Explore the basement as the kids sleep

From Create Your Own Story

You walk down into the basement. You hear some knocking, but ignore it. You continue to explore the basement. The basement has no windows. It would make a nice temporary dungeon. In the corner are various tools. You see something that looks like it is right up your alley. Your hands reach out and take hold of a large sledge hammer that must have belonged to Mr. Jones.

You hear a door opening upstairs. You slowly creep your way up the stairs with the sledge hammer in hand. The lights are off in the house. Your eyes have adjusted to this darkness as you have been in the house for ten minutes. The eyes of whoever entered have not.

Two people have entered the house standing side by side. They have their backs to you as you sneak up behind them. One is a strong-looking man. The other is a sexy-looking woman.

You slowly raise the hammer into a swinging position.

Who do you hit first?

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