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I Know Why The Sun Shines/6

From Wuw Archive


Eden steals a part of Chaos(literally) that although grows back, loses it powers. Then, Chaos breaks out the thing in the box(Sorry, plotline).


{Opens to Joseph and Chaos, fighting Demon Eden.}

CHAOS: You want me dead, do you?

DEMON EDEN: More than you can imagine.

JOSEPH: Well, you're not gonna get it!

{Joseph flies over Eden, and punches him into Chaos, who in turn jumps up with him in hand, and smashes him into the ground.}

DEMON EDEN: You fell for it!

{Eden takes out his impure zanmato, and slices off Chaos' Left arm(His Devil's Throne arm) off. While blood spurts out of it, Eden flies up, and dodges it.}

CHAOS: I don't believe it!

JOSEPH: I'll take you back, Chaos.

{The two return to the parking lot, where everyone is still arguing. Chaos walks over to the box, and puts a key in the lock. A mysterious glove, the looks orange with nails, and has a large green eye in the middle is in it. Chaos' arm regenerates, and he puts the glove on. Then, he takes the book off the chain, and puts it in Bell's hands.}

CHAOS: Bell, I need to retreat. This glove is powerful, and I need to master it like Uryu's from Bleach. With the week nonstop. i will return. DON'T LET EDEN GET THIS BOOK. If you do, I will kill you. Just put more pages in it. Oh, and also...

{All the future people disappear suddenly.}

CHAOS: No more future talking. Now, go find pages!

{Chaos flies off.}

SEPHIROTH: {To Bell} I have a bad feeling. He's doomed, isn't he?

JOSEPH: He's fine. It's the rest of you I'm worried about. Haven't you seen the future?

SEPHIROTH: Yes, scary. Well, we're doomed. I don't really care that much, anymore. {Jumps up into the sky, and flies off to the East.}

{Cut to a medium sized island, where Sephiroth is. There's a large Volcano at the north of it.}

SEPHIROTH: ......I'm not sure if anything is here. Really, I'm just not. I'm gonna look some more.

{Znex appears.}

ZNEX: You go do that.

SEPHIROTH: You dare me to jump in the volcano, and see if I'll survive?

ZNEX: No, I'm just saying go look some more.

{Sephiroth goes into the volcano anyway.}

SEPHIROTH: {Distant Echo} HEY! ZNEX! THIS VOLCANO ISN'T LAVA!!! IT'S ....Lemme just try... Mmm! Nice! Cherry Soda and Ice Cream! Man! This stuff is delicious! Wait... Whats this? THERES A WHITE THING AT THE BOTTOM!! I THINK IT MIGHT BE A PAGE!!!!

IM A BELL:{looks} Er, no, that's just toilet paper, Seph. { looks at book} Wow. He gave me the book. Umm... {blasts the empty box with a dark aura, the keyhole turns into an impossibly strange and complex hole. Bell conjures up a small skull with a button on the bottom. Bell puts the book in the box, and presses the button. the skull's jaw flips back, and energy shaped exactly to fit the strange keyhole juts from it. Bell locks the box, morphs it back into wings, and puts away the "key"} Ha! The book IS in the box-ah screw it. {de-wingifies the box, unlocks it, takes the book out, locks the box, morphs the box into one wing, morphs the book into another} There. Perfect.

SEPHIROTH: Toilet Paper? Yeah, it is Toilet Paper! With a picture of Moe from Simpsons on it! What's it doing here?

IM A BELL: Um... {points to toilet paper factory} That.

SEPHIROTH: Oh. Anyway, the stuff in the volcano still tastes good though. You should come up here and try it!

{Cuts to Chaos, sitting on a rock. The glove is glowing purple.}

CHAOS: I wonder what the others are doing? Ah, bugger it.

{Chaos flies into the water, and begins rapidly punching and kicking the water.}

{The Water Rises into a Tsunami.}

{Chaos launches Red Thunder, wich grows enormous and envelops around the Tsunami, absorbing it.}

CHAOS: This glove is powerful.

{Cut back.}

SEPHIROTH: Whoa. Cool. I'm gonna try something. {Spins finger in a circular motion, and makes a huge hurricane.} WHOA!! {Spins it faster. The Hurricane grows.}

IM A BELL: You think that's cool? Viral Infiltation dot exe. {read "viralinfiltration.exe"} Control insert. Paint clone dot exe. {read "paintclone.exe"} Control Enter. {waits a few seconds} Control Save. Save as file type ".vir/wri". File name Viral paint dot exe. {read "viralpaint.exe"} Control O. {clicks viralpaint.exe.vir/wri"} Now we wait.

