List of characters in La Revolution

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Revision as of 22:04, 4 September 2007 by MasterSamson (Talk | contribs)

This is a list of characters in the fanfic La Révolution, with accompanying biographical information from the fanfic. Those listed are those who are in some way relevant to the primary plot. They are broken down by the origin of each of the characters.


Board Members

Name Board Counterpart Bio
Allen Black AlastourBlaque Keith's partner and one of his closer friends. A regular at Luna's cafe, he has a daily routine of buying certain baked goods. Allen Black is short with dark hair and brown skin, he has gray eyes and a scruffy chin. He is also fairly skinny when you take into account all the pastries he eats.
Amy amalgam The lovable, yet scary OTHER assistant of Matrix. She may have ADD. One of the diclonus created by LeVenture. She has a tendency to attack random people and bite the top of their heads.
Angel Sarcasta mgangel1124 Relatively new to the revolutionary group. her father was killed by Matrix who left her to go work for Ozzal and stole her father's blueprints and modified them to suit his perverted ideas. Got her revenge by cutting off Matrix's pecker. Had a brief censored sex scene with Heero's wife Riza. She is captured by Alan Gabriel and brought to Matrix so he could have his revenge, but she escaped after Matrix's feelings weren't returned in nothing but a lab coat. She was talked into seducing Yupat for informatin by Samson and Hikki.
April LirpaYamEnujYluj A master of disguises who does undercover field work for the Syndicate. He is also a transvestite, and very good at fooling people about his gender. Hikki calls him Avril, which tends to annoy him. He saves Cowboy during the raid on Gunsmoke Inc.
Augustus Currency (Mr. Mogi) Currency34 A Psychiatrist that lives in Actonia, is very talented and has worked well with his patients, but has weaknesses for attractive women. He is currently considering firing Falchi for other assistants with bigger boobs.
Band bandnerdswimfan A young priest Trunks encounters whilst escaping Vicious. He wishes to challenge Trunks' DDR score. A member of the Order of the Glass Cross, as evident by the fact he wears one. He also has inhuman speed.
Big Z Zenigundam The head troll.
Bruce Herman Bherman Everything about Bruce is big, his hands, neck, shoulders, head, pretty much everything. He is also very muscular and powerfully built, as he owns his own landscaping company. He is a common resident of Lower Actonia who is forceably involved in the riots after Yemman goes berserk.
Captain Edward T. Panda Pirate Panda a.k.a. mgangel1124 Apparently is a Panda...and a pirate. Was Captain of the Black Pearl before Yemman, and was sort of his mentor. Presumably died in a flash back. Named after Black Beard. Is said to have Bear like Powers.
Captain Yemman myname One of the original members of the Blacken Syndicate before they were sold out by one of its members. He was caught and tortured for information, and lost his mind in the process. Now he believes himself to be a pirate captain from the country of Yemen. Deceased as of chapter 13, then gets resurected in Chapter 18 as a Zombie... or something.
Cid cidthekittyisfun Member of the mysterious Order of Glass. Partner and twin to Proof. Witnesses Jean's transformation.
Clarice Rowe QueenoftheDorks Member of the revolutionary group (the branch of the syndicate headed by Hikki). Thinks Hikki is unfit to be a leader, but follows him anyway. Clarice might have feelings for Samson, but at the very least finds him cute. She joined the syndicate to help maybe make working conditions better for herself as she's been unable to find a job since Ozzal made economic conditions so poor. Currently living at Hikki's cafe after her house was repossessed.
Cowboy CowboyCadenza Another Syndicate member, who wears glasses and a cowboy hat and likes to sing everything he says (at least until Spice gets mad at him and makes him stop). He shows up at a Syndicate meeting with a chello that he swiped from Hagi, whom he finds pretty damn hot.
Creme Creme Another assassin of Ozzal. Dies in a raid to destroy Hikki's Syndicate group.
