Eirlys Grimoire

From Ars Magica

Invented Spells

Cloak of White Feathers (MuCo 30, An) (transforms the caster into a snowy owl)
Curse of the Scotsman (MuCo 30, An) (turns the target into a sheep)
Preternatural Growth and Shrinking (MuCo 15) (changes size by -2/+1)
Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20) (makes target invisible)
Wizard's Icy Grip (PeIg 30) (freezes target; 20 damage, freezes solid)

Handy Sponts

Aura of the Charismatic Wizard (MuIm 5) (as ennobled presence, but personal only)
Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15) (target's facial features transformed)
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo 5, An) (allows the target to see in near darkness)
Mute the Prolix Prat (MuCo 15) (melts the target's lips together)
Preserve the Tome of Knowledge (PeAn 10, Tou/Moon/Ind) (protects a book, destroying bugs that touch it; moon dur.)
Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived (MuMe 4) (changes someone's memory into something similar)
Gills of the Fish (MuCo 10, An) (gives the target gills)
Tip of the Tongue (PeMe 5) (makes a target forget one word of your choosing)
Touch of One Thousand Fingers (PeCo 5) (target is pinched all over its body, which is more annoying than painful)
Transformation of the Thorny Staff (MuHe 10)
Winter's Icy Touch (PeIg 10) (chills someone, who loses a fatigue level)
The Wound That Weeps (PeCo 15) (inflicts light wound which bleeds profusely)
Britches of the Yeti (MuCo 5) (target's leg hair grows horribly thick and curly)

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