Kagomes Luver2789

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Revision as of 16:02, 5 December 2006 by Kagomes Luver2789 (Talk | contribs)

Kagomes_Luver2789 is a current member of the [adult swim] online message boards (aka [asmb]). He currently has 1 year and a half of membership and is a SwimIcon. He frequents the Action Discussion folder and is the current President of the Asuka Fan Club and the Trinity Blood Fan Club. He also tends to post randomly in Incoherent Babbling, and has a tendency to forget the differnence between a dumb decision and an even dumber decision.





Kagomes_Luver2789 joined the [asmb] on June 22, 2005. His whereabouts before this period are still to be discovered. Historical critics believe he may have originated in a remote desolate place in France that is all dark and spooky, and would never really appear on the Earth, yet miraculously did. There's also something about peanut butter and dirt in there, leading some to believe he may be Mexican. Like we said, we still don't know yet.

The Alias

Contrary to popular belief, his alias is not a reflection of his school girl-induced infatuation with Kagome. It is, in fact, a clever little anagram, which, when decoded, spells "gouver 9782 meskal." In drunk speaking, this means "get me 9782 more shots of booze." It's very clever and hard to catch. Heh heh...

What Else Is There To Know?


Are You Sure?



Godamnit, I said yes.

Jebus, alright...

Finally. Let's move on.

The Voice of Seduction


The name, "Voice of Seduction," was dubbed on KL by the now infamous Action Discussion poster, Heartless_Warrior. How the name came to be is still a mystery to many, although many believe that it has something to do with Heartless' obsessive infatuation with manly and suave voices. But, for all we know, he could of just had to make a choice between two names she made. We have neither the facts or the ability to care about whether either are true.

Further digging into KL's origins revealed a nickname, "Spanishgasm" (given by fellow AD skank RodIldKitsune) that might also have something to do with the development of the "Voice of Seduction. Whether this truly has a connection is completely unknown.

The Power

Yes, the name comes with a power as well. It's like a freaky twisted version of Spider-Man, except KL can pwn him easily. To quote a certain woman on his wild escapades:

"Gawd, Kagome's Larver is mah seckseh Voice of Seduction! He liek turns people on with his cute charm and his hawt voice. One time at band camp he totalleh seduced all teh girls (and some men) so, he liek went into hiding for three months to Europe. The power of schmoo brought him back and he was getting all of the girls with his seductivenessness."

That might help explain that silly French theory...

Love Life and Other Meaningless Stuff...

KL loves:

  • 1)Kagome Higurashi. The short skirt wearing anime bimbo in Inuyasha. He is in love with her skirt. Totally wants to smex it. Sadly he has to compete with Omni for her love...but we all know Kagome pwns Omni-Pede. OoOooOo And he is liek teh uber smex00rz with her cuz he made this TOTALLEH WEIRD fan club and st00f.
  • 2)Boxers. Boxers is Kagome's Larvers smexeh wifeh. They liek take over the world and have hawt Schmoo orgehs and st00f.
  • 3)Dirtgasms. Kagome is fond of these also (eventhough he liek denied it) but we all love him anyway.
  • 4)Da Bears. Yesh, he likez teh Bears cuz they pwn just like him
  • 5)YIM chats. Chats are f00n for him since Moon annd Heartless like creep him out and give him scareh nightmarez (but he secretly enjoys them also)

-This section was written by Heartless- -_-

The Jello-Fight: Kagomes_Luver2789 vs. MoonGoddess17

Around early 2006, late 2005, MoonGoddess17 had challenged the prestigious poster Kagomes_Luver2789 to Jello Fight, to determine who of the Giants of AD is really the best in the ring. Moon started out strong, landing a couple of good hits (and some questionable ones as well), but "The Voice of Seduction" came back and went Superman on her, and she ended up forfeiting the match, due to an instilled fear of heights. This fight is known throughout YIM chats and AD as the greatest matchup in [adult swim] history (or any other kind of history, for that matter).

The Legend

Kagomes lover is teh Man Beetchez! Don't hate on his skillz and shyte! Numbah 1 Jello wrestler, yo! [Only because he's 6'7, pSsSH] And, he is known for his manly crushes and can be referred to as skankzilla or hippeh.

^----you can tell that Moon is not very happy about losing to him.

The Mexicools - "The baddest Mexicans on the boards"

Formation of The Mexicools

Although the date of origin had been lost to the sands of time (and our laziness), resources show that at one point KL met the mild-tempered Zeus_the_angry_god, and had come to a truce, after many years of bloody civil dispute and lawsuits. It was then that the almighty Zeus came upon the idea of using their Mexican badassery to work together instead of against each other, and thus, the Mexicools were born.

The Reign of Tyranny

Although not as impressive and spamful as the Fearsome Fivesome were, the Mexicools had indeed been (and still are) one of the top spamming duos of the [adult swim] Action Discussion folder. According to our surveys and extensive research, they are the second most feared duet of spammers in AD, closing in on the reckless duo of Shadowstaarr and Blah_canbespanish, who have not been spamming as of recent.

  • PS: It should be noted that there was a momentary Civil War between the two, in which both sides temporarily reverted to their former coldness, but, after all was said and done, the duo had reformed.


Word has it that the_great_orochi was being recruited to this group, but further information has not been revealed. The recruiting process is a hard and tedious job for the two, having to hand-pick the freshest and finest men (of Mexican blood) from the boards. Only the pinnacle of the AD spam community is allowed entrance into membership. So far, none have succeeded in matching the Mexicools' expectations.

Ongoing Success

Although not as young as they used to be a millenia ago, KL and Zeus are still going strong in the art of spamalot. Recently, however, there has been a drought of spam-worthy threads in AD, thus, the group has quietly gone into the background of AD spamtasticness. However, the legend that is the Mexicools will reign forever, and when the time comes, they WILL strike back against the empire of AD, and show once more just who are the kings of the boards.

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