Elizabeth Saurie St. Gaurdsmen EdSpikeSesshyGirl Syndicate member, Seemingly a somewhat reckless, agressive woman. Likes things "fast and hard." She successfully fights off a massive strike team by herself, but is captured soon after by legato Bluesummers.
Emiri Boxers The bloodthirsty, yet oh so lovable assassin of Ozzal. She's crazeh. Especially when drunk... which is most of the time... Responsible for the murder of Heero. Aquires a somewhat disturbing fascination with Father Sadar after he wounds her during the joint Syndicate raid to free Landon and Raef.
Eric Ominae OMNI-Enforcer Childhood friend of Lucille. He owned a weapons store in Orly, which was the capital of Actonia and incidentally the only dominantly upper-class city in the whole country. He was also a naval officer who retired after several long years of dedicated and diligent service. He was none too happy to hear of Cille's murder, but is mostly concerned with getting revenge against Mike Vanderjagt for blowing the big playoff game and being responsible for the death of his father.
Falchi FalchBurns Young girl who likes to play DDR. May be related to Amy. Another Diclonus created by LeVenture. Mogi's secretary.
Father John Sadar FurionTassadar Syndicate member, Apparently good at planning. Walks with a limp. Has had a mixed past. May be more than he appears. Is a former thief. Has infiltrated Comdot Estate to discover Ozzal's intel on the Syndicate. Fights Jake Thompson and Emiri with Samson. May have a relationship with Priestess Nafah. May be a member of the mysterious Order of the Glass Cross. This may also be the most bullet-detailed profile ever!
Furion FurionTassadar Pecularly, the other members of the Order of Glass refer to Father Sadar as "Furion".
The Inquisitor Ghostrek WINBACK's side kick, Though he's actually much wiser than he lets on. His constant barrage of questions seems to make WINBACK angry from time to time.
Goose Maverick Top_Gun Matrix's newest creation... His parents are fans of the Top Gun movie, hence the name. He's been genetically altered to be the ultimate spy. He likes everything for some reason with the exception of random yaoi pairings. He also has a tentacrotch, thanks to Professor Matrix.
Grant Orochi the_great_orochi An extremely indifferent boy who likes to play DDR. He's friends with Falchi. Very plain and generic looking in appearance. He also participates in the riots.
Harold P. Gottel lgott23 Another resistance member, who is still bitter about having his *** mutilated by Ozzal's guards during a riot a couple years ago. Was captured by Kay El and Zeus, and is to be worked on and improved as a Potential ASSBORG!
Hedwig Shins? Part of the Order of Glass. Spends most of his free time planning ways to stab and kill Proof, his mortal enemy and best friend.
Heero Yuy HeeroYuy135 A freelance sniper who is a hero in his native country of Babblstan after defeating Ozzal in the Great War. Married to Riza Hawkeye, a former Actonia military sniper; both met after Heero found Riza unconscious with amnesia during the war. Both hired by Hikki's Syndicate group (by Hikki personally) to be a scouting team, eventually joining them. Heero carries around a scoped Karabiner 98 (Kar98k for short) in a case that both of them use, and both of them carry twin Colt M1911 pistols. Is fatally eviscerated by Emiri in Ch. 10; his guts and limbs are used to spell out Emiri's catchphrase: "Who the hell do you think I am?" His wife commits suicide after his death and a brief censored sex scene with Angel.
Hikki Follet Kohikki Pastry Chef and owner of Cafe de Lune after Luna's departure. Leader of the revolution planning group. Is very French and apparently likes to flirt with people he finds attractive no matter the situation. Tends to make reckless decisions when it comes to overseeing operations. Hikki has a strange attachment to Samson, much to Samson's grief. Hikki was infatuated with Van Argeno prior to his death and now feels even more strongly about taking down Ozzal as her guards were the ones who killed him.
Hill fool_on_the_hill Owner of a weapons store and friend of Trunks.
Istari Erangua IstariErangua One of Istari's best attributes is her own self confidence and downplayed beauty, never flaunting or dressing in revealing clothing. However her looks and smart scholarly appearance are deceiving, you would never think that she bought her art store through her funds made by being the former lightweight champion of the world in vale tudo.
