List of Characters in Cleanse the World

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The Characters in Cleanse the World. The characters consist of Detectives, SPK members, And many other people that are Pro or Anti Kira. All sections of Characters except Shinigami are named in Alphabetical order by first name. FUN~




main article: Morte

Appearance: Appearance: Morte looks a lot like the shinigami figurine that Near used to play with. His head is a white skull missing it’s lower jaw, and the rest of his body consists of just his ribcage, his skeletal arms (generally hidden under the oversized sleeves of his robe), and a billowing black cloak. He has no legs or lower torso; he just floats along instead. Likewise, instead of wings, Morte can just fly about, although his cloak will elongate behind him like a smoky comet’s tail when he’s flying through the air. A blue mist hovers inside his skull and ribcage, making his eye sockets glow blue, and flickers when he’s “talking”. This mist will turn a bright green when he’s emotionally excited, like when he’s laughing a lot or if he’s pissed off.

Personality: Morte is a lot like Ryuk in that he came to Earth because he got boring with the Shinigami Realm. In fact, Morte has actually met Ryuk, and his tales about Light’s reign as Kira is what inspired him to drop his Death Note into the human world.Morte isn’t exactly a saint either, however. Much like Ryuk, he has a cynical sense of humor and, despite how much it disgusts him, he still laughs when some of Kira’s more convoluted plans come to fruition. Instead of apples, Morte’s “vices” are video games and dirty magazines. When Kira wants to distract Morte or gain his cooperation , he generally just has to buy a new game for Morte to bribe him.


main article: Sickle

Appearance: black Skull shaped like that of a wolf for a head with green eyes and a grayish body. He wears dark-green pants and a small belt around his waist to hold his notebook in.

Personality: Kinda wildish and more jerkish version of Ryuk.

Cornelius "CAC" Agustus Cruger

main article: Cornelius Agustus Cruger

Appearance: short, kinda pudgy. Has a bear-like skull for a head

Personality: Lazy and fun.


Erin Conolly

main article: Erin Conolly

Appearance: She's 28 years old with light brown hair and hazel eyes. She's 5'8" with a slightly athletic build. Her skin has just the slightest tan.

Personality: She pretty much keeps to herself. There are only a select few who are close enough to her to really know her and she is very protective of them. She's somewhat of a mystery to those around her. She takes her job very seriously. Ever the bookworm, she uses her free time (what little she has) reading and studying. She loves animals. There are very few things she hates, but the main things are rude people and hypocrites.

Ivy Graham

main article: Ivy Graham

She’s tall, 5’10, and curvy. She has long curly black hair, down to her waist, with bangs that often get fall into her eyes, that drives her crazy. She has bright blue eyes, and wears glasses to read. She often loses them only to later find she had pushed them up on her head. She has pale white skin, and has a bit of an exotic look to her in certain lighting. She dresses mostly casually, jeans and a button-up white shirt, and she always wears a silver chain with a small locket on it.

Personality: She’s extremely stubborn, very smart and isn’t afraid to cut corners to get things done. She doesn’t break the law, but she often bends it pretty far if necessary. What her superiors don’t know,won’t hurt her is her motto. She consideres herself one of the guys, and isn’t offended by their coarse joking ,often participating herself and taking it even further, she loves to make the guys blush.

Lara Grey

main article: Lara Grey

She has short black hair (chin length), blue eyes, 5'5 in terms of height and average weight. She's 25 years old.

Personality: Optimistic, but realistic. Like, she hopes for the best, but she's still aware of how things really are. Inquisitive, She asks questions, and doesn't just accept everything as how it appears. And intuitive because all women have intuition.

Trevor Bennet

main article: Trevor Bennett

The NYPD Chief and Kyle's step uncle. He's married to April Bennet, Kyle's aunt. He's usually a laid back kind of guy and will bend the rules to serve his own agenda. He harbors hatred for Kira and would like to "Shoot him in the face".

He's a 37 year old man with short blond hair, brown eyes, and is about 5'8 hieght. He usually wears the casual kind of suit (Like Kai from Blood plus).

