BBW 3: Unification

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BBW 3: Unification was a backyard wrestling numbered chronology event produced by Battle Born Wrestling (BBW). It was compiled for the show date of January 18, 2009 in an undisclosed location mostly in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event featured 3 matches, the first of which was hosted in another location in Utah.




The event held the anticipation between defending NGW Champion, Adan Reyes and GXW Champion, Brainstew who would compete as champions of their federation in a 30 Minute Time Limit to unify their titles and receive the opportunity to become a contender for the BBW Heavyweight Championship at BBW 4: Epic Encounter.


#   ↓Results   ↓Stipulations   ↓Times   ↓
1 Randy cramner defeated Brad Landen via pinfall Singles match N/A
2 Assassin defeated Brian Rouge via pinfall Singles match for BBW Heavyweight Championship N/A
3 Adan Reyes and Brainstew wrestled to a draw 30 Minute Time Limit for NGW and GXW Championships N/A


Coming soon.

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