Jake Thompson SportsMaster Famous baseball player turned homicidal killer. He attempted to assassinate the President of Comedia, but ended up killing off his entire team instead when they tried to stop him. He uses both a sword and a bat as his main weapons. He fights Sadar and Samson after they infiltrate Comdot Estate. In Chapter 14 Jake's past is shown, and it is revealed that he is being kept against his will, and that his homiciadal tendencies are a result of a secret serum, and an eye-shaped needle port in his back. The Penguin had plans to save him, but ended up double-crossing the syndicate instead. In a fight with Priestess Nafah however, Jake overcomes the serum that controls him, and refuses to kill her. Jake is now staying at Hikki's cafe.
Jacob the Liar jakobtheliar Member of the mysterious Order of Glass. Apparently rides a motorcycle.
Jean Pierrot pierrot-le-fou Jean is a fairly even tempered person, yet he has a chaotic and slightly insane minds view of the world and how he reacts to it. It seems that the one thing he really cares about are the people that have accepted him as his friends. During the riots, Samson notices that Jean is just like Emiri, in that he cares very little about human life. After absorbing the destructive blast from a powerful bomb, he is revealed to be a Proxy, and strangely enough the agent of creation.
Justin Gudamen JusticeGundam A dude who did some stuff once. I think he hangs out with The Penguin.
Kay El Kagomes_Luver2789 Intimidatingly tall and merciless, Kay El is the #2 in the Echelon organization, said to be the strongest physically without the need of the B-Stimulant. While Zeus is the brains of the duo, Kay El brings the muscle to their plans. Not much is known about his background, except for the fact that he gets angsty around guns. Very angsty.
Kaia namek_kaia Member of the mysterious Order of Glass. Oringally from Toonamia and is a master of chi, which gives her supernaturally good jumping skills.
Keith Douglas k_dawg_3484 A detective working for the National Police. Is currently investigating the confrontation between Emiri and the Syndicate, which has ballooned into a more massive plot to incite riots and revolution against the government. He's extremely good at his work. An extremely intelligent, often prying ladies man. However he is currently under investigation by Actiona Internal Affairs.
Kirara Amour kiraralove Syndicate member who has a fondness for the word Freeman (likely a reference to Crispin Freeman, the American voice actor). Also, a double-agent from the mysterious Order of Glass who specializes in spy operations.
Landon Blaken Blah_canbespanish Soldier and former fiance of Lucille whose family was killed by the military while protesting unfair laws. Left Orly a year ago after vowing to kill Ozzal and liberate the country. Nobody seems to know where he is, although he still seems to be influencing the goings-on of his organization. Reappears after Cille's "death" to take control of the Syndicate again. Has been working with future!Cille, who convinced him to allow his fiancee to be killed in order to ensure the success of the Syndicate against Ozzal. He seems to have become much more hardened and ruthless, and after learning of Cille's escape he propagates the story of her murder as a means of furthering his plans for the Syndicate.
Larry Zorin LAZY17 The unlucky assistant of Professor Matrix. He was the top student in Action U. He was abducted soon after graduating. He really hates his life with Matrix and Amy.
Lucille "Cille" Compton Cille Cille had a privileged upbringing as the only child of a prominent family in Orly. Her parents were killed in a car accident nearly two years before the current events, at which point her adoptive brother Raef legally became her son. She has a good reputation among the people of Orly, although there are some who resent her for her status and see her as an elitist. She has few really close friends, among them Eric Ominae and Luna Monegossde. She met and became engaged to Landon Blaken in a whirlwind romance that lasted until his abrupt departure a year ago, and while she has done her best to get over him she still longs to see him again and try to get some closure.