Yoji Suzuki

main article: Yoji Suzuki

Appearance: Short black hair, somewhat skinny, brown eyes, wears black rectangular glasses. Height: 5 feet, 7 inches

Very outgoing, has a positive outlook on life, likes music a lot, as well as computers; hates when people doubt his abilities.

College Students

Amber Willis

main article: Amber Willis

A 23 year old Phychology student with, brown eyes, red shoulder length hair, light skin color more on the pale side, and 5'0" in height.

Personality: A Care-free girl that gets along with almost anyone, a bit clumsy, and a little shy.


main article: D.B.

Wavy brown hair : 5'9" : average build : moderate atractiveness : likes casual clothes : age-22

Personality: An introvert. Highly intellegent in mathmatics. Feels that everything should be treated like an equation, including people. Feels that he can predict any possible outcome through probbability. Spends the majority of his free time translating his life into math. Most people who meet him find him a nice enough guy. Patient, and generally keeps a "happy" air.

Kyle Wooten

main article: Kyle Wooten

Early twenties, Green eyes, white, 5'9, Semi long striaght black hair down to shoulder level, dresses pretty much like a regular kid.

Kyle has a deep fasincation in learning in general, loves to find how things work (via science), how things used to be (history), and most of all humans and their reactions to He leads somewhat of a dual life. When College is in session and he is in class, he becomes devoted to his studies due to his thirst for knowledge. However when class is out of session he usually likes to just lay around and hang out with friends, or just stay at home and chill out. Kyle is both a serious and sarcastic person, which at times makes it very difficult for people to tell if he is being serious or not...

Kyoto Monshi

main article: Kyoto Monshi

Appearance: 23, Brown Eyes, Dark tan Skin, 70 inches, slim figure (kind of like Bruce Lee), Large hands and feet, short strait hair, total of 47 tattoos of well known cartoon characters (covering most of the upper body, none on hands, neck, or face), birthmark under left armpit.

Personality: Very quiet until spoken to. View on life; Live today like it's your last, just don't do anything you might regret tomorrow. Hobbies include; book reading & writing, motivational speaking, and beaches.

Richard "Noggin" Svanur

main article: Richard Svanur

Appearance: 27 years old. He’s slightly taller (6’ 5’’) and broader (220 lbs) than most people. He keeps his blonde hair slicked back against his head. His eye color is naturally green but he wears a pair of yellow contacts designed to glow under black light. He constantly shifts from having a light tan to being just a little bit pale. He keeps in decent shape but is no bodybuilder. He has a sly knowing grin that always seems to be on his face.

Personality: Basically he has two different personalities, one while working and one while off the clock.

While working he is the living embodiment of the “shark” lawyer, always mercilessly looking for mental weakness and pouncing on any sign of it. Gets the job done right, the first time. He’s never late to turn in a report, and almost never gets anything less than perfect. Luckily for the rest of the world, he’s not in this “mode” often. While off the clock he is an entirely different person, laidback and extremely nice. He wouldn’t think twice about putting himself at risk for someone else. He regularly drinks and goes to the “raves” but is never very drunk or even a little high. Goes by “Rick” or "Noggin" and wears a loose fitting black shirt with black work pants and a (Surprise) black t-shirt with a popular comic character’s symbol on it.

New SPK Members

John E. Greene

main article: John Greene

Appearance: 34 years old, brown hair with some grey hair appearing, hair style is somewhat in the style of Togusa from Ghost in the Shell, but shorter on the back end. Is 6 ft. 1 in. Somewhat buff, he works out regularly to keep his health up. Very strong with his legs.

Personality: Is vey loose when it comes to working in his profession; doesn't like a tight schedule and prefers to work at his own pace, although he can work with others. Out of his job, a really fun guy, enjoys hanging out with co-workers during the weekend, and is currently playing golf.

Matthew Rickman

main article: Matthew Rickman

Appearance: Aged 28. Brown eyes. Brown hair with red streaks and bangs. 6 feet tall. Has a black goatee. Ruggedly handsome.

