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P3-nodPADPAGNM: Accept Artie's invitation to move in with him
PAGNM: Agree to become Bertha's lifetime companionPAGNM: Ask Artie if he was serious about you moving inPAGNM: Ask Artie to loan you a shirt so you can walk the rest of the way to school now
PAGNM: Ask Louise to take you to school. You have a lot of paperwork to sort outPAGNM: Ask the Italian if he has a condom.PAGNM: Ask the stoner if you can borrow his shirt.
PAGNM: Ask to leave the SwiveDrive Van.PAGNM: Ask your brother if he has a condom.PAGNM: Compromise with the old man.
PAGNM: Confront the man who is looking at you.PAGNM: Decline Artie's invitation and move into the dorm you were originally planning to stay atPAGNM: Decline Artie's invitation and move into the dorm you were planning to stay at
PAGNM: Don't invite anyone on stage with you and finish your routinePAGNM: Don't react to the old man's handPAGNM: Enter the Mission Avenue Gentlemen's Club with the red-haired man
PAGNM: Get on the bus anyway. Nobody will know it's cum.PAGNM: Give the Italian a blowjob.PAGNM: Give the Italian your ass.
PAGNM: Give the Italian your pussy.PAGNM: Give the blond man your ass.PAGNM: Give the blond man your pussy.
PAGNM: Give the old man a blowjob.PAGNM: Give the old man a handjob.PAGNM: Give the old man a kiss.
PAGNM: Go home and change your cum-stained blouse.PAGNM: Grab the blouse from Jeff, spit then try to explain.PAGNM: Invite the slim, busty, long-legged brunette woman on stage with you
PAGNM: Kissing wasn't part of the deal! Just keep jerking.PAGNM: Laugh like it's nothing.PAGNM: Let Artie lick your pussy until you flood his face with honey
PAGNM: Let Bertha take you to her apartmentPAGNM: Let him use your mouth.PAGNM: Let the blond man have a blowjob.
PAGNM: Let the old man fuck you in the ass. You don't have a condom, after all.PAGNM: Let the old man fuck your pussy. It'll get you on the bus.PAGNM: Lie still and let Bertha continue to awaken your body with her soft touch
PAGNM: Offer a blowjob to your brother.PAGNM: Offer a handjob to your brother.PAGNM: Offer five dollars to the stoner
PAGNM: Offer to change in front of your brother.PAGNM: Offer to entertain them on the bus instead.PAGNM: Offer your asshole to your brother.
PAGNM: Offer your pussy to your brother.PAGNM: Panic and break into a sprintPAGNM: Plead with him not to say anything.
PAGNM: Resist and just stroke harder.PAGNM: Rest in Artie's strong, comforting armsPAGNM: Ring the doorbell. You need to get inside.
PAGNM: Run for the nearest rest room.PAGNM: Say no thank you, you're doing just finePAGNM: Say yes, you could use a ride to school
PAGNM: Show the SwiveDrive Squad your titties.PAGNM: Show the stoner your tits for his shirt.PAGNM: Snuggle against Louise, decline her offer and go to sleep
PAGNM: Snuggle up next to Artie and napPAGNM: Start grinding your bare butt against Artie's groinPAGNM: Swallow and answer Artie like nothing is wrong.
PAGNM: Swipe the old man's hand off your kneePAGNM: Tell Louise to drive you to Tessa's house for some 3-girl play timePAGNM: Tell Terrence you will dance naked on stage
PAGNM: Tell the blond man to get a condom.PAGNM: Tell the old man to stop it.PAGNM: Tell your brother to piss off.
PAGNM: Test your luck and give the old man a blowjob.PAGNM: Turn down the next alleyway you see.PAGNM: Turn in Artie's arms and kiss him passionately
PAGNM: Walk to school. You'll be late, but you'll get there.PAGNM: Wipe most of it off as you run after Mark.PANTS
PC/JumpJessPC/SleepPC:Add an ocean
PC:Add more waterPC:Add some mountainsPC:Add the ocean.
