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Random Mumblings/archives/2

From Wuw Archive


The Purge

y/n TheCheesegayNachoTalk 18:25, 31 January 2009 (UTC)


i chose / ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 02:06, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

PETA Redux

Has anyone hear not heard about the George Clooney Flavored Tofu thing? PETA have OFFICIALLY gone off the deep end. --ALXXMaXX 20:31, 15 March 2009 (UTC)


...Dude, they went off the deep end WAAAAY before that. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 20:44, 15 March 2009 (UTC)

Jokes are made for not being taken seriously THENOID 19:56, 16 March 2009 (UTC)
George Clooney Tofu? Wow. Killer Queen 19:57, 16 March 2009 (UTC)

4chan Redux

Since the one up at the top of the page is inactive, I'll post a new 4chan thread.

Why is it that everyone thinks 4chan is JUST /b/?! IT'S NOT.

Relatedly, about that warning about turning off images in your browser in the original 4chan thread;

Is THIS disgusting? Or even THIS?! ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 00:42, 4 April 2009 (UTC)


So you agree with me. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 02:14, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
Well, somewhat. The good thing about that site is that anyone can put anything they want on it. The bad thing about it is that anyone can put anything they want on it, if you catch my drift. Images there can range from the innocent to the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MY GOD MY EYEBALLS ARE BLEEDING!!!!!!!!! --ALXXMaXX 17:07, 5 April 2009 (UTC)

4chan sucks all of it ALL OF IT -- NachoTalk 02:17, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

If memes are the cancer of the internet, then the chans are the microwaves TheCheesegayNachoTalk 03:31, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
Bell, I would of agreed with you a few weeks ago, but not anymore. Killer Queen 20:59, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

4chan sucks

and so does bell for going there SkullBSZI8 02:23, 4 April 2009 (UTC)


You know what I think? I think you guys are all whiny little Moral Guardians who don't even bother to research what you are talking about, because you all think you are the second coming of Jesus and can do no wrong. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 03:48, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

What's that I can't hear you I'm busy ascending into Heaven TheCheesegayNachoTalk 03:50, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
I'm gonna get PISSED OFF OVER THE INTERNET THENOID 12:37, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
In all seriousness I am quite aware 4chan is just not /b/ but I can't stand the type of person that goes to 4chan. You know, the memespouter who discovered Candlejack yesterday and tried it on his Dad and now he thinks he has ADHD so he whines about in on his blog entitled "You Will Find Blog-obe Here In Nairobi" THENOID 12:37, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
and the little kid who stumbled onto /a/ and is now purchasing a kyon figma WAIT A MINUTE!!!!
but no i went to 4chan when i was twelve too and i grew out of it WHY WON'T YOU SkullBSZI8 14:12, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
Actually I learned about the Kyon Figma via a google image search for Kyon. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 19:48, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZERRRRRRRRRR TheCheesegayNachoTalk 19:56, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

my life



my life is more of a nyoro~n kinda thing ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 21:41, 7 April 2009 (UTC)

GRRRRRRRRR Thus Spake Lilfut

Queen is an Awesome Band

No one can deny it.


And I don't. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 22:41, 7 April 2009 (UTC)

freddie mercury was gay
i do not support that TheCheesegayNachoTalk 22:46, 7 April 2009 (UTC)
  • waits patiently for bluebry to make a DYNAMIC ENTRY* ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 22:59, 7 April 2009 (UTC)
freddie mercury was so gay Bluebry 01:13, 8 April 2009 (UTC)
Well duh. That's pretty much what everyone loved about him. He could do what he wanted to and no one would care, well until he caught HIV. Killer Queen 11:17, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

QUUEEEEEEENNNNN Melon Demon 23:02, 7 April 2009 (UTC)

Queen is a beauty and Freddie Mercury is one of my idols but he kind of dicked things up when he decided to not hold benefit concerts for HIV THENOID 20:22, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

