Other Rules

From 667 Dark Avenue

The following are other rules and courtest decrees. They are from this post.

Many of these rules are not strictly enforced, but will garner warnings from some mods if repeatedly broken.

The staff of 667 reserves the right to modify a member's signature if it violates already stated decrees, and if it exceeds 200 px (height) X 500 px (width), and the file size of the signature image exceeds 60KB. In regards to the text in one's signature the largest text size a member may use is size 3, and even then the increased text must be used sparingly otherwise please use the default (or smaller) size. It would be nice if members had text signatures limited to five lines or less but 667 will allow longer text signatures in the case of quoting, for example a well-known poet but please try to not exceed twelve lines.

Courtesy decrees:

No double posting

What is double posting? Posting more than once in immediate (less than 24 hours) succession. If one has something to add their post, and they are still the last person to post in a thread then one MUST use the modify button instead of double posting.

The only acceptions are 1) when one is posting an article, a fanfic, or a post that exceeds the character limit such cases allow double posting. 2) When the time that has elapsed exceeds 24 hours; however, it is polite to resurrect an old thread only if one has something significant to add (i.e. Do not bump an old topic to simply say "I agree" or "cool").

Please post threads in the correct section

A common sense courtesy rule-- please post threads in the correct section, and if one needs assistance then try treading the section descriptions.

Please do not stretch the page [width wise].

Please do not stretch the page [width wise] with huge text, nonsensical, space-less typing, repeated words, letters or phrases or large images.


Note: Any member who deletes his or her account and later returns with a new username will not have the posts of the old account replaced. If posts matter so much to you, you should have thought twice before deleting your account. (However, this rule is often disregarded with long-time members, or those whose accounts seemed to have been deleted accidentally.)


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