PC:Adjust the atmospherePC:Closer!PC:Cool it more
PC:Drown the planetPC:Fastforward in TimePC:Finish
PC:Heat it upPC:Ignore it and continue with something elsePC:Increase the atmosphere
PC:Keep it on FastforwardPC:Leave the planet as isPC:Move it closer
PC:StartPC:Thicken the atmospherePC:Visit your plant-infested creation
PC:Watch your planet growPD/10 years oldPD/12 years old
PD/15 years oldPD/2 years oldPD/4 years old
PD/8 years oldPD/JennaPD/Recall fantasies
PDJenna/Continue to refusePDJenna/Has you undress the rest of the wayPDJenna/Refuse
PDJenna/Touches your titsPDTina/AgreesPDTina/Continues to refuse
PDTina/Have her undress the rest of the wayPDTina/RefusesPDTina/Touch her tits
PDTom/AgreesPDTom/Continues to refusePDTom/Has her undress the rest of the way
PDTom/RefusesPDTom/Touches her titsPE:Dodgeball
PEDO/Daniel, a 17 year old counselorPEDO/Daniel NextPERCY
PE CoachPFS: FHR-A : Begin her storyPFS: Fargan : Begin his story
PFS: Female HumanPFS: Female Human RoguePFS: Male Dwarf
PFS: Male Dwarf RangerPFS: Zeldana: Decide to lighten the burden of their purse of some wealthy citizensPFS: Zeldana: Head for the markets before night comes
PFS: Zeldana : Begin her story
PHD 6PHYS 112: Tae Kwon Do
PJGOA:Reach to push the button labeled "Poseidon"PJGOA: SeaPJGOA: Sky
PJGOA: The ButtonPJGOA: UnderworldPJGOA: reach out and press the button labeled Zeus
PJGOA: reach out to press the button labeled HadesPK:Shao Kahn winsPK:Sindel wins
PKA: Go outsidePKMN NEXTPL- Courtney, 18, former teen model doing up to 10 years for smuggling coke
PL- Let's BeginPL- MalePL- Welcome To The Jungle
PLB/Drag Patrick into the bushPLB/Form a plan with Patrick to rape AmandaPLB/Go up to Amanda and touch her ass
PLB/Lay on the ground and spread your legsPLB/Possess 1st boy JohnnyPLB/Possess Patrick and fuck Amanda
PLB/Possess the girl AmandaPLB/Say to Amanda, "Just let me fuck you on the bus."PLB/The two of you go to the back seat together
PLB/Turn red and turn aroundPLB/You both tell Amanda if she doesn't fuck you now, you'll fuck her in the school hallwayPLEASE PLEASE CHOOSE ME!!
PL RefusePL What is this place?PMS/Ask Dinky to suck your cock
PMS/Ask if it's too late to go back to the orphanagePMS/Attack the tangela and try to save Aunt MaggiePMS/Cum in Dinky's mouth
PMS/Cum on Dinky's facePMS/Draw your knees up and encourage Dinky to lick your holePMS/Free your hard cock
PMS/Fuck DinkyPMS/Gently push Dinky's head awayPMS/Go see who needs help
PMS/Go to the desk and examine the pokeballsPMS/Grab Dinky by the horns and fuck his mouth as you cumPMS/Hide in the bushes and watch the tentacruel rape the boy
PMS/Jerk offPMS/Let Dinky fuck youPMS/Let Dinky suck your cock again
PMS/Let the zigzagoons keep licking your cockPMS/Pull out your cock and jerk off while you watchPMS/Run outside to see who needs help
PMS/Send Dinky out to fight the horny pokemonPMS/Spread your legsPMS/Suck Dinky's cock
PMS/Take Dinky's cock in your assPMS/Tell Dinky to stopPMS/Tell Dinky to suck your cock
PMS/Tell the girl to go inside with Aunt MaggiePMS/That was so hot you blow like Mt. ChimneyPMS/Throw the pokeball with the dratini in it
PMS/Watch the girl get fucked by the sudowoodoPMS/You're tired; take a nap until dinnerPMS/You say, "I'm a boy!"
PN/"I am being serious, my dad cannot know!" (clothed)PN/"No, I want to do it here." (clothed)PN/17/Accept your request and allow you to stay naked (open curtains, beach nude)
PN/17/Accept your request and ask you to get dressed first (open curtains, beach nude)PN/17/Ask to go to his room (open curtains, beach nude)PN/17/Close the curtain and end the show (open curtains)
PN/17/Fake an accent and pretend nudity is normal where you're from (open curtains)PN/17/Fantasize for a moment, before realizing its too late to stop him now. (married man, stay nude)PN/17/Fight your embarrassment and remain uncovered on the patio (open curtains)
PN/17/Get interrupted by a text from your mom (open curtains)PN/17/Go for round two and start masturbating again (open curtains)PN/17/Go out on the balcony (open curtains)
PN/17/Hear the sound of the sliding door on your brothers' balcony opening (open curtains)PN/17/Hear your brothers' balcony door slide open (open curtains)PN/17/Keep masturbating without talking to the crowd (open curtains)
PN/17/Leave the curtains openPN/17/Not tell you there are multiple people in his room and take you to it (married man, stay nude)PN/17/Remain naked on the balcony and masturbate (open curtains)
PN/17/Remain on the balcony and keep masturbating because you're about to cum (caught masturbating by brothers)PN/17/Remain on the balcony but cover your body with your hands (open curtains)PN/17/Respond truthfully while still covering yourself (open curtains)
PN/17/Respond with the truth about covering while dropping your arms (open curtains)PN/17/Say "no" to going with them (open curtains)PN/17/Say yes and tell them you'll meet them on the beach
PN/17/Stay at a hotelPN/17/Stop masturbating and go down to the beach (open curtains)PN/17/Tell them yes...and they can post them online (married man, stay nude)
