
From Ars Magica

From Mnemosyne filia Hironius ex Guernicus to Bedo ex Bonisagus

Salve Sodale,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirit.
It is doubtful that you will have heard of me as I have in fact only passed my gauntlet fairly recently. Likewise, I am afraid that until very recently your name had not come to my attention. However, it was given to me by one of my contacts as someone who may be interested in the following proposal.
I hope to, with the help of other interested magi, to form a new covenant free from the restrictions and politics of older, more established covenants. It is my hope that with a collection of new blood and youthful vitality that great things can be accomplished by this new covenant. As such, it would be an honour as well an asset to have a Bonisagus magus in collaberation to help guide this new endevour.
I look forward to hearing your reply to my proposition,

Mnemosyne filia Hironius ex Guernicus.

Bedo's Reply
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