Comparing Australia to America

The other day I went to the movies to see Inkheart and I walked past a sign that said 'Watchmen: coming soon' and I was like 'what the craaaaaaaaap'
Also video game release dates are stupid as well, we only got Rock Band because Guitar Hero: World Tour came out and in my mind this makes Activision the better company.
The costs are way different too, I really want to pay $90 for a game that costs $50 in the United States yeah that isn't extortion at all is it (well it probably isn't)
Even at McDonald's the prices are way higher, a double cheeseburger here costs $3.75 which by my calculations means that with the same amount of money you can get a double cheeseburger here or two double cheeseburgers and a regular cheeseburger in America.
And what the heck is with internet quotas anyway, everybody else in the world gets unlimited downloads except us.
On the plus side I hear that the McDonald's in Australia are way nicer than the ones in America, plus we actually have good coffee and not that crap you guys call coffee. Same with bacon. Also kangaroo meat tastes pretty sweet. We also have beaches everywhere and public transport is (reasonably) effective.
Actually screw America, Aus--Dinoshaur gaycm 21:07, 15 April 2009 (UTC)tralia is way nicer. :grad: - Super Sam 01:27, 8 April 2009 (UTC)


Comparing america to australia is like comparing apples to australia -- NachoTalk 01:50, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

This is completely true, America does suck, mostly in the southern hemisphere which I've dubbed "Hell". Melon Demon 01:57, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

You do realize Georgia, home to The Brothers Chaps, is in the South, right? ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 02:02, 8 April 2009 (UTC)
UgGgGhHh. There you go, Sam. You're gonna cause another war. --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 02:15, 8 April 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, but evrybody knows England's best. StrongIntelligent
stole our land --Dinoshaur gaycm 21:07, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
england sucks don't even make me laugh -- NachoTalk 12:51, 8 April 2009 (UTC)
Speaking of that, due to the massive hate England gets on this wiki, I'm classifying myself as Canadian. I'm allowed to, as I lived there for a few years, and I've got Canadian family. Killer Queen 12:59, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

Australia is lucky, they have kangaroos. I'm not quite sure what that has to do with anything, but kangaroos are cool. --ALXXMaXX 20:10, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

Australia is just a poor man's Canada, and when you're less than Canada you need to take a step back and reevaluate yourself THENOID 20:20, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

australia does not have t pain though Bluebry 00:26, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
This is a subject that I think about too much so I'm de-lurking so I can ramble on it. I saw Watchmen about a month ago, on my birthday, so it must've been out here for at least that long. I agree with the other things. Also, I ranked the states of Australia, the states of America, and the provinces of Canada by size and population in a spreadsheet once, because I... could, and it turns out that small, densely populated Victoria is almost exactly the same as large, sparsely populated Minnesota. This depressed me for some reason. Though Canada wins the sparse population award. The population of the Australian Capital Territory is more three times the entire combined population of Canada's three northern territories.
Also, quite a few people I'd like to hang out with live in America, and it costs over a thousand dollars just to get there, at a bare minimum.
But Australia's still a better place to live, even if it is too hot. We have better healthcare and schools and stuff. I think. Shwoo 01:48, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
we're working on the healthcare Bluebry 01:54, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
Hey Shwoo I can go to America for free yeah you're jealous THENOID 18:56, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
Noid, of course you can go to America. You live there, don't you? Don't taunt the girl. And if I had a choice, I'd live in...
Denmark! --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 20:06, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
Homestar Tiger that is exactly what the joke was, thank you so much for picking out the punchline and explaning it THENOID 20:28, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
...Wait. Did somebody insult England? WHICH ONE OF YOU BLOODY IDIOTS INSULTED MY BELOVED ENGLAND!?</raging brit mode> --Fenix 16:22, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
Nacho. If you want, here's my axe. {Gives Fenix gigantic Axe.} Killer Queen 16:25, 29 April 2009 (UTC)

All of the worlds most talented people have or had something wrong with them.

Look at this, Mozart was a Schizophrenic Paranoid with Tourettes, John Lennon was a drug taking hippie, Jimi Hendrix smoked more weed than a forest fire, Elvis died a fat druggie, Beethoven was Deaf, and Michael Jackson...... Yeah.


