Covered in sponges

From Asaction

"hes covered in sponges apparently, must be an odd feeling. O_o" - cidthekittyisfun



History of Name

Ironically enough, covered_in_sponges name has nothing to do with actual sponges. He is instead named after his pet leopard gecko, Sponges. He derived this name the same way he has created names for himself on every other forum, by choosing a random state of being; i.e. "covered" with a random noun; i.e. "sponges." This trend can be seen most notably in the user name he used for the last forum he was a member of, "Angry_Coal."

History at Other Message Boards

When covere_in_sponges was eight, he became a member of a message board centered arround action figures of the movie Jurassic Park. He soon left this website and joined one centered around the game Zoo Tycoon. For a while, he was a member of the PlanetAvP forums, on which he discussed the Alien and Predator movies and ideo games. Growing bored of this, he became a member at the Elder Scrolls forum. Finally on July 29th, 2007, he became a member of the [asmb] after months of lurking.

Time Spent on the [asmb]

covered_in_sponges spends a lot of his time lurking, only posting 43% of the time. 37% of his total time spent on the [asmb] is spent in babbling, 9% is spent in rants, 32% spent in the Code Geass folder, 13% in the Bleach folder, and 9% in the Moribito folder, although he has been known to rarely go into the Games folder, as well as IB.


You gotta have a guest book thingy buddy! And I'm the first to sign. Yay! Also that's waaay too many numbers for this crew :D ~ SayanSudoku

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