Diary of Magus Exampli Gratia

From Ars Magica

Diary of Magus Exampli Gratia, 1220 A.D.
Spring Scribing personal spell list to library (120 lvls)
This season I have mostly been preoccupied with the task of copying the contents of my grimoire into various tomes held in the covenant's communal library. My mastery of the quill is somewhat better than that of my sodales, so rather than a chore, I actually found it rather beneficial to pore through the details of so many spells. It has rather put me in the mood to conduct some spell research.
Summer Studying Vim Summa (6/21)
My sodales were most pleased with my contribution to the covenant library, and do not seem to suspect that I have kept 'certain' spells from them. I have decided that I should like to study ways to conceal my sigil when performing some of the more complicated formulaic incantations in my repertoire. I was not particularly surprised to find that my capability with Vim is not quite up to the task. I therefore chose to spend a pleasant summer with a summa, invariably sequestered in the sunniest and most comfortable parts of the covenant. A pleasant change from the events of last year...
Autumn Extracting three pawns of Vim Vis.
To study from a well-written tractatus can be a wonderful thing, when the author's mastery of latin matches that of their subject, and when they bring to bear some wonderfully light and playful humour as they relate their understanding, a long summer on the balconey with a book and fine wine can seem like no time at all. Already it is autumn, a somewhat melancholy time of year for me, as it is filled with the forms and colours of aging and dying things. Having improved my longevity ritual in recent years, it was not filled with quite so much fretting. The summa gave me enthusiasm for my studies, and I have chosen to continue for another season with Vim. I was somewhat surprised to find that my laboratory held three Corpus vis instead of three Vim vis, but I suspect it is my memory playing tricks with the advance of years. I therefore spent the season extracting Vim vis for research early next year.
Winter Studying Magic Theory with another Magus.
As has become my custom, I spent much of the winter in the warm study room next to the library. It has the twin benefits of a wonderful fireplace and proximity to the covenant kitchens, and thus not only am I warm, but also the food that is brought to me. My sodales are keen to join me, though Greg, ex Bjoerner, is still trying to carve his spells into one of the library's tomes, and so is scritching away in one corner. The Verditius maga is locked away in her tower, which continues to be the source of strange flashes of light. The erudite Ceara has condescended to teach me some of the finer points of magic theory, though thankfully the lofty ex Bonisagus is quite pleasant company once we've tried some of the covenant's stores of wine, which he aged with delicious efficacy.
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