Personality: Cool headed. Compulsive smoker. Video game-holic. Can be paranoid at times. He has a fear of spiders and shtuff.


main article: Stalin

Appearance: Very messy hair post bed head, organized just enough to make sure there are no hair horns, or spikes. Brown hair turning prematurely gray, turning white around the sides and side burns.Now 42. Eyes that are blue gray, dim and emotionless. Skin color is very pale, spends a fair amount of time outside, but purposely wears a lot of clothes to keep from getting color in his skin. Height 6'3" Lbs, very muscular, works out a lot,A broad build, looks intimidating to those who don't know him. He also has half gray half brown beard of stubble. He likes to wear an Armani suite that is black, except his tie which is blue, he also wears black Oxfords. He also wears a blue leather trench coat over all of it, and wears black leather gloves.

Personality: Only a little talkative, doesn't say anything unless he feels like it carries any weight, only does small talk with fellow officers. Talks some about his personal life to fellow officers, but not his past, he never reveals that about himself to keep his identity safe. Smokes litte filtered cigars, peach flavored, he does this when he thinks a lot.

Tristan "Tryble" Taylor

main article: Tristan Taylor

Appearance: a 25 year old man with a thin build, and long brown hair a little past his shoulders. He's 5'9 in terms in height and has dark-brown eyes, almost black.

Personality: Pretty easygoing guy. In standard situations will cause mischief (or CHAOS!) to make boring situations interesting and to get a laugh. Tryble'll not hesitate to screw around but will not do anything that will probably piss a person off or cause actual trouble. Making people angry isn't very productive. Aside from that, keeps mostly to himself. In serious situations all that crap is over, and the focus turns to the problem and the safest and strongest way to rapidly deal with it. When people mess around when important things need to be done, he gets annoyed easily.

Cage Reffmen / Wolf Paulson / Gregor Schawartzwald

main article: Cage Reffmen

Appearance: (age 29)Semi long brown hair and a long black raincoat. Brown eyes and a tall, average build. Personality(s): Cage has three of them counting himself.

Personalit(ies): Cage is an easy going detective who loves to make profiles and catalogues of people. He is rather shy out in public but in the SPK headquarters he never seems to shut up. He is always ready to assist he fellow investigators and tries to suppress his other two personalities with little to no success.

Wolf is a refined and sl!ck gentleman. He is mostly out to get women but is very social and very shrewd when it comes to gathering information. When Cage is only good at putting together the basic pieces of a crime Wolf goes out and gets the details and information about the victim or the assailant. (He is more actions speak louder than words)

Gregor is the easiest personality to notice because Gregor wears Glasses and seems to constantly twiddle his thumbs. Gregor is a very nervous and twitchy person. He may lack the abilities both Wolf and Cage, but he makes up for it with his own ability to put Cage and Wolf’s information together and make sense of it. Gregor is also the most athletic out of the three which make no sense to Wolf or Cage. ( think of him and an “L”ish kind of character)

The Giamatti Family

Angelo Giamatti

main article: Angelo Giamatti

Appearance: Height: 5'11" Weight: Average (somewhat on the slim side) Build: (same as weight) Age: 31 Eye colour: blue/green Hair colour/style: Darker blonde, medium length (about slightly past his eyebrows in the front if left unstyled, similar in style, I suppose to Lloyd Asplund's only not as fluffy. ) Often slicked back (with a few loose strands) Race/Skin Colour: Caucasian (somewhat pale) Wears glasses, as well as sunglasses (prescription) Usually dresses in suits and thinks highly of appearances. Has something of a youthful face, which he's sensitive of as it makes him appear younger and thus makes it harder for people to respect him as the serious head of the Giamatti crime family.

Personality: Angelo is very serious about being respected in the organized crime community and thus is often very business-like when it comes to dealing with mafia matters. However, despite his best efforts of maintaining a calm, collected and serious persona in front of the rest of the mafia, he has a tendency towards exposing his true nature which is quite flippant and flamboyant. Due to this, he often requests plans carried out be done in a stylish, theatrical manner. (Granted said "mission" could be carried out in such a way.. Clearly he wouldn't want people trying to "rub someone out" in a loud, flashy way.... well, okay.. maybe sometimes.. but not ALL the time.) His manner of speech is such that he tends to use excessively long or complicated words in attempts to impress people into believeing he's smarter than he really is in order to earn their respect. He also likes to use flowery language to recall events or describe something. He's also gay.

