
- Go buy a pair of heals
- Go buy a pair of boots
- Text Aaron and see what he is up to
Status | ||
Health | Horny and Hormonal | Location: |
MP | 0 | |
Level | 1 |