John's worst qualities definitely wasn't being a "drug taking hippie" THENOID 20:57, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

Hitler was... StrongIntelligent
Hitler was a pretty great guy for those Germans THENOID 23:38, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

since when was smoking weed classified as a flaw -- NachoTalk 21:30, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

would aspergers count as a flaw SkullBSZI8 21:40, 8 April 2009 (UTC)
somebody please banhammer StrongIntelligent
I'm saying a lot of figures are now suspected of having had Asperger's. That's all. SkullBSZI8 22:24, 8 April 2009 (UTC)
If people are allowed to be crutchy about it and use it to explain their behavior it's a flaw, get over it THENOID 23:38, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

you see it's funny because it's a lie WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 22:14, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

All of the world's people that live or have ever lived have or had something wrong with them. --ALXXMaXX 23:51, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

ice burn -20eric06t-AES 02:03, 9 April 2009 (UTC)


Writing it is fun, and it can be good and awesome, but gets pretty dang stupid.


comparing america to everywhere else

america is just the best

like seriously, we have the best food and the best people. and we invented everything important, like basketball, the clock, and a way to actually print paper. that's why everyone in america was printers at the beginning because we invented it

also we have the best army ever since oboma won the war on iraq and is sending our boys over to aphganistan to fight them


america has the prettiest ladies -- NachoTalk 00:35, 9 April 2009 (UTC)

  • i agree mang i live in the south one and i'm lovin' it -20eric06t-AES 01:40, 9 April 2009 (UTC)



  • Jesus does most certainly not exist StrongIntelligent
    • I am a Christian, but I want to strangle the idiot who made this website. If you gave any thought to the Bible, you'd realize that there is nothing in there to contradict evolution. Thus Spake Lilfut
      • And also, try Contacting. Niiice. Thus Spake Lilfut
        • Except that humans were all made in God's image. =/ - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 02:29, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
  • Anybody who thinks Jesus never existed is the biggest sped I know, have you ever read a book THENOID 18:54, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
    • Too many
    • I know he existed but his little powers didn't StrongIntelligent
      • Okay well that's fine, I just PMS whenever somebody says Jesus didn't exist THENOID 21:10, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
  • Oh god, I am way to familiar with this site. I read one of their articles regarding rock music being satanic, and I nearly facepalmed to death. Especially when they bash Queen by saying that Freddie Mercury was in hell. That crosses the line and a half. But still, you think these guys are bad, read about the Westboro Baptist Church. They're really screwed up. Killer Queen 20:04, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
    • OOOOOOOOOOOOhohoHOHOHO yeah. The WBC. What's more, they squat on some old lady's property! She's asked them repeatedly to get the church off her land, but they just tell her that God hates her, and blah blah blah, and they should JUST SHUT UP AND DO SOMETHING MORE BENEFITTING TO SOCIETY SUCH AS PICK THEIR TOES. --ALXXMaXX 21:06, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
      • Whoa, that sounds sooooooooo un-Christian. No seriously, it does. =/ - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 21:31, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
    • Actually, there may be something to be said for Freddie being in hell, but it's not just because he's a rocker. And really, try Contacting. It's retarded. Thus Spake Lilfut
      • Damn homos THENOID 02:29, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

religion sux lol -- NachoTalk 21:48, 9 April 2009 (UTC)

  • i lol'd WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 21:54, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
  • I think it would be a lot easier if we just got along, without bagging out other people's religions. =< - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 06:16, 10 April 2009 (UTC)
    • The thing is, I'm a Christian, but I'm not gonna let one verse run my life. Oh yeah, and this guy's going to hell. :D Thus Spake Lilfut
      • If he keeps going down this track, then yes. But there's nothing to stop him from changing paths! Image:Well.PNG - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 02:04, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
        • Religion doesn't ever deserve as much "praise" as it gets. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 02:09, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
          • Hey, I wasn't the one who said that, okay? Besides, you don't have any proof that the beliefs behind religion don't exist, do you? All you guys ever have are theories and speculation which haven't even been proven yet. So shut it. ¬_¬ - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 02:14, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
            • Well the same can be said for you not having proof that religion is factual but then we just go into an endless debate which comes down to beliefs that will not be changed by one person on the Internet repeating the same argument over and over again so let's leave it here THENOID 13:52, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
              • Personally, I think Religion is a good thing and a bad thing. Good in the hands of some people, but destructive in the hands of others. Killer Queen 20:08, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
                • Noid: Ahh, but that's where you're wrong. We do have proof, and I don't just mean the whole of creation, but the real-life story of a man, who has testified this story himself, and this is a rather remarkable story as well.
                • Sephiroth: Religion may just be a "thing", but Christianity is way beyond that; in fact, it is described as "a relationship with God". In many religions, you can never get to know the deity you're worshipping, but in fact, Jesus has already revealed to us many things about our Lord through his parables and teachings, and is willing to reveal more through his Spirit. Remember this. - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 23:59, 24 April 2009 (UTC)
                  • no
                  • every religion is all linked to the same universal being that in the end only created to toil with his own creation skills and will return to destroy us all after he himself has perfected our flawed genome as we are all broken and flawed in such case WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 00:16, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
                    • Erm, what? God could've made us all perfect if he wanted, but God believes in free will. It's no good to him if we just keep bowing down to him mindlessly. No, God gave us free will, and in that way started a plan to isolate those who wish to disobey him because they think he doesn't exist, isn't perfect, isn't just or they just don't like them, from those who truly love him as their creator. God thought of all this before he created us and therefore made a plan. If we really were made in God's image, then we would have to be given free will, just as God has. But how we use it is another story. - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 01:53, 25 April 2009 (UTC)

