Other Rules & Courtesy Decrees

From 667darkavenue

These are the 667 Dark Avevnue Administrative Decrees. They are the official rules of the 667 Dark Avenue Forum. All members must abide to them, at least in theory-- in practice, some of the decrees are hard to enforce or disregarded in cases involving popular members.


A moderator has the right to delete a post if it is under two words long. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #1.

Any member who displays unwarranted rudeness, rule breaking, ignorance of warnings, racism, sexism, profanity, or disables a group of people from enjoying 667 will be given strikes and/or banned. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #2.

Any strikes or warnings given by a moderator will be recorded in the Hall of Records. Additionally, those who receive warnings and strikes must be sent PM notification by the moderator who gave the strike or warning. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #3.

Any member who registers with a profane, sexually-suggestive, or rude username will be asked to change their name. Failure to do so will in an IP ban. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #4.

If any moderator or global moderator fails to perform duties for 10 days or more without a prevoiusly specified reason, he or she will be removed from the moderator's list. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #5.

The requirements for being a moderator are that (a) you must have at least 1000 posts, and (b) you do not have your own message board. Note that rule (a) may be disregarded in very special cases. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #6.

It is prohibited to harass a member with unjustified PMs or rudeness. Do not continue to PM members if they tell you to stop. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #7.

A member is allowed to have multiple accounts, though we discourage it. They are even allowed to have multiple personalities, although we discourage it. However, it is against the rules to act stupid and clutter up the forum under your other account just for fun. If you use alternate accounts to harm the forum in anyway, you will be IP banned and all your accounts will be deleted. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #8.

You may only advertise a website that belongs to you if you have over 100 posts. Also, you may only advertise a site that belongs to a member with over 100 posts. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #9.

All websites that have ANYTHING to do with Lemony Snicket must go in Wistful Web, and nowhere else. If it's non-ASOUE or a Lemony Snicket forum, it goes in Misc. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #10.

You may only make ONE topic/post advertising a website or forum. This is in accordance with 667 Dark Avenue Administrative Decree #11.

Breaking any of these rules once results in a warning. After that, you receive strikes. Three strikes and you're banned. Usually, you'll be booted out, no questions asked.


A number of new rules were added by All Due Respect during her time as administrator. Tragedy has yet to remove them despite widespread disapproval.

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