Cille has always been reluctant to get involved in the rebellion, but after Raef's kidnapping she sets about trying to find him and learn more about Landon's Blacken Syndicate. However, it is not until she is directly targeted by the Syndicate's enemies - and loses her home and her job in the process - that she resolves to devote herself to opposing Ozzal's tyrannical regime. Fortunately, she is taken under the wing of the protective Straight Cougar, a friend of Landon's and an ally of the Syndicate. Unfortunately, she is captured by Ryuho during the mass arrests of Syndicate members and sympathizers. While imprisoned she is brutally murdered by Spice, who is under the control of Matrix's latest mind-control drug. Upon learning of her death, a grief-stricken Cougar uses his incredible speed to literally turn back the world, allowing him to come to her rescue and take her to safety. The experience brings the two of them closer together, although they both have reasons to be reluctant to admit that they could be falling in love.

It is subsequently revealed that a future version of Cille has come back and has been working with Landon to try to prevent the disastrous outcome of the war in her time. They allowed the present Cille to be captured by Ozzal in the hopes that she would be killed, believing this to be one of the keys to their success. Future!Cille accompanies Landon when he reassumes control of the Blacken Syndicate to advise the revolutionaries. It is FURTHER subsequently revealed that future!Cille is neither from the future nor Cille, but rather a shapeshifting Amshel, and he and Landon just made up all that future stuff because they could.

Luna Monegossde MoonGoddess17 Owner of Cafe de Lune. Immigrated from Comedia, close friends with Lucille. Has left town as of Chapter 21, leaving Hikki as the cafe's new owner.
Major Tom Taredan Metatronda Chief of Security at Comdot Estate. An honest man who does his duty in spite of the corruption around him. Has been set up by Goda and Dewey as the official military "face" of Ozzal's campaign to turn the masses against the Syndicate.
The Penguin PenguinBoss Mob boss. Offers his help to the Syndicate and then double-crosses them. Dies of the Oregon Trail disease.
Priestess Leah Nafah inuyashafan213 The head Priestess of the St. Maria's Cathedral. Has divine powers. Offers protection and forgiveness to Jake Thompson, leading him to free himself from Ozzal's clutches.
Professor M. Matrix matrixman124 Left Angel to work for Ozzal, killed her father and stole his blueprints to suit his perverted ideas. Is the top scientist of Ozzal. Took part in the creation of the trolls. Has two lab assistants. May be criminally insane. He WAS a eunuch as of chapter 8. In chapter 10, he "reconstructed" his ding dong. It is now a laser shooting cyber-dick.
Proof NoProof Member of the mysterious Order of Glass. Partner and twin to Cid. Is always being attacked by Hedwig.
The Proprietress of Ghost's Book Shop Ghost_of_a_Librarian An older woman who owns and runs a book shop in a rather run-down section of Orly. She is a very kind woman and very fond of her books. She is sympathetic to the Syndicate, and often allows them to use her shop for their covert purposes.
Raef Compton Maenos The son of family friends of the Comptons, who was adopted into their family when his doctor parents were killed in the war in Babblstan. Was later adopted by Lucille after her parents were killed, in order to circumvent a government ordinance forcing orphaned young men into military school. Was very attached to Landon, and became quite depressed after Landon's disappearance. Unbeknownst to Cille, he followed after Landon and became involved in the Syndicate. Has been kidnapped and since been rescued. Is smitten with a girl in Comdot. Raef has always been very mature and disciplined, and has interests in history and engineering.