this is why religion sux -- NachoTalk 03:11, 25 April 2009 (UTC)

Why do you continue to disbelieve my words? Why do you continue to demand absolute proof? Not even your scientists can do that with any of their stuff. Why then, do you refuse to listen? Are you afraid of my words? Then cease to be afraid, for as long as you are in The Lord's arms, you can never be harmed. Are you afraid of Him? Then fear not, for he is loving and just. Are you afraid for your family. Fear not! Pray for them, do not hesitate to bring them to Christ as well! Do you fear man? Why do you fear man when they can only kill your mortal form? If you continue to hold out for your Father, then you will rewarded many times as much as what you had on the mortal plane. Why be afraid of man when the Father can do so much worse to you if you betray him? But if you decide to turn back on your path, then rejoice! For The Lord has heard you, and as promised by his Son, Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! Why do you refuse to listen, therefore? If you will not listen to me, then you will not listen to any of The Lord's Word, and you will truly be lost, for my words are the Word of God, and he has given me these to encourage you. Any true Christian is given the same gift. Fear not! - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 00:01, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
Religion is a tool of war. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 00:04, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
Hey guys nobody's going to be converted to Christianity or drop any religion because of what you say on random mumblings. I am very aware of most everyone's religion, so you don't have to go spouting it off at every opportunity. TheCheesegayNachoTalk 00:05, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
Christ would still try, and so must I.
Chaos: The Crusades were only ever first started because the Catholics at this time were corrupt and did not understand the Word for what it was. No one should be forced to escape the shackles of sin, only be allowed to. The Muslims are now like this because they believe everything is blasphemy and therefore these blasphemous things should die. Yet I tell you the truth, that Christ did not do one such thing as this in his life and in the end himself was killed for the same crime, but was guiltless. In fact, he discouraged people from judging others when they had has much sin as the others did. We are all sinful, and we will be punished for it unless we ask for forgiveness, but until then, we are to forgive people as God does, not seven times, but seventy times seven times. - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 00:13, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
I was actually referring to the Holocaust, but thanks for reminding me of what religion does to people. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 00:19, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
Of what religion does to people? Are you really so blind? You speak of it as if religion causes bad things, but I tell you that it is through religion that people cause bad things. People are the reasons for bad things, not something like religion! Yet you say you still not believe of a deity? Read what it says in Romans, "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Yet if you want more proof, I recommend you read "The Reason for God". It's a good book! =D - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 00:29, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
tl;dr THENOID 00:56, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

nebs just keep reinforcing my point that religion sux -- NachoTalk 00:23, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

Chaos: Religious wars have been happening for millenia, lrn2basichistory
Nebs: I don't mean to really deter you, because I know you're donig what you're "supposed to", but this is not the key group of people to try to convert. Also, it looks like your view of the Crusades is a bit biased but WHATEVER IFRHGJKSERNH
NachoMan: I find no fault with you because you are my bff <3 TheCheesegayNachoTalk 00:30, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

Nebs can you please stop, you're going to convert the exact same amount of people you would if you went door to door. (Hint: 0) -- NachoTalk 00:31, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

Fine, be that way. - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 00:36, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

Nebs: You can say that, but there's still no concrete evidence leaning in any direction, which makes the whole idea of a religious debate between theists and atheists stupid and just a waste of time. THENOID 00:56, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

