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I Know Why The Sun Shines/7

From Wuw Archive


Chaos has umped his training to go to help Bell and the others, but they are on the move aboard an old vehicle.


CHAOS: There's only one solution:I need to finish this week up a quicker way, and get to the others!

{Chaos resumes training, and it cuts back To Bell and Sephiroth.}

ZNEX: Tell me again, why do we need a book when we can look for some guy who knows absolutely everything that has ever happened and what will happen and what is happening right now?

IM A BELL: That's because the only two people who can truly do that are; God and The Ruler of the Universe. God believes I'm dead, and The Ruler of the Universe is an idiot who can't tell if we or he exists or not.

SEPHIROTH: The Ruler of the Universe? Eek. Not as powerful as the ruler of the Multiverse, and the Ruler of the Omniverse.

IM A BELL: Those two? Um... You DO know they're dead, right? Why do you think there's so much chaos in the universe?

JOSEPH: Because we neglected to destroy all the evil clones of Chaos and the first chaos in Wikihood.

{Fourth wall breakage to the MAX!}

SEPHIROTH: They died in such an ironic manner... Teehee. By the way Bell, they're not dead, just neglecting us. Plus, Bell, have you ever thought of reviving yourself for real, and reviving Bling?

IM A BELL: No, I meant AFTER when they were resurrected. I meant when I killed them. Besides, they were n00bs.

SEPHIROTH: {Mumbling really quietly} darnpeopleandtheirkillingofpeoplejustbecausetheyareacusingthemofbeingn00bs..

IM A BELL: Okay, I'l PROVE they're n00bs. One; They think Macs are better than Windows computers. Two; They liked 4Chan.

SEPHIROTH: Umm.. .They were over 100 Thouzillion years old, and have no knowledge of the internet, or Mac computers, and they are immortal, and they created this universe. So really, you're confusing them with a bunch of sweaty 40 year old nerds.

IM A BELL: When they were resurrected they were brought back as sweaty 40 year old nerds.

SEPHIROTH: They never died. You killed 2 Dungeons and Dragons fanatics, with that as their nicknames.

{OOC: do we have any plotholes in IKWTSS?}

{OOC: Dunno. Bound be some.}

IM A BELL: Oh. They didn't? Huh. And, wait, about that resurrecting thing... One; I might as well resurrect myself. {shapeshifts into normal present-day bell} There. Two; I CAN'T revive Bling. One; He's not dead. {glances at New Bell} And Two; All I would be able to do is change Bling's appearance. Normally, I normally could have changed his soul, but while I was dead, I had some of my reality-bending powers stripped from me. The only one who could bring them back is Chaos, and he's training. Furthermore, the only way I could have changed it is emphasizing Bling's personality traits and memory before he learned of his past.

TRACY: Wait... Couldn't you just get the Bling from the real universe and bring him here?

{OOC: this Bell and Tracy are from another universe, in which Bell never moves from FCUSA, never dies, and Earth is not destroyed}

IM A BELL: I can currently only interfere with Subspace.

TRACY: I'll do it for you. {slices open a rift to the alternate universe, drags Bling (teenage) out from it}

BLING: What the-Oh, hey Bell, Tracy. What-{notices New Bell} Hold on. {jumps up to New Bell, pokes him}

{insert universal destruction here}

IM A BELL: Grr... Well, at least I can still do this. {resets everything}

JOSEPH: This is pointless. We need a ship of some sorts. Like, one from Final Fantasy IX, that Chaos owns, that looks old, but is very high-tech and goes fast. And is also named after a ship in a story in the new testament.

IM A BELL: ...Which is?

{Joseph holds up a picture of the Ark.}

JOSEPH: This thing.

SEPHIROTH: We can't. Chaos has it. We can only use a mildly-inferior, but still as good ship. I have one. {Out of nowhere, the Blackjack from Final Fantasy VI appears.} The Blackjack!

{A giant red lazor destroys the flapjack and the Ark appears.}

JOSEPH: Did I mention I stopped by at Chaos' hose and got the keys to the ark and one of his windbereakers?

{Joseph throws the purple sweatshirt on the ground and puts on a green-chested, grey-sleeved windbreaker.}


SEPHIROTH: Hey! You destroyed my flapjack! {Holds up a plate, with a charred flapjack on it.} I haven't eaten for weeks!

IM A BELL: Um... Joseph, I'm pretty sure Noah's story is in the OLD Testament. ...Oh God. They're all dead. JUST great.

TRACY: I'm not dead.

IM A BELL: Even worse.


{Cut to a batman-style transition with Joseph's head in the middle. Cut back to Bell}

IM A BELL:{british accent} GET ON WITH IT!

{Cut to the Ark's control room.}

JOSEPH: I call captain!

IM A BELL: I call first mate!

SEPHIROTH: I call Co-Captain! Or Navigator! Or Slacker! OR ALL AT ONCE!!

IM A BELL: Actually, I'll be the godmodder who destroys obstacles.

SEPHIROTH: Did you know that there is something even lower than Hell? I mean, a Hell, but for Hell.

IM A BELL: Yeah. I've been there. It was full of my ancestors and Black Mages.

SEPHIROTH: I mean further than that. I mean, it's an evil place where people are tortured to go to schools, and get taught how to play Card games.

IM A BELL: The YuGiVerse?

SEPHIROTH: Yu-Gi-Oh GX. I've been there. In fact, that is what cost me my arm.

IM A BELL: How? Defective duel disk?

JOSEPH: Awkward metaphor for something?

SEPHIROTH: I cut it off in a temporary phase of madness from the stupid phrases. In fact, I bet you guys couldn't last 5 minutes there.

IM A BELL: Wait, why didn't you like it? LittleKuriboh is the God of that world.

SEPHIROTH: That was before he was ruler. Who do you think was before him, Hmm?

IM A BELL: Uhh... Is it 4Kids?



SEPHIROTH: If you go there, you are guaranteed to go mad.

IM A BELL: Bah, it's too late for that.

SEPHIROTH: Oh yeah by the way, did you know the High School Musical guys and Tom Cruise died mysteriously at the same time somehow?

IM A BELL: Yes. I'm the one that did it.

SEPHIROTH: How did they taste?

IM A BELL: Horrid. I thought I'd never stop puking.

SEPHIROTH: I'm so sorry.

IM A BELL: You should be. You dared me to do it, remember?

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