Ahren Engel

main article: Ahren Engel

Appearance:Height: 5'5, Average build, 26 yrs old, Blue eyes, Red shoulder-length hair, Caucasian, very pale skin, and Usually dresses provocativly

Personality: Fun-loving, carefree, not very serious unless the occasion calls for it, Very mean when angry or worried.Kind of a slut.

Carmine Rubio

main article: Carmine Rubio

Appearance: Age: 25 Eye Color: Green Height: 6' Build: Average Hair colour/style:Very light Blonde (almost white, possibly an unfortunate dye job?) Skin Colour: olive, pale.

Carmine is fairly new to the family and was only approved as a soldier 2 years ago by Paul Gambino. He's something of the typical "determined young man" character and is always looking for chances to prove himself. If you asked him why he joined, he might tell you a lie and say it was because of some tragedy that led him to turn to it that changes with every retelling.

Leonardo "Leon" Giustizia

main article: Leonardo Guiztizia

Height: 6'1" Build: Very good shape, works out regularly. Age: 28 Looks a lot like Young Edgeworth, except without the puffy suit.

Personality: Very calm. He enjoys talking and meeting new people, which comes easy to him as he is very charismatic. Is very protective of his friends. Even though he is involved with the mob, he prefers not to get his hands dirty and likes a more business approach to things. If business is not an acceptable solution to a problem, he is fond of manipulation. Loathes those that kill without just cause. He has much respect for the Giamatti family.

Vincent Rosetti

main article: Vincent Rosetti

Appearance: Age: 24 Eyes: Ice Blue Hair: Blonde, long enough to cover his eyes Height: 6'0 Body type: Lanky

Personality: Jerk, makes up insulting nicknames for people

Other Characters

Alice Komatsu

main article: Alice Komatsu

Appearance: age ~ 21 eye color ~ blue skin color ~ white height ~ 5'7 attire ~ anything that is trendy/fashionable hair ~ currently blonde, but will change color and cut to match what's popular at the time

Personality: Definitely a follower, not a leader. Caring, friendly and always cheerful. Immature, fickle, and whiny. Enjoys shopping at the trendiest stores and cooking, mostly. Tries to always be cute. Somewhat loyal. Not very bright. Not good with relationships. Sometimes thoughtless, but tries really hard. Falls easily in love, goes through boyfriends quickly.

April Bennett

main article: April Bennett

Appearance: 5'0,relatively strong not super skinny, more muscular than anything except for the boobs... April has brown hair with a white stripe, grey eyes, pale skin with freckles on my nose and cheeks and on my arms. Hair length is currently a little longer than shoulder length. Usually wears glasses.

Personality: She's someone who is fun and has a witty sense of humor, plays practical jokes a lot, but when things become serious, she becomes serious as well. she tends to have a bit of paranoia about being watched or tracked via the internet by would be foes. She almost at times seems like a geek, but is actually more physical than people know.. and could be downright dangerous if the situation called for it.

Jerimiah Davis

main article: Jeremiah Davis

Appearance: 5'9, Dark skin, Black hair, slim build with some muscle, Dark blue eyes, and wears round framed Glasses.

Personality: Always has a smile on his face, and half-calm most of the time, and 100 percent serious during work. Normally he has a smirk or a smile on his face, even when working. He also has this tendicy to push the button on the ballpoint pen he's holding. He also tends to have an insane laugh when he feels like he's achieved something good. He only gets sarcastic when he's getting annoyed and he does tend to pull sexual innuendo when a female client of his mentions it.

John McMaster

main article: John McMaster

Appearance: 30-32 years old. 6'1 . Very well built and a healthy demeanor. Has short almost buzzed hair, a dirty blonde color. Has eyes are a piercing azure. A very thin beard running from his sideburns down to just above his throat. On one shoulder is the Japanese spelling of Kira, on his back a large dragon in a state of fury and glory. Wears very respectable suits in varying colors and styles with matching overcoats, nearly all the time.

