
From Ars Magica



Saxton Map: Norburye

OS. Map

Norbury is in gentle farming land, between Linley 1.5 km west on the West Onny River and Wentnor 2km east, just over the East Onny River. To the North rise Norbury Hill and Linley Hill, 2km to the south stands Hardwick


A basalt axe hammer was found in Norbury, and a stone axe and bronze chisels in Asterton Moor to the East, indicating early settlement. A square earthwork on Linley Hill is thought to be a Roman signal station. The name derives from "north burh" - "Northern manor house - which would be Saxon. Variants are Norbiry (1236), Northbyry 1248), and Northbury (1610).


All Saints: Part of the tower is 13th or 14th Century, the rest of the church 19th century. The existance of a church here is recorded from thr 13th century. In 1521 it was dedicated to St. Ethelbert. The raised churchyard may well indicate the site of a Celtic church, or even an earlier burial ground. There is an ancient yew tree, with a girth of 33 feet, estimated to be 2700 years old, in a survey made in 2001.



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