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PEAR: The Game

From Wuw Archive



I'm making a game about a pear. This is no ordinary pear, though. This is THE PEAR.

Trust me, you'll be sick of reading the word pear by the end of this.

The Story

ONCE UPON A TIME, in the land of Fruitopia, there was a pear. Not just any pear, though. This one was special. Anyhow, one day in Fruitopia, dark clouds blanketed the skies and the seas roared with tumult. Pear looked upon this and feared that there was trouble brewing. Indeed there was.
THE VEGETABLES WERE COMING. They went to every corner of Fruitopia and enslaved the poor fruits and the mayors of each district. When the veggies came to Pear's home town, however, Pear slipped under the radar. As such, he was the only fruit left free. It was up to him to save the day and stop the evil veggies from taking over Fruitopia!





Production Blog

  • 8/28/08 - TECH DEMO. A lot of the stuff is tentative--the tiles being a big one. Don't you worry your pretty little pants off, fair viewers. Another demo shall come.
  • 8/19/08 - Don't you dare think I forgot about this. Also, some enemies have been sprited.
  • 7/11/08 - Besides being Free Slurpee Day at 7-11s everywhere, the project has also started.

Progress Meter


Sprites: Player sprites complete, enemy sprites begun
Backgrounds: None
Tilesets: None
Levels: None
Coding: Player coding done

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