...You could rebuild me? You had the technology?

From Create Your Own Story

YOU: This facility... I'm sorry, I'm having trouble getting my head around this. You rebuilt me, exactly as I was, after I made an ORBITAL DROP onto a PLANET?

JACOB: Yup. Good old American know-how, right there.

YOU: How can there have been anything LEFT!? I don't remember much, but I'm pretty sure my internal organs were SET ON FIRE AND SCATTERED TO THE FOUR WINDS. Every continent on that damn planet must've recieved a little sprinkling of Shepard! They probably thought it was rain! "Heavy shower today, isn't it?" they would've said, as the last bits of spleen fell on them. "Oh, a meteor shower! How lovely! Oh, it's snowing! Tastes like snow! Let's make a snowman!"

JACOB: Woah, calm down, dude. I don't know the science. I'm just a soldier- ask Miranda about the plotholes.

You say:


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