Real Coolman Real_AirCooledMan Syndicate member. Likes German, yuri, and grumbling about other people's spelling. Is killed during the mass Syndicate arrests.
Roxanne "Roxie" Godderson anime_goddess05 A friend of the Syndicate who worked in the coroner's office until being chased out. Known at one point as Anne, name changed because of pressure from the government (see explanation in chapter 25). Revealed as a member of the Order of the Glass in chapter 25, and is apparently immortal because of an incident involving her chevalier (and husband) Solomon.
Samson Monroe MasterSamson Hikki's assistant. He's a lot more level-headed then his superior and often is irritated by the unsurmisable logic (and constant sexual advances) of his crazy boss. Was captured when infiltrating Comdot Estate with Sadar and was allowed to live by Emiri, even though his escape still left part of his arm ripped off. Samson's reason for joining the Syndicate was to help create a world in which his sister could be happy. In the past he nearly burnt his house down in a cooking accident. Ever since then his sister has taken the duties of cooking. Is currently living at Hikki's cafe with his sister.
Da Sombras Shadowstaarr A Bounty hunter from The Outlaws Tribe of Toonami. He often associates with Ozzal as she is able to pay him well.
Shipon Kaaba PokeNirvash Comedia Governor Kimmel's head assassin. Has pink hair that goes to chest, wields a Rickenbacker Bass Guitar, and likes to slap Kimmel. Wears a maid outfit and sleeps in Cryogenic Chamber 40. Attacked Eric Ominae and got killed by him. Loves the band the Pillows.
Spice E. Spamton spiceweasel228 She was named after the Spam factory she inherited from her parents. Member of the revolutionary group. Wants to get back at Ozzal for closing down her spam factory. Sees Cille as an elitist and is not happy to see her join the Syndicate. Becomes a new weapon for Ozzal, who uses her to kill Cille; when Cougar turns back time to rescue Cille, they defeat Spice, leaving her wounded but alive. Ozzal allows Matrix to give Spice another mission, this time to track down and apprehend Jake Thompson. She comes to find him at the Cafe de Lune, where she is knocked out with a frying pan by Clarice.
Surool surool One of Bruce's buddies. Good at grilling.
Trunks Trunks378 Bartender and owner of Trunks' Pub and Dance Dance Revolution Hut. Holds the title of DDR master. However the Pub was burned by Ozzal's Echelon duo. Likes to argue about movies with his friend Hill.
WINBACK WINBACK A hero with no alias because he can.
Wyatt Matthews Wyotech_material Syndicate member. Says he left the Syndicate but returned due to the situation at hand. In reality, he's now a mole for the police. He reports to Detective Keith Douglas. Is killed by Captain Yemman, whom he once betrayed.
Yupat yupat Reporter for the Orly Review. Occasionally exchanges information with Keith Douglas.
Zeus Shuya_Nanahara Goda's adopted son, Zeus is the #1 of the Echelon organization. A user of the C-Stimulant, a beta which has made him age faster than a normal human; because of his constant usage, he has prematurely reached the age of 17 years old. The reason as to why he is #1 of the organization is as of yet unknown in the plot.