Noid: Have you not read what I just said? Not even scientists have concrete proof of anything. In experiments, the results always change slightly. You can never get a precise result. Therefore, if you don't care about scientists having precise results, why do you care about religion having precise proof. It's unfair to ask this of something that you don't ask of anything else. Even crime investigators never get "concrete proof" in the end. To do that, you'd have to have millions of witnesses all saying the same thing, and even then, you have to believe them as well. You can never absolutely "prove" anything. You can "assume" certain things are the way they are through clues. Yet I won't speak no more, as you do not wish me to speak. - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 02:27, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
Because gravity is an unproven theory. -20eric06t-AES 16:56, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

how does saying it's impossible to absolutely prove anything work for the "for religion" arguement -- NachoTalk 02:56, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

im a controversy Thus Spake Lilfut

First off I didn't read what you said, didn't you read the tl;dr. Second, concrete proof = exact results during an experiment every time THENOID 18:57, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
everyone shut up TheCheesegayNachoTalk 20:27, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
NOID: "In experiments, the results always change slightly. You can never get a precise result." -_-
20eric06: Well there's no concrete proof to say gravity is what scientists say it is. After all, you can still not believe it for what it is. (That doesn't mean that a majority of people don't, but still people do not believe, therefore it's not concrete evidence)
NachoMan: It doesn't, it gets you to SHUT UP.
TheCheese: I was trying to do that but all these people keep popping up, despite my agreement to keep quiet. >_> - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 21:11, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
Okay I admit that this is drama enough to keep me posting but I must say Nebs you are the one with the very large blocks of texts and if you were to stop posting them the others would follow suit. But I digress until later TheCheesegayNachoTalk 21:33, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
Goddamn why does every single person on the WUW have their sarcasm censors broken beyond repair
Ahahahahahaha. Seriously? No concrete proof that gravity is gravity? Go float your way to Mars then. -20eric06t-AES 00:11, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
{facepalm} That's not what he means. He was saying that there is no proof that what we call "gravity" is what is holding us to the Earth. He didn't mean it's possible that there isn't anything holding us to the Earth. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 00:26, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
Exactly. >_> - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 08:44, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Look, guys, I'll just say one last thing, so none of you are mislead by some of my words. I do not do this as some sort of obligation. In fact, I've been praying for you guys for months now. Despite some of your failings (ie. gen wars, punishing on the young/weak (ie. Micah, Raiku, JCM, etc.), sexual comments, several other things I won't list =P ), you guys have kinda grown on me and should have a chance to get into heaven. I'm not saying here that any of us deserve to get into heaven, including myself, who has even done bad things in my life, yet Jesus still died on a cross for us (which was a rather painful way of dying), despite our failings. And he doesn't even demand anything! For while he was on the cross, two criminals hang on either side of him. Despite the fact that Jesus was dying (instead of defeating the Romans and making the Jews great again, one of the expectations about the Messiah by the Jews at that time), and crowds surrounded them, mocking them, that criminal acknowledged Jesus as God's sent king. Despite his small request that he "be remembered", Jesus promised that criminal so much more, the passage into eternal life. God does not those who can work their way into their kingdom, for he desires those who can truly love him, despite the mocking and the doubts. And I shall still pray for you guys, despite your mockings and your doubts. - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 10:51, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