Personality: He keeps to himself a lot, after leaving his first job he started his own and has been working alone ever sense. He cares about others but does not show it outside of his work. All things have a given right to live. He likes fantasy novels and books on psychology and philosophy, does not watch movies and only watches channels like CNN and C-Span.

Kashina "Kakkun" Umezora

main article: Kashina Umezora

Appearance: Age: 17 Hair: Dark Blue Eyes: Blue-Green Height: 5'3 Skin Color: White

Personality: Personality: Hyper, easily excited. Whenever excited, she turns into a motormouth, making about half of what she says unintelligible. Whenever Kira is mentioned by word of mouth, she goes insane, flipping over tables and pushing papers off desks. But after that rage is over, she puts everything back the way it was.

Koubou Na

main article: Koubuo Na

Appearance: 5'10" Eyes: Green Skin: White Age: 25

Personality: Very withdrawn from others. Pessimists

Kyoko Yamada

main article: Kyoko Yamada

Appearance: Fairly nondescript, all things considered: Japanese; 5'6"; thin; shoulder-length straight black hair in a not-too-trendy cut; dark brown eyes with a curious sort of intensity in them if you look really close. The sort of woman who would be easy to overlook.

Personality: Kyoko has always been a "quiet girl" who never really stood out or had many friends. She always kept to herself, and although she was a good student, she was never recognized for any sort of outstanding achievement. She is capable of holding a conversation, but she would never make the first move. Most people who know her wouldn't say they really know her, and the people she passes on the street would probably not even remember her five minutes later.

Luna Osaki

main article: Luna Osaki

Appearance: ~Age: 21 ~Eye Color: Hazel ~Skin Color: White ~Height: 6'1 ~Attire: Punk

Personality: Luna is a very opinionated, stubborn person and come off as cold right away. She gradually opens up to people she feels more comfortable with. Some call her a betch, but the ones that know her well know her true personality. She's a part of a rock band named "Vampire Kiras" and plays the bass/some vocals.

Mao Komaru

main article: Mao Komaru

Appearance: Age: 15

Eyes: Green

Hair: Red

Skinz: White

Height: 4'5

Personality: Self-centered individual... Doesnt like to be around a lot of people. He doesnt talk much. Never showing any sign of being happy. Doesnt care much for anything. Dislikes happy people. Anime & Manga expert.

Minami Sakura

main article: Minami Sakura

Appearance: A 25 year old woman with Long, to middle of her back. Black with bright purple streaks. She has blue eyes, pale skin, and 5'2 in terms of height.

Personality: Manami sees herself as someone with a strong sense of determination and drive. She has started to receive a lot of media attention for her clothing line, which is inspired by and for the young, hip, idol-loving crowd in Japan. Her style is heavily influenced by western culture, namely America, and her clothing often reflects the attitudes towards celebrities and idols. Manami loves attention, and can often be a bit of a narcissist.

Raphael Gianchantti

main article: Raphael Gianchantti

Appearance: He looks like a stately butler, always wearing a black suit, white shirt, black tie, ebony cuff links, black shoes always mirror polishes. He sports a large ruby ring on his right pinkie, and usually walks with a silver tipped cane. The cane's silver tip is cast to resemble a rose just slightly opened. He is tall, 6'5", and thin, with a pronounced roman nose, and an olive complexion showing his Italian heritage.

Personality: Very dry, and sarcastic wit, and a bit of a fatalist. Enjoys his job, and waxes poetic at times. Content to be a bachelor, and is given to lengthy inner monologues.

Robin Sencha

main article: Robin Sencha

Appearance: She's 23

6' 2" very slender build.. Eyes a startling bluegreen Long Strawberry blond hair past her waist Very fair skin so pale there is a red tint to it.. She hates the sun and is always covered up but in great taste.. that shows her off to a tee

Personality: She is neutral but maybe she will lean to Kira when he finds her.. or she finds her whatever.. She does think to many criminals get off scott free and it burns her up..