PN/17/The man and his kids want to take photos of you for their vacation memories (married man, stay nude)PN/17/Wear nothing without a coverupPN/17/Wear nothing without a coverup (open curtains)
PN/17/You run, heading back to your room, though the hotel hallways seem... much busier now (married man, stay nude)PN/17/You see a middle-aged man walking back to his room with a bucket of ice (open curtains)PN/24/Alice, the shy, nerdy girl (teacher)
PN/24/Ask if the class can record her with their phones (Alice) (teacher)PN/24/Ask your students if any of them would like to do what you just did (teacher)PN/24/Make a request for something else (Alice) (teacher)
PN/24/Respond that she's having fun and stay standing naked (Alice) (teacher)PN/24/Yes, she wants to get naked but doesn't say so (Alice) (teacher)PN/A bikini
PN/Act embarrassed, but open to the ideaPN/Admit the truthPN/Admit you knew and quickly go wrap up with a towel (Pool friends)
PN/Ask him to leave your face out of the framePN/Ask them if they want you to strip (clothed)PN/Ask them to record you with their phones
PN/Bra (third)PN/Bus/Saved/Put on the jacket, out of instinctPN/Bus/Saved/Put on the jacket, this is too intense
PN/Bus/Yell for helpPN/Check for repliesPN/Claim you got hacked (16 naked snapchat)
PN/Confirm your answer and say yesPN/Cum solo on busPN/Drop off your brother
PN/FacebookPN/Get asked by them why your bra is gone (clothed restaurant)PN/Get out of the pool and pretend not to see them
PN/Give into your arousalPN/Go for it, you've planned this day for too long to give up now.PN/Go inside
PN/Go inside/Brother's friend's parents and they are not happyPN/Go inside/It's just your brother and his friendPN/Go inside/Play upstairs/Reach out for the boys while on your knees in front of them
PN/Go inside/Play with the boys upstairsPN/Go inside/Waiting/Ask if they want to play with youPN/Go inside/Waiting/Foyer/Stay in the foyer
PN/Go inside/Waiting/Play tagPN/Go inside/Waiting/Play with yourself right therePN/Go inside/Waiting/Stay, hang out, and wait for Mike's parents
PN/Go to classPN/Go to the bathroom (clothed)PN/Going to your job
PN/Grab your phone and open snapchatPN/Justify yourself and then take the towel off (embarrassed)PN/Leave while still exposed
PN/Let Brian include your facePN/Lie and tell them you're a nudistPN/Masturbate in front of your family
PN/Masturbate on the busPN/Masturbate while furthering your humiliationPN/No, but he will be back soon
PN/NothingPN/Nude SunbathingPN/Of course!
PN/Panties (fourth)PN/Panties (second)PN/Panties (third)
PN/Pants (first)PN/Post a video of you embracing the situation (16 naked snapchat)PN/Post a video of you further embracing it (16 naked snapchat)
PN/Post on your account with your face showing and own itPN/Post on your storyPN/Post some more
PN/Pretend you think you're dreamingPN/Pull down your jeans while keeping your boobs covered (clothed restaurant)PN/Reluctantly get naked
PN/Remain uncovered (Pool friends)PN/Run for your towel and wrap it around youPN/Say the sink sprayed water on you (clothed restaurant)
PN/Say you lost your bikini in the poolPN/Shave it barePN/Shirt (second)
PN/Sit alonePN/Stay standing and talkingPN/Stay standing and talking (Standing)
PN/Stay topless for now after getting noticed (clothed restaurant)PN/Strip down and walk back out in front of your familyPN/Take your bra and panties off and splash some water on your shirt (clothed restaurant)
PN/Take your jeans off after getting noticed (clothed restaurant)PN/Take your shirt off first and pause for reactions (clothed restaurant)PN/Teacher
PN/Tell him he can send them to as many people as he wantsPN/Tell the TruthPN/Tell the truth about wanting to be seen
PN/Tell them all your clothes are in the wash, so you're naked until they're done dryingPN/Tell them they're right and act apprehensive (clothed restaurant)PN/Tell them they're right and apprehensively start undressing (clothed restaurant)
PN/Tell them they are itchy (clothed restaurant)PN/Tell them you're not sure it's allowed in front of all the other customers (clothed restaurant)PN/Tell them you are naked
PN/Tell them you like being seen nakedPN/Tell them you took it and your underwear off for a mundane reason (clothed restaurant)PN/The onlookers surround you
PN/There's no time! Masturbate right there in the lobby!PN/Try and convince Katie to stripPN/Turn towards the crowd with your arm covering your boobs (clothed restaurant)
PN/Uncover with your hands and get off the busPN/Uncover yourself and tell them everythingPN/Why not?
PN/YesPN/Yes you doPN/You can be naked until your clothes are done drying
PN/You hear your family downstairs having breakfastPN/You see your friendsPN/You suddenly have the desire to post your naked body on social media
PN/Your mom takes a selfie with her naked daughterPN/Your mom wants a picture with her naked daughterPN/cover up with the towel (beach interacting naked)

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