Episode 5

From Bloo Toons

Episode Five of Bloo Toons.

Bloo #1 says something that definetely wasn't in the previous episode. Bloo #2 gets into a frame-by-frame battle with a balloon, Bloo #3 watches it happen. Bloo #4 watches a rip-off of Fox! Bloo #5 and 6 explode after a mind-numbingly long phrase of speech.

DafBI3 The topic is pretty complicated for a beginner!...

vO2WXO You should participate in a contest for one of the best blogs on the web. I'll suggest this site!

[edit] Real World References

  • Previously on Bloo toons is a reference to how some shows drop off their current plot as a cliffhanger and continue into another episode, usually a gimmic to keep people watching a show, and the beginning of the next part plays important scenes from the previous episode(s) to keep new watchers in the know about what is going on in the show that day.
  • The fight scene may be a reference to some anime shows and flashes that have big battles with people firing energy out of their palms.
  • The fight, run, baked beans scene is a reference to Pokemon's fight screen.
  • The spell casting scene is a reference to mostly every RPG out there and their magic spells.
    • "Congrats! The Balloon Has Been Destroyed! +1337 EXP You Leveled Up!" is a reference to RPGs rewarding players for destroying foes, and it usually rewards them with gold or expereience.
      • 1337 is a bastardization of the English language, substituting some letters in words for numbers and symbols.
        • The fighting music is the opening of Mega Man III for the Nintendo Entertianment System.
  • TV Announcer: (on television, unseen and in a mumbly tone) Up next on the Television Station, (this word I'm not sure on.) celebrities jump out of airplane (this part I'm not sure on, either.)
    • This is a reference to TV stations and how they always put on programming about Celebrities in reality-based situations, ala 'I'm a celebrity, Get me Out Of Here' or 'The Simple Life 2' or 'Celebrity Fit Club 2'. Stuff like that.
  • Bloo #4: (in a nerdy voice) Alright, now I know ABC stole this idea from Fox.
    • Usually TV stations have a habit of trying to crush each other with similar shows, such as making a wife swap show or an ice skating show and plugging them at around the same time slots to force veiwers to choose on which one they want to watch.

[edit] External Links

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