D&D: Head to the top for your first lesson
From Create Your Own Story
You climb up the stairs after dropping you belongings to your room and head to top level of the tower. As soon as you reach the end of the staircase, you open the large wooden door into a pretty big study with windows that give nice views of the city. The tower is obviously enchanted, as a study this big would not fit in the tower you saw from the outside. Your master is sitting in a chair, staring at the view.
"I'm ready for my lessons master."
"Good, he says with a calm voice. Come closer then" he motions you to approach.
"You have been taught the basics of magic at the academy my dear. But I fear your education is somewhat lacking in matters of philosophy... yet I see potential in you."
"Philosophy?" you ask.
"Yes. You see, magic in itself is not bad or evil. It is a tool. An object, just like your dress or this desk. And a powerful tool it is. I fear the schools of magic is lacking in teaching younglings the true meaning of using magic."
"So... what is this meaning?"
"It differs from one to another. And I chose you because, I believe I sense in you, a philosophy similar to mine. Come over here."
Your master steps up and head deeper into the study and you follow his steps. You take the time to admire him a little. He moves with confidence. He is well shaped for a wizard. He look behind and you feel the red to your cheek when he simply smile as if he had read your thoughts. You finally arrive at a small basin of water. You've heard of these in divination school. They are scrying pool.
"If you place your head within the pool, you will see the fruits your magic can yield. Remember, this is only a vision. And it is not necessarily a verdict, as us mortals always have a choice. When you are ready..."
You nod and approach the basin. You lean in and slowly lower your face to the water level. You feel the soft, cool and clear water aroud your face. As soon as you plunge in, the depths of the basin change colors and shape. You start to see yourself, grown up. You radiate an aura of confidence and great knowledge. You see yourself battling monsters. And also you see yourself accompanied by very sexy males with which you spend the night with. You even see yourself with other women. The visions continue in a bit of randomness and you feel yourself getting a little hot. Is this the future ? or is this just a potential future. You finally pull back as you are starting to run out of breath. You heart is racing and the blush hit your eyes.
You turn to look at your master who simply smile. "I had a feeling" he says.
You are pretty red and embarrassed. "Wh..What do you mean ?"
"I did said we are alike... so I can guess what you saw in there. (the blushes hit higher tones of reds) Do not be embarassed."
"How can I not be?! It was so...lusty and depraved! I was so sinful!"
"There is nothing wrong with this. Actually I believe it is one of the nobler paths of wizardry."
You really don't understand what your master sees of noble in your slutty future behavior.
"Let me explain. Many wizard turns to darkness. More then a few. Many are guided by ambitions to seek darker knowledge in order to sate unholy curiosity. Other seek the secret of eternal life which goes against the natural order of things. Some are guided by vengeance or spite and some simply by the power to conquer. It takes a drive to learn strong magic and very few righteous ones are born. Those who do not have the drive, simply are not cut out for wizardry. They remain apprentices and hesitant casters and never truly become more then mediocre. But us... We are unguided by these dark feelings yet we still have the drive. Magic is a tool that we can learn. And not always as a weapon, but as a mean for amusement. And not just ours."
You are starting to understand. "So we are the only one who does not use it as a weapon."
Your master smiles. "Yes. You understand. Society judges these lustful behavior as sinful and thus makes people feel guilty. But there is no guilt in following our instinct. And there is nothing bad about it."
You fidget a bit with your dress. The visions made your pussy hot but you are still very shy. "But.. I'm... inexperienced."
Your master simply smiles and picks up your chin to make you look into his eyes. His charming smile. At this distance you can smell his perfume. "The minds and the spirit are important. Experience in itself, can be learned." You smile back a bit, comforted but nonetheless still more than a little hot and bothered.
He steps back a bit. "I will teach you magic and amusement together. Your lessons will be different then at schools. If you are too embarrassed to start with me as your partner, I have arrangements within your room to help you learn on your own, until you are ready." He simply grins and you blush in curiosity.
D&D: Ask what kind of "arrangements"
D&D: Ask your master if you can take your first lesson right now