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I Know Why The Sun Shines/Characters

From Wuw Archive





The narrator of the beginning, son of death, and the carrier of "The Book", Chaos plans to (with the aid of the rest of the heroes) rid the world of evil by learning the truth. So far, the first page is all he has the knowledge of...because the ancients had to rip the other pages out. Thanks a lot, ancients.


Badstar has the same personalitty he had in wikihood, but after the destruction of wikihood, and years after it, he has become more serious. After wikihood, he actually died a second time. Chaos tried to drag him to the underworld again, but an incident happened. Chaos ended up giving Badstar imortallity and strange underworld powers powers.


Znex now mainly only visits sometimes, since he's a time traveller. He mainly only really comes if the guys need a bit of time travel on their side. He's got the same personality as in the original Wikihood, but now he is a bit more sullen for some reason...

Cow Puncher

Cow Puncher is a 150 year old Spartan woman who could move water, grass, sand, rock, fire, and moonlight. Also known as "The Spartan of Moonlight". She is as random as a as a Randomobird (a bird that is 70% random). His thoght on Wikihood dieing is a "OM*G I WILL FREAKING KILL YOU GUYS WHO KILLED WIKIHOOD!" or something like that...

Im a bell

New Bell


You remember Im a bell, the annoying hyper-n00b? This isn't that Im a bell. Near the end of the Cataclysm in 27XX, one of the few survivors found Bell's lifeless body and fused with it for survival. The survivor was named Bling. He became a Bell/Bling hybrid which was Bling's head on a Golden Goku's body. He called himself The New Bell. But, when New Bell met the real Bell's soul, he was given the time code, told to travel to 20XX, and then "The Future". When New Bell traveled to 20XX, he found Proto Man's lifeless body. New Bell knew why he was sent here. He fused with Proto Man's body, becoming what looks like Bling's head with an eye scar on Prot's body. He then took the name Im a bell, and traveled backward to "The Future", meeting Chaos and joining his group.

Old Bell


This IS the spaz you know (and love?) New Bell was fed up with the groups randomness and left for the past. In his place he left the old Bell, who's as just as confused as you are. He apparently was a cyborg Bell clone infused with Mega Man. But, the clone found the original Bell's soul, and fused with it.


Time has done alot to him, since Wikihood has died. He is missing his right arm, which has been replaced with a Cyber-Tech one, with many features. Including a Portal Gun. He is of Canadian, English, and Scottish Descent. His name is named after Sephiroth, from FF7, who he has met before. He looks like he is in his late 20's, but he has told no one of his real age, which may reach up to a Billion Millenia.

Lucas Aura


No. 0 in Organization XIII. In this series, he hunts dreadlords alongside blood elves and pandaren.



YOU REALLY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT HIM...All you need to know is that he's more powerful than you think. his past has been shrouded in mystery, and that is how he'd like to keep it. Unlike the rest of the cast who has appeared so far, he has NO relation to Wikihood or EYKIW, making him...a pioneer.

Also now has a Rabbid/Chao army. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THEM.





This mysterious new villain appeared during the end of episode 3, and killed an innocent soul. The only few things known about him is that he has a glowing star of david pattern in his right eye, and he has long blonde hair. He has sworn an oath to take his revenge on Chaos, as well. He finally gave his name in episode 5, as Eden, the other leader of Shadowmarks.

New Demon Chaos

Image:New Demon Chaos-IKWTSS.PNG

You can fins out more about him when he comes along, at episode 13.


Purgatorians(dead heroes, villains, or neutrals)


While in the action of Wikihood, Vindicator was killed, turning into a anti-hero ghost(sort of like a dead Noxigar), or Purgatorian. However, when Wikihood met it's demise, he seemed to appeal to more of his hero side overall. However, he still hasn't made up his mind. Can usually be found to be watching anime, can be distracted with pictures of anime girls. Loves the hot Companion Cube robot he made. (Pic soon)

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