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TheDenzel's Interview Show/Original Freezestar

From Wuw Archive

TheDenzel's Interview with Freezestar

THEDENZEL: {singing} Welcome everybody to the only show, that interviews all users and characters you know! Now let's get on with this interview before it snows! This is TheDenzel's Interview Show! {stops singing} Ew. That's not a very good theme song. Anyway, welcome to TheDenzel's Interview Show. Today's interview is with Freezestar. How's it going, Freezestar?

FREEZESTAR: Just had some reletives visit me last weekend. But other that that, fine.

THEDENZEL: Oooookay then. Let's start with your username. I think we all know where the "star" comes from, but what about the "freeze?"

FREEZESTAR: The freeze part is because I wanted to be called redstar, but since redstar was already taken I thought of the opisite of red, blue. But I didn't want to be called bluestar so I named myself freezestar.

THEDENZEL: Cool. Okay, let's talk about your userpage. What's up with all those gifs at the top? What're they from?

FREEZESTAR: They are from maplestory.

THEDENZEL: What's that?

FREEZESTAR: A online game.

THEDENZEL: What's it about?

FREEZESTAR I don't remember.

THEDENZEL: How can you not remember?

FREEZESTAR: I just do.

THEDENZEL: Alllllrighty then. Who's your favorite Homestar Runner character?

FREEZESTAR: I would have to say The Cheat.

THEDENZEL: Why does everyone love The Cheat so much?

FREEZESTAR That is a good question. I don't know.

THEDENZEL: Why do you like The Cheat then?

FREEZESTAR: Once again, I don't remember.

THEDENZEL: What, do you have short term memory or something?

FREEZESTAR: It is either that, or I get destracted really easily when I'm playing video games or watching something on TV that I like.

THEDENZEL: What's your favorite video game?

FREEZESTAR: I can't decide. I have a lot of video games.

THEDENZEL: What's your favorite type of video games? Like racing, fighting, platform, etc?


THEDENZEL: Why fighting? Please don't say I don't know.

FREEZESTAR: I like the special moves.

THEDENZEL: What are some of your favorite fighting games?

FREEZESTAR: Super Smash Bros and Street Fighter.

THEDENZEL: Who do you play as in Super Smash Bros?

FREEZESTAR: In Melee Bowser, in the original DK.

THEDENZEL: Oh, okay. What are some of your favorite things to do outside the wiki?

FREEZESTAR: Play games and watch youtube videos on the computer.

THEDENZEL: What are some of your favorite youtube videos?


THEDENZEL: What's your favorite subject in school?

FREEZESTAR: Science because I get to do projects.

THEDENZEL: What kind of projects?

FREEZESTAR: Something like making volcanoes and other stuff.

THEDENZEL: What's your favorite topic of science? Like cells, rock cycle etc?


THEDENZEL: Simple machines?


THEDENZEL: How are machines science?


THEDENZEL: That wasn't a yes or no question. Can you be more specific?

FREEZESTAR: I don't know.

THEDENZEL: You're not very good at these interviews, are you? {sighs} Okay. You don't seem to have that many fanstuffs of your own. Anything we can expect for you to create? Like, any sprite comics or interactive games?

FREEZESTAR: Not really but if I am able to I may make a sprite comic.

THEDENZEL: It's really easy, as long as you have MSPaint. What would you make your comic about?

FREEZESTAR: I haven't decided.

THEDENZEL: Well, we're almost outta time here, anything you'd like to say before we leave?

FREEZESTAR: I play a game called City of Heroes if anybody plays my hero's name is Heavenly warrior. other then that I'm glad I was able to do this.

THEDENZEL: I'm glad too. Thanks for being here today, Freezestar. {shakes his hand} {to audience} This has been TheDenzel's Interview Show. Good night.


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