I'm not trying to be disrespectful or anything, but may I ask? Why is god so different in both testiments? In the old one, he's like a vengeful wrathful being in the skies, but in the second one, he's portrayed as a loving, caring being in the skies. How come? Killer Queen 14:04, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
Problem with religion: People (woops did i link that) get so comfortable in their belief in religion that they think it excuses bigotry. Also, people have died in arguably (very arguably) more cruel ways than crucifixion in the name of Christianity... ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition? The Mu 18:53, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
Sephiroth: Ask me this question when you've done reading all of the OT and the NT. If you think God in the NT is just "loving and caring", then look at what happens when two Christians steal some of the money they were supposed to give to their fellow disciples in order to give to the poor (That's in Acts, by the way)! And if you think God in the OT is "vengeful and wrathful", then look how he creates the world, almost every line in the first chapter in Genesis, it says it was good. And also, look how he brings the nation of Israel about, he gave plenty of promises to Abraham about his new land, and they've all been revealed, not just by the Israelite nation, but ultimately through the death of Jesus Christ. The only reason he ever got angry in the OT, was because his "chosen" people (both humans in general and the Israelites) hated him (not strictly, but in a way), and did everything to try and forget Him (ie. idol-worshipping, being prostistute, etc.), even continuing working on the Sabbath when God strictly told them that the Sabbath was to be a day of rest. Wouldn't you be angry, with some of the attitudes about you?
The Mu: Let me tell you this, but pride is basically a sign of sin, being related to the command about "do not worship any other gods". You see, in this book I've been reading, it's basically done a lot of research on this stuff, and I just recently read a chapter all about sin. Now according to this, whenever in your life you focus on temporal things (not just idols, but can include things like fame, fortune, video games =P), you'll end up nasty if you get fulfilled with these, and even more nasty if you don't get fulfilled. But with God, you put him as your foundation and he'll be like rock. The Lord can never let you down, and if you do feel let down by him, then remember the cross, and remember that Jesus died for people like you. The Spanish Inquisition were from the period when Christian knowledge was at its lowest. Basically, the Church taught, if you didn't live good, you wouldn't get into heaven. Of course, Christianity is not like this at all, and it's because of the fact that you can only be saved through faith that (true) Christianity is one of the most unique religions in the world (also that Jesus claimed to be the way into heaven, not like others who've only claimed that they know the way into heaven). - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 21:20, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
congratulations you get a day ban WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 21:24, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
Yays, you suck for luring me into that trap. -_- - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 21:25, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
tl;dr seriously go be a preacher somewhere else -20eric06t-AES 21:27, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
If people back in the first century listened to your sort of junk, Christianity would be hundreds-of-years dead in a gutter. -_- - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 21:30, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
Well, a bit more realistically, they often moved around, and Jesus told his disciples when he sent them out to tell the good news that when they were dejected by the members of a village, they were to leave, removing the dust from their clothes and their sandals (which in those days was a sign of huge contempt). Yet I still feel that there are some people who don't feel as strongly as you. - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 21:38, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
you devoting your life to religion just makes me lol WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 21:44, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
hey anybody seen life of brian Killer Queen 21:31, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

oh jesus shut up believe what you want to believe but don't cram it down people's throats THE END -- NachoTalk 21:49, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Okay, now, Nebs has his time to think about how he shoved christianity down our throats.

If anyone here even thinks about sparking another trollfest like this, it's 3 days to you. -20eric06t-AES 21:55, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Notre Dame, MAKE THIS TYRANNY STOP!! --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 21:59, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
it's notre you bum -20eric06t-AES 22:03, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
SHUT UP! Just make it stop! --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 22:04, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Okay this is getting out of hand. God is real, and Jesus is his son. I hate to see people abusing his name and SHUT UP ALREADY! GOD! IT'S NOT WORTH ARGUING! Thus Spake Lilfut

"I hate to see people abusing his name"
lolhypocrite WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 18:45, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
Don't state belief as fact please. Killer Queen 15:08, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
He's not. --Fenix 16:14, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
Yes he is. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 18:45, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
God DOESN'T exist, Jesus ws an ordinary guy who dies ordinarily. I hate people who abuse Charles's nme AND SHUT UP ALREADY! CHARLES! IT'S WORTH ARGUING! StrongIntelligent
I know that we aren't supposed to still be talking about this but yes he is stating belief as fact. Anybody that argues otherwise is a brainwashed lil shelterbabby THENOID 19:32, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
It is my opinion that god is real, but that's not the point. The point is I hate sites like this that use God to say "haha it's true cause its in tha bibble uhh" but PLEASE. STOP THIS MADNESS.

Asking girls out


Comments I'd like to misinterpret that statement. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 02:32, 10 April 2009 (UTC)

I don't have a girlfriend. I have more-(Sputter)-important things to worry about. --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 04:31, 10 April 2009 (UTC)
I want babies
But I haven't hit puberty :( StrongIntelligent
Believe it or not, writing poetry helps more than you think. If you need help with that, I can do a verse or two...for the right price(in blood) WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 13:30, 10 April 2009 (UTC)
I can do lymerics StrongIntelligent


Actually HT, fifth grade is the perfect time to have a girlfriend or five. You have more freedom to experiment (not in a dirty way) and find out how it all works. you're lucky to have a friend like me -- NachoTalk 18:28, 10 April 2009 (UTC)

