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TheDenzel's Interview Show/Original Markie&Burnbox

From Wuw Archive

TheDenzel's Interview With Markie&Burnbox

THEDENZEL: This is TheDenzel and your watching, TheDenzel's Interview Show. Today we'll be interviewing Markie&BurnBox. Welcome to the show, Markie&BurnBox.

MARKIE: {shakes Denzel's hand} Markie...

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: {shakes Denzel's other hand with some claw} ...and BurnBox.

THEDENZEL: Whoa! What? I'm interviewing two users at once?

MARKIE: Using the same computer, if that counts.

THEDENZEL: Wait, in real life are there two of you?

MARKIE: ...this is real life. And yes, there are one of me. So basically there's just one person.

BURNBOX: Uh, Markie-


THEDENZEL: But, why two people?

MARKIE: Well, BurninatorBoombox was a nickname I used to join the original HRWiki back in 2004. Then I made the scrap guy after this nickname and joined the more convenient Fanstuff Wiki for some cookies and punch.

THEDENZEL: What's up with the name? BurninatorBoombox?

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Trogdor. Ghetto Blastro. Combine the two to get a free coupon to heck.

THEDENZEL: Doesn't it get annoying having to write as two people?

MARKIE: Writing as two people comes naturally in my opinion. You see that every day in fanfiction, so why should my - uh, our - me and him - persona - be different?

THEDENZEL: What about Markie? Where'd that name come from?

MARKIE: My real name's Mark, last name seen somewhere else. They called me Markie when I was growing up, and the name stuck.

THEDENZEL: Have you ever thought about cutting out Burnbox? And just being Markie?

MARKIE: I've cut out BurnBox many times. And I'm just Markie now.

BURNBOX: Nowadays I undergo solo projects that have no affiliation with Markie whatsoever. We do however, collaborate once in a while, but that's just that. We still share the same treehouse, the same toothbrush, the same sanity, etcetera.

MARKIE: BurninatorBoombox is really detachable. He's kind of forgettable, too.

THEDENZEL: Oh, okay. Moving on. Which of your fanstuffs is your favorite?

MARKIE: Personally, I liked my Markie & BurninatorBoombox Emails...before I realized what a crappy job I was doing.

THEDENZEL: Why do you think they're crappy?

MARKIE: I'm gonna be honest with you here - my emails started to take on the quality of most OCE, WUE, and FCE emails I read today. And I hate to say it, but some of them are...lacking. Not utter crap, but lacking in awesome.

THEDENZEL: It won FotW! How could it be lacking awesome?

MARKIE: Now that I think about it, I really screwed up the last few emails.

THEDENZEL: Anything we can expect to see in later emails?

MARKIE: Lots and lots of Homsar, I guess. If I manage to finish it, which I won't.


MARKIE: I already answered that. It began to...lack.

THEDENZEL: I don't mean to be rude, but it seems that you can't really keep up with fanstuff for very long. I mean, you have lots of stuff in your Hiatus and Dead sections. Why is that?

MARKIE: I want to do a variety of things. I never finish them, and I never found something I actually liked doing to actually qualify as my first or second real fanstuff.

THEDENZEL: Any chance of that ever changing?

MARKIE: Maybe. We'll see.

THEDENZEL: Okay then. You seem to be a pretty well known user. How long have you been on this fair wiki?

MARKIE: About a few days after its creation, at least for the Fanstuff Wiki. The early HRWiki I joined in 2004 to find strategy stuffs on Thy Dungeonman. I thought to myself, "Hmmm, this is such an underrated website," and before you know it, ANOTHER UNDERRATED WEBSITE becomes LESS UNDERRATED and MORE OVERRATED. It's kind of a curse, actually. Just look what it did when I stumbled upon Neopets.

THEDENZEL: Neopets! Ew! {gags} Why do you like Neopets?

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: He didn't imply that he endorses or condones the use of Neopets in any way, shape, form, or pancake. He quit that a few years back.

THEDENZEL: Wow! I'd forgotten you were here Burnbox! Say, Burnbox, how does it feel to be kind of a worthless sidekick to Markie here?

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: I'm not really a sidekick. I'm more of a sideswipe. The more legal term would be "bunkmate". We do our equal share of the work around our treehouseamabob.

MARKIE: For me, it's always washing the dishes, cleaning the jet plane, managing the laptop, tidying the room, and anything else aesthetic wise. BurnBox handles all the technical lawsuits and other legal matters brought upon us, because he's smart and not gangster-like.\

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: We treat each other as if we were human individuals living under human circumstances. We're pretty much friends, except for when Markie drank fifteen cans of soda a few months back and forced me to shave the treehouse with a butter knife just before he lapsed into a coma.

MARKIE: I wasn't there when that happened! And I never told you to shave treehouses! Hair does not grow on trees, for Pete's sake! Especially creatures wearing hair!

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Well, yeah, that's what happens when I monitor your blood sugar levels and allow your intake of sugar-hyper. Maybe you should lay off the gummi snacks.

MARKIE: We had gummi snacks?

THEDENZEL: Guys! Well, we're almost outta time, anything you'd like to say to our viewers?

MARKIE: Uh, yeah. {clears throat} Fellow wikians! Please to be reading and criticizing the upcoming feature film The Homestar Runner and the Quest for the Epic Satyr! It was made on-site for thirty-five weeks with our crew of twenty and three, and it's not so magnificent! Again, please to be reading!

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: And...that's it, I guess. Thank you, Denzel Washington for having us on your Snakes on a Plane festival. {shakes hand with claw}

THEDENZEL: Um. Mr. Washington's not here. I'm TheDenzel. I'm not Denzel Washington, or Jay Leno (as Strong Devon's called me). Oh well. Please having both of you here {shakes Markie's hand since he already shoow Burnbox's} {to audience} And thanks for watching. Good bye!


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