United Interplanetary States of America

From Acw

The United Interplanetary States of America added the 'I' to its acronym in 2148 after the colonisation of New Iowa in the Griffin system.



As a direct result of the alterations to real world history during World War II, it should be noted that the US interstate highway system arrives later than in real world America due to US having less exposure to the German Autobarn. This in turn keeps the US states more provincial and stagnates trade. Whilst post War America still experiences a boom, the less than total victory in the war and the emergence of Russia as a rival makes for a more depressing society.

Another implication of the new ending for WW2 is that the US does not gain access to the technology of the German rocket program. Whilst the Americans still create a NASA in 1958, the program is much slower than the Germans and the increased competition make the rewards harder to reach. It is a German who lands on the moon first, and the Russians bypass the Moon altogether and shoot for mars. Government spending slowly declines over the decades focusing more on economic research programs until the time of Migration Crises when government spending on the space program - in the form of the Ark Ship - reaches an all time high (as a percentage of GDP).

  • 2053 Annexation of Mexico
  • In 2127 the USA sent an Ark Ship to New Iowa in the Griffin system.
  • In 2147 the USA sent the then-largest FTL ship, the USSS Essex, to colonise New Iowa.
  • In 2148 the USA renames itself the UISA in honour of the establishing their first colony world New Iowa.

America Today

American Political Organisations

The American Military

American Territories

American Persons of Note

Current American Characters

  • Secretary of Extrasolar Affairs Clinton
  • Wing Commander Powers
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