{a wristband similar to the one Leela from Futurama has. the touchscreen displays a Paint toolbox}

{OOC: To explain, this was a (fake) virus generator that Bell used. "vir" means "virus", "/" is "type", and "wri" is "wristband}

IM A BELL: MWAHAHAHA. I have given all of us Paint-powers. {clicks Pencil, draws a Primid. The drawing becomes real} See? Impressed?

ZNEX: I can just do this. {gets out magic pencil and draws a caricature of Im a bell on the ground, and it becomes alive, but 2D}

IM A BELL DRAWING: {makes strange sounds}

IM A BELL: Er... {draws millions of running bell clones, a deep fryer, and a ramp leading to it}

{the clones run up the ramp, and are deep-fried}

IM A BELL: Fried Bell, anyone?

SEPHIROTH: I don't need that. I HAVE PHOTOSHOP POWERS!!! {Points at a Nearby Rock. It turns into a characture of Tom Cruise. }

NOXIGAR: You know, that pencil reminds me of the sketchbooks my friend draws in. Anything drawn in there pops up randomly. Good thing I brought one. Now allow me to take your pencil, {takes pencil} and this sketchbook {takes out a sketchbook} and we will have Bling pizza for dinner.

{Noxigar draws a dead Bling in a pizza, and the Tom Cruise rock eating it}

IM A BELL: Um, Bling died ages ago. Or at least, his soul died. {sniffles, pauses, breaks into tears}

SEPHIROTH: There, There, Bell.

{pan up to show New Bell looking at them}

NEW BELL: Pfff. That idiot.

'EDEN: Aww. In my opinion, you're ALL idiots!

{Eden lands in front of all of them.}

EDEN: Now give me THAT BOOK!

SEPHIROTH: No book for you! {Kicks Eden in the face.}

IM A BELL:{stops crying} You expect THAT to stop him? Pfff. Also, I have discovered one of the REAL powers of The Book. {the wing made from the book glows, Bell's arm (blaster arm) morphs into a blade dripping with poison} The book's ink is poison. The possessor of the book's blood will turn into the poison, therefore, I can kill anyone by just putting my blood inside their body. {stabs Eden in the stomach} This will not kill him, only harm him for a short while.

EDEN: But Why harm me Bellstrom? I can return what you, truly want.

{Eden Lifts up the hand that isn't covering his stomach wound, and in it, black ink swrils around, and There is a picture of 9 killing random people in armor.}

EDEN: You were the best. You were even better than my former member 2. And though you took an oath, why not just break it and return to us. Shadowmarks still grows. We want you back. You could be the new 2.

IM A BELL: Pfff. Like I need to return to that? Heh. If you wish to bring up the ShadowMarks, I might as well fight in that form. {morphs into 9}

EDEN: Do you feel the power? The Power you've yearned for?

IM A BELL: Um, Eden a word of advice, try researching the people you try to trick before you do it. I DON'T WANT OR NEED ANY MORE POWER. Albeit, this form DOES give me extra strength, but the reason I mostly like it, is because it reminds me of my original home. {OOC: Bell was born in Subspace}

EDEN: Well, it's a good thing I can still do this!

{Eden pulls his hand back, and a chain pulls Bell's arm, making the Book fly out of it. Eden grabs the Book and retreats.}

IM A BELL: You stupid idiot. {morphs back to normal revealing the book wing} I still have the book. It's now physically bonded to my soul. Now, just to make sure it can never be separated, {the wings disappear, the book and box reappear in Bell's hands, they then melt into shadow bugs, disappear, then reform as wings made from subspace} And, that book Eden stole was just a letter bomb.

{a far-off explosion is heard. Cut back to Eden}

EDEN: Now, I wonder if they know I didn't take the letter bomb.

CHAOS: Doesn't matter!

{Chaos flies right by Eden, and the Book reappears in Chaos' hands. He then makes the book grow wings, and sends it back to Bell and the others.}

CHAOS: Now, I want you out of my sight!

{Chaos punches Eden with the hand he put the glove on, and Eden is sent out of the stratosphere.}

CHAOS: I hope the others can really keep the book safe...


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