Triella Quinn

main article: Triella Quinn

Appearance: Age: 29, Height: 5'7", Eyes: green, Hair: straight, dark brown/almost black, just alittle longer than shoulder length, usually in a ponytail, Body: average build with alittle bit extra on the back side, Skin: white with a tan,

Personality: intellegent, detached, kinda cold, and somewhat anti-social. when she does socialize she's usually a smartass or comes off that way. she's slow to trust people that she doesn't know. she's loyal to the end with the few friends she actually does have. smokes and drinks (rum mostly). oh and she has a nervous habit of biting her bottom lip.

Sigmund Wander

main article: Sigmund Wander

Appearance: Simple answer: He looks like sweeney Todd.

Personality: This character acts incredibly unstable. He was a former insansity asylum patient.. He laughs randomly at times. He believes that everyone is trying to kill him. So he trusts no body unless they are not a threat to him. Likes criminals getting killed. Dislikes cops interferring with Kira's plans.

Virginia Dare

main article: Virginia Dare

Appearance: Simple answer: Age: 39+ how much plus is no one's business. Eye color: Purplish-Blue, Skin color: Very Fair – burns easily, Height: 5’6

Personality: Quiet, reserved, and dignified, unruffled, not much fazes her; often she’s the calm in the midst of the storm, or in a crisis, when everybody else is running amok around her. Very focused and disciplined. Dry sense of humor, she has been known “zinger” people who leave an opening or say something stupid at the wrong time. Believes Life is a Gift of God and is to be lived to its fullest. Wears Glasses.Loves reading the classics as well as Sci-Fi and Japanese Manga.

Wammy's House kids


main article: Ellie

Gender: Female Age: 18 D.O.B.: March 1st, 2002 (had to change it since we're in 2020 nao.)

Appearance: Long straight jet black hair with bangs that come down to just above her eyes. Very fair white skin. Lips have a natural red tint. Deep blue eyes, like sapphires. Slender build. Voluptuous in certain areas. But not too voluptuous. She wears a regular blue dress that comes down just above her knees except the sleeves would be tight fitting and not baggy and they would be long sleeves, not half sleeves. Still the frilly white cuffs though. also wears Dark stockings. Black buckled dress shoes (not heels). She usually wears A worn looking silver amulet of an ouroborus (serpent that consumes it's know, from FMA) with a fermata in the center (musical note that represents a pause or sustained note) Also a silver banded ring with a black gem in it.

Personality: Whimsical and aloof. Those are the perfect words to desribe her. Yet she is a bit conservative. Like all good English women, she displays proper manners and talks with proper speech. She has eccentric tendencies (like all genuises usually do) and at certain times she can be completely crazy (like how Mello got when he yelled at Sidoh. Scary and manical. Think of Alucard when he gets crazy.)

Occupation: Wammy house orphan. Detective. Successor to the current L.

Alignment: Anti-Kira.

Inner monologue color: Dark blue like her dress.


main article: Zoe

Appearance: her hair resembles that of of tokyo mewmew her hair is a bright almost dark pink (Kinda redish) color and its kinda shortish (like a little past her shoulders?) and always in pigtails. Her clothes are like Misa's... Gothic/punk Lolita.

she also carries around a penguin doll named pengu and often talks to it.

Personality: Mixture between misa and L. You'd swear she was her illegetimate child (i wish) nah but shes a happy hyper girl, but at the same time when shes serious shes kinda like L. she has wierd habits (being a wammy kid thats not a suprise) and relies HEAVLY on instict if not soley. She does things and says things without thinking (which may or may not get her into trouble). Shes pretty smart but like i said, she can seem kinda ditzy too.

wammy kid obsesssion: (since all wammykids seeme to be obssessed with something lol) pudding, preferabley choco pudding. shes seen constanly eating it, and cant seem to function without it, or well refuses to at least. Has been known to annoy Tristan with her constant in between snackings.

Alignment: Anti-kira

Occupation: Number 2 in line to succeed L

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