Name Counterpart Bio
Manny Kimmel Kim Manning Head Governor of Comedia. Is always angered by random stuff, thinks stainless steel is too dull, and loves HBO.
Michelle Ozzal Mike Lazzo Tyrannical Head Governor of Actonia. Hates rain. Rose to her position after several years of working her way up through the military. Has plans to cede Actonia to Comedia and then take the whole place over.
Moe LeVenture SwimModLuuv Comedia professor. Is rivals with Dr. Weird.
Trent Torrence SwimTorrent War general. Is always confused.
Crofina Keithford Keith Crofford Former governor of Comedia.
General Bernice Zoltron SwimMod_Beezo General heading Ozzal's campaign against Rantonia.
Dino SwimOdin An informant hiding in among Ozzal's security team.
R. Parsons Richard D. Parsons, Chairman/CEO of Time Warner Inc. Former PM of Actonia. Was otherthrown by Ozzal.

From [as] anime

Name Series of Origin Bio
Alan Gabriel Big O Captures somebody during the Syndicate arrests.
Batou Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex One of Kimmel's henchmen.
Chuck Norris Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos Was PWN'd by Yemman in a flashback.
Dars s-CRY-ed Estate henchmen.
Dorothy Big O Maid at Comdot Estate.
Goda Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd Gig Scarred man who works for Ozzal and does a lot of the thinking for her.
Hagi Blood+ Attractive man whose chello is stolen by Cowboy.
Kazuma s-CRY-ed Appears to have a rivalry with Ryuho. Teams up with zombie robot Yemman.
Kira Izuru Bleach Emiri's attendant dude. He's sort of like a babysitter. He also seems to have some healing powers. Feels a great deal of affection for Emiri and agrees to go with her when she leaves Comdot.
Detective Motoko Kusanagi Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Detective working in the same department as Keith.
Ishida Bleach Member of the Order of Glass.
Jean Havoc Fullmetal Alchemist Mustang's partner.
Legato Bluesummers Trigun Uses his mind control powers to capture Elizabeth during the mass Syndicate arrests.
Nanao Ise Bleach One of the guests at Bruce's house party. Gets booze spilled on her book by Shunsui while reading in the jacuzzi.
Norman Burg Big O Member of the Syndicate, guards their meeting place. Killed by gunfire during the raids on Syndicate hangouts.
Riza "Hawkeye" Yuy Fullmetal Alchemist Married to war hero Heero Yuy. Was engaged to Roy Mustang, who proposed to her during the war, but was taken in by Heero after being knocked out by a pipe bomb during the 2nd Battle of Hollangrad. Commits suicide after Heero's death and a brief censored sex scene with Angel.
Roger Smith Big O Agent of Internal Affairs sent by Lunge to montior Keith Douglas.
Roy Mustang Fullmetal Alchemist Commander of a unit in the Babblstan war and Riza's former fiance. Comes to Orly to find her after losing her to Heero.
Ryuho s-CRY-ed Ozzal's subordinate who arrests Cille and beats up Cougar. Appears to have a rivalry with Kazuma.
Saya Blood+ The schoolgirl accompanying Hagi.
Schwartzwald Big O Leader of Actiona's branch of the Order of the Glass.
Shunsui Kyouraku Bleach Guards Bruce's house while he goes to find his girlfriend, Sarah. He continues guarding the house from the jacuzzi, in a passed-out drunken stupor dreaming about how pretty Nanao looks in a bikini.
Straight Cougar s-CRY-ed A former member of the military's disbanded HOLY unit for Alter users, who still works independently within the military while pursuing his own aims - which include helping the Syndicate by providing intel and generally being awesome. He watches over Cille in the weeks following Raef's kidnapping, and leaves her notes that keep her from falling into the wrong hands and guide her to the Syndicate. He's obsessed with speed, bad with names, and definitely someone you want to have on your side. After Cille's murder, he is overcome with grief and regret at his inability to protect her, and uses his speed to turn back time to rescue her. He feels very drawn to Cille, but feels some dismay at the prospect of falling in love with his friend's fiancee.
Van Argeno Blood+ A regular patron at Cafe de Lune, he thought Hikki was pretty and was revealed to work for Ozzal. Is killed by Ozzal's guards after a highly satisfying tryst with Hikki.
Winry Rockbell Fullmetal Alchemist Assistant of Roxie the coroner. Handy with tools, especially wrenches.
Yurika Dojima Witch Hunter Robin Waitress who waits on Cille at Harry's.

From [as] comedy

Name Series of Origin Bio
Dr. Weird Aqua Teen Hunger Force The other Comedian professor. Shoots steam out of his nose and owns an invisible taco ray.
Dr. Girlfriend The Venture Bros. Head of the Comedia division of the Order of Glass.

From other anime

Name Series of Origin Bio
Duo Maxwell Gundam Wing A novice Intelligence Officer for the Preventer Agency and a close friend of Quatre. Follows his friend into the investigation of the deaths of Heero and Riza.
Gene Starwind Outlaw Star Leader of the Outlaws Tribe in Toonamia; he was witness to the assassination of Tom 2.0.
Kamina Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Friend of Keith's who ruins his chances of getting laid.
Inspector Lunge Monster Inspecting police corruption charges.
Quatre Raberba Winner Gundam Wing A novice Intelligence Officer for the Preventer Agency. Finds out that the deaths of Heero and Riza was actually a assassination attempt by the Actonia government.
Relena Darlian Peacecraft Gundam Wing Former Leader of The Winged Tribe in Toonamia who was witness to the TomTwo incident. Is currently the Prime Minister of Babblstan. Survived the Great War between Babblstan and Actonia.
Ryu of the Wildfire Ronin Warriors Leader of the Warriors Tribe in Toonamia; was a witness to the Tom 2.0 assassination.
Tom 2.0 Toonami host Chief of Toonamia; he is deceased believed to have been killed by Tuxedo Mask.
Tuxedo Mask Sailor Moon Leader of the Sailors Tribe in Toonamia; he is believed to have fleed after the Tom 2.0 incident.

Original Characters

Name Bio
Anne Monroe The younger sister of Samson, she's been responsible for taking over her mother's duties since she died. She cares a lot about her brother, and takes care of him, Despite being 7 years younger than him (she's 13). She is also and excellent cook. Currently being home-schooled in the cafe by Clarice.
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