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TheDenzel's Interview Show/Original Homsardude1

From Wuw Archive

TheDenzel's Interview With Homsardude1

THEDENZEL: Welcome to all! This is TheDenzel with TheDenzel's Interview Show. Today's interview is targeted right at Homsardude1. Locked on! Welcome to the show!

HOMSARDUDE: What's crackin', homie?

THEDENZEL: Umm. Eggs? Anyway, on your userpage, you claim to quote: "HATE JOSHUA" and "WORSHIP EKUL". Why is that?

HOMSARDUDE: Because of the Award Icon Eyesore.

THEDENZEL: But, you do realize that Ekul voted against the icons as well?

HOMSARDUDE: No, um, anyway next question.

THEDENZEL: You seem to be playing a lot of interactive games. Why do you like them so much?

HOMSARDUDE: One word, video games. Oh CRAP, THAT WAS TWO!

THEDENZEL: Which one do you like the best?

HOMSARDUDE: Without a doubt, CC: O.

THEDENZEL: How come?

HOMSARDUDE: I just like Cheat Commandos that much. Plus, I got my first Youtube video on.

THEDENZEL: What video?

HOMSARDUDE: Here's the video

THEDENZEL: Cool. What show is that from?

HOMSARDUDE: Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo.

THEDENZEL: How come I've never heard of it?

HOMSARDUDE: Probably because you don't watch Naruto.

THEDENZEL: Right. Makes sense to me! So, I take it that your a fan of Bobobo-bo Bobobo-bo?

HOMSARDUDE: I'm obsessed withit. I'm even a member on multiple fansites, my favorite

THEDENZEL: Wait, is Bobowhatever a spinoff of Naruto?


THEDENZEL: But... you said that I've never heard of Bobo The Clown "probably because I don't watch Naruto." If it's not a spinoff, then how come I would've never heard of it?

HOMSARDUDE: They air them on the same channel. Besideds, Naruto is action, and Bobobo is comedy. I even got some episodeds. {Takes out a chainsaw, and lights it on fire. He goes to destroy Naruto. He then comes back.} Okay, next question.

THEDENZEL: I just wanna ask you a random question real quick. Which is better? This wiki? Or this wiki's forum?


THEDENZEL: Good answer. Now, what about your "to be deleted" sprite comic, Stinko Up? Why is to "to be deleted?"

HOMSARDUDE: Mostly because I have NO time to make new comics, and it's a bit unoriginal.

THEDENZEL: Why? What's taking up your time?

HOMSARDUDE: School, Yu-Gi-Oh, Bo-bobo, that sort of stuff.

THEDENZEL: What's your favorite thing to do at school?


THEDENZEL: Well duh. What's your favorite (other than recess) subject at school?

HOMSARDUDE: Okay, I don't want to get that personal.

THEDENZEL: Ew. Okay moving on. Ehem. I hate to be rude, but... do you have any working fanstuffs? I can't find any on your user page...

HOMSARDUDE: Thanks for reminding me to begin Kolkaryu Emails SEason 2!

THEDENZEL: Oh! I forgot about those. How's that been going?

HOMSARDUDE: I've been a bit preoccupied with doing Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo stuff.

THEDENZEL: If you could see anything happen to the email show, what would it be?

HOMSARDUDE: Hmm, that's a tough one. I'd say they'd make Bobobo cameo.

THEDENZEL: Sheesh! You're really into Bobobo! What's this "Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo stuff" you mentioned earlier?

HOMSARDUDE: A comedy anime, kinda' like Bonus /stage.

THEDENZEL: Oh. Okay then. Well, we're almost outta time here. Anything you'd like to say before we cut to commercial?

HOMSARDUDE: Watch Naruto The Abridged Series, OR ELSE!

THEDENZEL: Okay then. {to audience} Please remember that TheDenzel's Interview Show is not responsible for any viewers else'd by not watching Naruto The Abridged Series. Thank you. {back to Homsardude} Well, thanks for bein' on the show Homsardude. {shakes his hand} You were a very fun interview. {back to audience} And thank you for watching TheDenzel's Interview Show. Thanks for stoppin' by! See ya!


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