Friend? StrongIntelligent
I would just like to plug my pick-up lines again because THEY WORK I SWEAR THEY DO START WITH THE BUNNY ONE YOU WILL GO PLACES WITH THAT ONE THENOID 00:08, 11 April 2009 (UTC)
Oh, and NachoMan? I'm in EIGHTH grade. And besides, I don't need one or five. --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 16:52, 14 April 2009 (UTC)
sex is applicable everywhere
example WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 19:25, 14 April 2009 (UTC)
When I read that, I vomited into my lemonade. --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 21:15, 14 April 2009 (UTC)
MMMMM VOMITADE YUM Image:Well.PNG - O hai thar, guy with style.\\‪‪‪Nebs//Greetings, Earthling. 05:54, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
{Turns green} --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 11:28, 17 April 2009 (UTC)
{turns greener} --Fenix 16:16, 29 April 2009 (UTC)

TV Tropes made me wonder a few things.

They made me wonder about the important things in life, such as the world around me and the people at school. Strong Rad TGCE


thanks for ruining tv tropes for me ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 20:46, 15 April 2009 (UTC)


Is my favorite book. My fav. parts is where Bella tells Edward that she loves her, and when the vampires sparkle in the sun soo romantic.


"Bella tells Edward that she loves her"

whats wrong with this picture

also twilight sucks ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 22:04, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

Did you know that on Amazon, Twilight's average score is 3, due to the fans voting 5 and haters all voting 1. Also, according to TV Tropes, the Vampires are great in bed. But it still sucks. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 22:49, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
vampires aren't supposed to look pretty under the sun, they're supposed to burn into ashes very painfully
that's not a vampire
that's a gay -20eric06t-AES 22:53, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
chaos what the hell are you talking about
tv tropes hates twilight ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 22:57, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
Twilight is simply the greatest example of lazy writing. Rather than simply following the already written laws of vampires of ancient folklore, Stephanie Meyer changed the rules to make it easier to create her own plot devices, rather than actually trying to develop a true set of characters. Nowhere in vampire folklore does it say anything about vampires having superpowers additional to what they already have.... Twilight is nothing but a hideously written book, that was overblown to the preppy, popular culture. Gah! --TDenztest2.pngWILL 23:11, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
Twilight is so terrible, even My Immortal is better. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 23:17, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
Hello Twilight-bashing! So glad you made it to the party! Casually late I see! SkullBSZI8 23:26, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
I love how we're apparently allowed to make judgment on things without even experiencing it at all THENOID 00:51, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
WELCOME TO THE INTERNET WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 00:56, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
I just don't like the idea of Twilight. Glitter vampires is not my thing. - NINJADUCK 01:02, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
This TJ the Red Fox 04:24, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
My opinion: Twilight ruined vampires. Now, The Chronicles of Vladmir Todd is their only chance for redemption. --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 11:31, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
Not even. That looks worse than Twilight. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 16:27, 24 April 2009 (UTC)

To whoever did this:

I sentence you to be exposed before your peers.

TEAR DOWN THE WALL (If you got that reference, collect 500 geek points)

knowing pink floyd lyrics != being a geek. Like, at all. also, sign your posts deary -- NachoTalk 03:13, 25 April 2009 (UTC)



THEY DECIDED TO CANCEL IT TJ the Red Fox 04:25, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

now they need to cancel every other fanstuff ever execpt gordon+g-man caramelldansen
haha you dumbass it was an april fools joke ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 21:34, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
good because i would die if i didn't get my daily dosage of chidori WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 21:37, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Canada is (one of) the best country(/ies) in the World.

USA is good, and so is Australia, and England (in b4 dinoshaur comments on stolen land) Rocks, but in my opinion, one country that is great would be Canada. Canada is also known for being Strong and Free, a message that it has been loyal to since its existence. Anyway, America has a lot to owe to Canada, such as Hockey, Baseball, Basketball, Those few Tim Hortons stores in the USA (Lucky, eh?), and Smarties. Canada is also known for being quite peaceful in circumstances, save a few such as the White House burning. (Sorry USA, accept this macaroni picture made of Kraft Macaroni) When Canada needs to fight in a war, they always pick the right side, The Allied side. Canada is also the proud owner of Hudson's Bay, the longest running company in the world. And lastly, we are to owe for the most precious thing in everyone's hearts. Superman.

