Northeast Championship Wrestling

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Northeast Championship Wrestling
Acronym Northeast Championship Wrestling
Established 2008
Owner PJ Matthews,

Ace Reed, Murph (Bookers)

Style Athletic and technical wrestling
Wrestling base Home-made Base
Location Bethel, Connecticut
Roster PJ Matthews, Danny Madness, Ace Reed, Murph, John Crosby, Nick Adams, Black Davy Bonnet, J Fatal, The Crippler, Aaron Foley, Tangredi, The Wraith, Matt Case, The Caveman, Jake Hudson, Adam Owens, Onya, Ruckus, Kevin Johnson
External links NECW Website

NECW YouTube

Northeast Championship Wrestling is a backyard wrestling federation founded in 2008, combined of Backyard Championship Wrestling, Extreme Wrestling Alliance and Kick Ass Wrestling which opted to merge together to create a bigger federation since they mutually resided within reasonable distance.




NECW had its origins in January of 2008 when Murph of BCW and PJ Matthews of KAW set up a meeting for the two feds at KAW's Wrestlemania event, Adrenaline Rush 2. The two feds met at the event in February 2008 and became quick friends with BCW visiting bi-weekly since they were without a place to wrestle at the time. Three month later Shawn Matthews visited KAW to kickoff his return to backyard wrestling in a dream match against PJ Matthews. After the event, Shawn Matthews decided he wanted to stay with KAW and bring other EWA wrestlers with him instead of touring several feds over the summer. Talks of a merger came about between both Matthews, Murph, and John Crosby, who was the booker for KAW. The three decided to merge as it was the most beneficial solution instead of having KAW be visited by BCW and EWA, two feds without places to wrestle, constantly.

Beginnings: Summer 2008

KAW hosted it's last event in June of 2008, Northeast Showcase. Members from BCW and EWA were on hand to wrestle and the event became the unofficial first event of NECW. The show previewed things to come for NECW as the first NECW Tag Team Champions were crowned at this event. Black Davy Bonnet and Tangredi bested three teams of top talent to claim the prize.

Once the federation was formed, the booking core evolved from John Crosby to himself, PJ Matthews, and Murph. The three worked together and booked all NECW events in 2008.

The first order of business was to crown an NECW Champion, which happened in the second month when the EWA, KAW, and BCW Championships were merged in a Champion vs. Champion vs. Champion match. Ace Reed defeated EWA's The Crippler and BCW's Murph to become the first champion.

The summer also saw the creation of the NECW Freestyle Championship, a title where the champion picks every title defense's stipulation. The first NECW Freestyle Champion was The Caveman after beating Matt Case. He fell a month later, losing the title to Hades.

This was also the period that gave birth to the super-stable The Renegades (PJ Matthews, Ace Reed, Shawn Matthews, Danny Madness, and for a time Nick Adams and Aaron Foley) PJ Matthews' two infamous yarding gimmicks. "I Am Better Than You" and "Are You Alive?".

Media Blackout in Fall 2008

NECW then went into a dark period where several events were taped, but not many reached the internet. Lack of time for video editing amongst members of the fed caused this blackout of NECW. However not all NECW media came from NECW shows as talent from the fed attended the popular Jersey Wrestling All-Stars in August of 2008. Both Matthews, Reed, Crosby, Danny Madness and Jack Lethal showed what NECW was made of to a wider audience of the backyard community.

PJ Matthews extended his influence even further by attending a show at Round Lake Syndicate Wrestling and later bringing Reed with him RLSW's infamous No Remorse 3 event. Through this Matthews has beaten the likes of AJ Badd and CWA's Joe Randa.

The NECW crew also attended a BWE show hosted by Ryan RAGE, the host of JWA. The group of Murph, PJ Matthews, Reed, Crosby, Madness, and Bonnet showed their talents once again on a stage outside of their own.

Shawn Matthews Leaves NECW

During this same time, Shawn Matthews received an invited to have an exhibition match at 2KW in New York City. Matthews made a huge impact and impressed everyone in the Manhattan crowd. So much so that SynN offered Matthews a full time roster spot on the fed. Matthews, NECW's Mr. Money in the Bank at the time, spoke with management and informed them of his departure from NECW. Management gave Matthews his blessings and best wishes while leaving the door open for him to return whenever he desired. To some in the locker room however, Matthews' departure left a sour taste in their mouths. Giving birth to their claims of Matthews' as a sellout.

NECW Hits 2009

NECW finished 2008 with Murph emerging as the Number 1 Contender for the NECW Championship and Ace Reed destroying PJ Matthews and Nick Adams, claiming to destroy anyone in NECW who posed the slightest threat or dissatisfaction of his reign. Murph saw Reed as nothing but a bully and began to bully Reed by back belittling him in interviews and on the GBYWN forums. He even dared Reed to knock him out, which Reed responded to by delivering his Knockout Elbow to Murph after he was rendered barely conscious from a match with FX at JWA Week 1.

The new year also brought about changes to the booking team in NECW, as Crosby stepped down from his position so to not shoulder the consequences that come with the job. Murph and Matthews chose Reed as Crosby's replacement.

Also on JWA Week 1, Hades was finally unmasked by Joey Adams to be revealed as NECW's own General Manager Jack Lethal. The unmasking caused a psychotic outburst in Lethal, who renamed himself as J Fatal. PJ Matthews, having gone through similar psychotic breakdowns in the Fall, tried to reason with Fatal, but it only led to Fatal picking Matthews as his primary target in lashing out against the world.

The year also started out with a new Danny Madness. Madness was unsure of who he was anymore due to his comedic antics and being the overshadowed member of The Renegades. With some guidance by Murph, he began to see what he needed to do to turn his career around and become a force to reckon with in NECW.

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