A storm breaks out.
From Create Your Own Story
Status: Naked and Scared
Just as you think things can't get any worse, you see what look like thunderclouds forming up in the sky. You position yourself as securely as you can within the raft.
Within a few minutes, cold rain begins falling and the surface of the sea becomes crenellated. You spread yourself out and try to anchor yourself to the four corners of the raft using your feet and hands.
The rising waves are very soon tossing your raft like a matchstick. The wind whistles as the rain starts coming down in sheets. A shadow suddenly looms up. You feel terror forming in the pit of your stomach.
Six strong hands seize your body. Three ropes are hauled up, and you find yourself dumped onto the deck of a ship, facing a tall, muscular, shirtless man with strikingly red hair and a thick red beard.
"My men literally brought in the booty this time," he chuckles, eyeing your naked body. "Captain James K. Nelson, pirate extraordinaire, at your service. Everyone calls me Red."
You look up and see the Jolly Roger flying from the mainmast, streaming in the wind. Red scoops you up and guides you into his cabin.
"You and I are going to have plenty of fun," he smirks. "But first, is there anything you need?"
You think about that while you use the bathroom.