And let me clear something up: I'm generally known as English in this Wiki, but little known to most people that I am also just as Canadian as I am british, having lived there for 4 years, having citizenship, and Canadian blood.

Killer Queen 19:13, 16 April 2009 (UTC)


terrance-and-phillip.jpg SkullBSZI8 19:22, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

Oh yeah, I forgot. We also have Terrence and Phillip. Killer Queen 19:23, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
I couldn't hear any of this over the sounds of a pick-up truck in an illegal racing circuit from the inbred town 2 miles over speeding by my house. AMERICA THENOID 19:56, 16 April 2009 (UTC)




And by that logic, 4chan rules. MUAHAHAHA ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 20:11, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

GIRUGAMESH Killer Queen 20:13, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
DSFARGEG (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 20:15, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
I love how we can have intolerance and chanfaggotry in one subsection. Only on the Wiki User Wiki! THENOID 20:39, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
You misunderstood so much. I made this to take the piss, (even though I still don't like it) and I said Girugamesh as an example of the idiocy of 4chan. I accept your apology. Killer Queen 20:56, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

lord xenu does not approve -- NachoTalk 22:03, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

TheCheese being grounded from the computer AGAIN



>:( TheCheesegayNachoTalk 20:21, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

 :( I was sad when you left stop being bad so you can hang out with us more :( Killer Queen 20:27, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
Brooksie's lame ;_; THENOID 20:39, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
More like The Noid's lame TheCheesegayNachoTalk 20:50, 16 April 2009 (UTC)


British TV shows

They're much better than most American ones. Doctor Who, Top Gear, Red Dwarf, they're all better than American shows. Hell, the original British Whose Line Is It Anyway is twice as good as the American Whose Line. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 21:00, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

Comments: That Whose Line is a total lie, but yeah, for the most part, they are better. Especially The Mighty Boosh. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 21:01, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

Total lie? What are you talking about? You're essentially saying Wayne Brady is better than John Sessions! ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 21:08, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
He is. But he always wins. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 21:25, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, but that's probably because he's black. The only two good people on there are Ryan and Colin, and they were regulars in the later years of the British Whose Line. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 23:01, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
Two things to say.

1. You like Red Dwarf?! Awesome!

2. You forgot Blackadder!

But yeah, us British are always good for TV.

Killer Queen 21:27, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

1. I just watched the first episode on YouTube, and I'm watching the second now.
2. OH DAMMIT HOW COULD I FORGET THAT ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 21:34, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
So I'm assuming you like it then? But here is a warning, DO NOT WATCH THE AMERICAN VERSION. Killer Queen 21:39, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
An American Red Dwarf? Eugh. ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 21:41, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
It was so bad they made a pilot, and now none of the original creators ever mention it. Killer Queen 21:42, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

suck -- NachoTalk 22:02, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

We all know you do. No need to tell us. Killer Queen 22:41, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

MONTY PYTHON Thus Spake Lilfut

DAMMIT (I'VE NEVER SEEN FAWLTY TOWERS<non-existent end parentheses> ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 23:32, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
Wallace and Gromit! WHEE!! --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 23:57, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
AND BEFORE ANYONE MENTIONS IT "MY FAMILY" IS GOOD TOO ۞bellsig1.pngth_bellsig2.pngth_bellsig3.pngth_bellsig4.pngth_bellsig5.pngwadsfavicon.png۞ 00:06, 17 April 2009 (UTC)
Eh guys
The IT Crowd and Father Ted. You all lose. (Americans only have three good sitcoms.) StrongIntelligent
FE*K! ARSE! DRINK! Killer Queen 19:24, 27 April 2009 (UTC)


An hour ago I was looking for an election poster for an East African man.

An hour later I had adventured into a world of corn that I had never known before. SkullBSZI8 22:37, 23 April 2009 (UTC)

Comments: i hate how everybody's like "Anybody can edit Wikipedia" and then i have to go and say "Yeah, but that doesn't mean everybody makes stupid edits. Plus, people moderate it and revert the edits." WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 23:08, 23 April 2009 (UTC)

Was the corn world filled with corn people? And corn cars? --Homestar tigerGah-rowl.Geronimo! 11:54, 24 April 2009 (UTC)
Chaos, you are not alone. That line of reasoning is exactly why my parents don't trust Wikipedia. And we both know that line is made of very fragile string. Wait...What? --Fenix 12:15, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
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