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TheDenzel's Interview Show/Original Vindicator

From Wuw Archive

TheDenzel's Interview with Vindicator

THEDENZEL: {Singing} This is the ultimate interview, of ultimate destiny. TheDenzel and whoever he's interviewing, as far as the eye can see. And only one will survive- {stops singing} what? Nevermind. Today's interview is with Vindicator. Glad to have you here, Vindicator.

{Vindicator falls from the ceiling.}

VINDI: I still need to work on these portal thingies. Hey TheDenzel Washington. Call me Vindi! {gets an :D face}

THEDENZEL: Vindi? What happened to ApocalypX?

VINDI: Killed him. I mean, changed names. And identities. AND credit card PINS. MUAHAHA- ahem. {smiles.}

THEDENZEL: But why Vindicator? What was so wrong with ApocalypX?

VINDI: I had it for 2 years. It wore out with its "Apoc" and that gag DarknessLord make. And the "X".

THEDENZEL: But why Vindicator?

VINDI: If you're thinking World of Warcraft, you was right. I saw it when someone else was playing and from then, I use Vindicator.

THEDENZEL: Wait, is Vindicator a character in WoW?

VINDI: You could say that. More like part of a name.

{Vindicator coughs.}

VINDI: Sorry, I have a cold.

THEDENZEL: Here, have a tissue. {hands him a tissue} Now, could you please explain this further?

VINDI: Not really. I don't play.

THEDENZEL: Oooooookay. Anway, what kinda stuff do you like to do on the Wiki?

VINDI: {sighs} Not a day goes by I ask myself that.

THEDENZEL: What? Do you do... anything on the wiki?

VINDI: Nothing worth mentioning. I'm a person who starts something but never finishes it... Take Endgame ApocalypX and The Zompocalypse for example.

THEDENZEL: Okay. Well, what kinda stuff do you do outside the wiki?

VINDI: Well, about a month ago I'd play games with my friends. It's until recently that a bug arose... no further comment on that.

THEDENZEL: You seem kind of secretive. Any comment on that?

VINDI: Personalities.

THEDENZEL: What do you mean by personalities?

VINDI: Well you are energetic and a get-go guy, I'm secretive and partially anti-social.

THEDENZEL: So you're... emo?

{Something apparently goes off as Vindicator sits immediately upright after this comment.}

VINDI: {trying to hold something back} I'll... pretend... you... never... said... that...

THEDENZEL: {scared} Okay. Moving on. So, what else do you do?

VINDI: Make vids, watch vids, play games, talk to people, write fanfics. Like Wiki's End which you have applied to star in.

THEDENZEL: Woops, sorry. Anyway, what kind of videos do you make?

VINDI: Gameplay videos... I'm thinking of quitting the internet in it's entire-ity. I just started a new fan fiction for some odd reason.

THEDENZEL: Are you seriously thinking about leaving?

VINDI: Possibly.


VINDI: The internet can only give out so much... and to me, it's almost given out all it can for me.

{Vindicator sighs.}

VINDI: Or maybe, I'll find something else. Coffee? {pulls out a coffee mug}

THEDENZEL: But, why not give to the internet. Like, make some new fanstuff and stick with it or, make a new game.

VINDI: Err... what?

THEDENZEL: You know, make something new and stick with it!

VINDI: Oh... right. Well let's turn this around. {Vindicator is dressed in a suit.} So TheDenzel, ever thought of interviewing two people at once?

THEDENZEL: Well maybe, I guess it would make the process go by faster but- Hey! Wait a second! This is my interview show! Anyway, we're almost outta time. Would you like to give any closing comments?

VINDI: Don't do smoking kids. Don't do it. Unless you wanna look cool! {theme song plays, then disappears in smoke}

{FBI Agents swarm in.}

FBI AGENT: Sorry, you've used up all your time. Coming up next: Wiki War II: Simulation, or Future Crisis?

THEDENZEL: Ooooooookay then. Well, it looks as if my show's been taken over by the FBI now. Oh well, I'll get that sorted out later! Well, thanks for a great interview Vindi- oh. It looks like you dissapeared on me. Well, that's it. Goodnight.


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