People's Republic of China

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The 'People's Republic of China' is still one of the largest populations on the planet. Stretching all the way to the Russian border and encompassing the former Korea's as well as much of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, it is the largest terrestrial territory holder outside the UISA.

Despite it's aggression in the mid to late 20th Century, China advanced into the 21st century with a strange combination of Communism, Capitalism and Nationalism. Struggling to reach some form of equilibrium, this massive economic powerhouse went into massive depression during the first two decades of the 21st Century. They emerged from this around 2023 and built a service based economy which catered to all nations. This carried them through till nearly 2100 when they became a financial powerhouse within the banking industry, taking the torch from Switzerland.

Throughout it's history, the People's Republic has had a stormy relationship with the Kremlin and the USSR. Their last real falling out occurred during the emergence of Krasnikov technology as the wave of the future. The Russians refused the Chinese request for shared information, leading to the Chinese pursuing their failed Heaven's Gate Programme to discover an alternate FTL travel technology.

Chinese Space Program

  • 1956 - Twelve Year plan, 1968, Dong Feng (East Wind) missile, Soviet so-operation until 1960 and Sino-Soviet split.
  • 1970 - Dong Fang Hong (East is Red) unmanned satellite.
  • 1973 - Shuguang (???) manned space flight
  • 1980s and 90s, Shenzhou manned craft, Long March rockets.

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