Kopak Films movies
From Blankquote
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The Scots
- "The vikings came with their one oar...[in background]...WITH THEIR ONE OAR!!"
The Adventures of Astro Bunny
Astro Bunny
- "AHHHHH! Shooting! Shooting!" (Astro Bunny in a blind panic)
- "Oh animal friends, hear my cry. Let me live, and please not die." (Astro Bunny appealing to the wilderness for help in a form of poem)
- "Behold... MACBETH'S CROSSING!" (dramatic declaration followed by a pan to a poorly constructed "bridge", and the Isengard theme from The Lord of the Rings)
Evil Enemy #9
- "Commence the guillotine!" (at the execution)
Dodechahedron of Love
- "Ridin' in my 18-wheeler...Ridin' in my 18-wheeler—"
"Stop! You're going TOO fast!"