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I Know Why The Sun Shines/3

From Wuw Archive


Introducing a few new characters, the team begins to make it to the mountain, only for a plot device to bring them up it. Meanwhile, an evil has awoken in the villainous parts.


CHAOS: Good. We're a day into hiking. Only 6 left. Oh, who am I kidding. This is gonna be the worst trip ever.

IM A BELL: You mean because I'M here?

CHAOS: No. Maybe because, we've got to hike for 6 more days?

IM A BELL: Um, Chaos? Are you forgetting that nearly everybody here has a deux ex macina? You have some sort of teleportation, I can have clones of me appear ANYWHERE, Seph has his portal gun, and I'm not sure what Badstar and CP has, but It can get us to... Wait, WHERE are we going?

CHAOS: The mountain that we have to climb. We can't just head up there, or there'll be a plot hole. {cough}fourthwallbreak!{cough}

IM A BELL: Plot hole? What?

BADSTAR: Well, good luck taking the long way. {Dissepears into flames}

CHAOS: There's only one way.

{Badstar falls from the sky.}

CHAOS: The Ancients made the mountain like this. There's no way to instantly Climb it. Znex, however, is already there because he has the Cuff of Time.

IM A BELL: Ancients? Who?

{Znex appears.}

ZNEX: You mean the Ancients from that sci-fi series, or do you mean some other kind of Ancients?

{Vindicator falls out of the sky, he lands on the ground and bones are heard breaking.}

VINDICATOR: Who did I fall on? I don't even have bones!

BADSTAR: I shall kill you if you do not get off of me, Vindicator...

SEPHIROTH: I'm bored. {Shoots a portal on the ground, and in the sky. He jumps into the portal, so he's in a loop.} Yayz! Oh Crap! {Lands on his back near the red portal on the ground. He then slides into it.} Crap Crap Crap! {Fires a blue portal next to the red portal.} Whoa... Dizzy...

IM A BELL: Hey Seph! Shoot a portal in my chest! And another one in front of it!

{Sephiroth does so. Bell jumps into portal on chest, starts spinning insanely fast}

IM A BELL: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEPHIROTH: Doesn't that hurt? Getting twisted beyond dimensions?

ZNEX: I suppose not. Anyway, I gotta get to the mountain before all the free stuff runs out. See ya! {fades out and disappears}

IM A BELL: Wheeeeee-Free stuff?!!! Screw plotholes, I'm going up there! Clone appear! Good. Now, just voip back here with some free stuff!

{a Bell clone appears holding a box labeled "Fr33 Stuf" filled with miscellaneous items}

IM A BELL: Nice! Let's see what we got here... {pulls out some DVDs} Kung Fu movies! {reads cover of DVDs} R-RATED Kung Fu movies! FARG YEAH!

SEPHIROTH: Hmm.. {Shoots a portal up on the mountain. And on the ground. He puts his hand in the portal, and pulls out a Wooden Crate full of Wii Games.} Cool!! {Opens Crate.} Cool! Super Smash Bros Attack! With a Character Maker!

IM A BELL: Hey, a Holo-Wii! {turns floating Wii on, puts SSBA in} Let's see what we got on here...

{There is a battel stage on the Wii. Lucario, The King of All Cosmos, and Chaos are on the stage. Nate and Bass break out of KoAC's chest. 2 signs reading "Newcomer: Nate!" and "Newcomer: Bass!" appear}

IM A BELL: Oh, I am SO getting this game! {takes a copy of game} T3h yays. {looks at Holo-Wii screen} Say, Chaos, how did you get in the game?

{Vindicator walks in}

VINDICATOR: As long as this place doesn't have a cell-

{Vindicator falls through the floor}

VINDICATOR: {through floor, fading slowly} -ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

SEPHIROTH: Character Maker. You can put any character in it. I put myself in it. +Outfits! {Loads Screen with Himself on it. He presses a few buttons, and his outfit changes to: {Robe, Jedi Armour, and Boba Fett Helmet.}

CHAOS: Hey, wait. Is that an elevator over there? We can just head up it to the top! And head down to the cellar to help Vindicator!

IM A BELL: Wouldn't that create a paradox? Hypocrite.

CHAOS Remember thast plot hole we talked about? {throws bell into the elevator} this is it!

{Pan to the cellar, Vindicator is on the floor, arms flailing, eyes closed.}

VINDICATOR: -rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-

{Pan back.}

{Cut to the Elevator.}

SEPHIROTH: Has anyone here considered being evil? I have!

{Cut to the cellar.}

VINDICATOR: {worn out} -rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-

{Cut back to the Elevator}

IM A BELL: {to Sephiroth} Since WHEN was I not?

{The elevator dings and the door opens to show Vindicator.}

CHAOS: So, who's getting him?

VINDICATOR: -rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... {keeps on going in the background}

{Noxigar jumps down with several pandaren soldiers following him.}

NOXIGAR: I'm getting Vindi-man, thank you very much. This makes for the best introductory sequence since the Sonic Advance games!

{Noxigar picks up Vindicator and puts him next to Im a bell. The pandaren soldiers surround the main group.}

NOXIGAR: Hmm... Anything suspicious, guys? Remember, we're hunting dreadlords!

IM A BELL: Hmm... Deadlords, eh? I bet if I do this I can trick the D'lords... Sorry about this Chaos. {becomes 9} Do I look dreadlordey? ...Did you guys die or something? {pokes Chaos in the eye} ...

CHAOS: WHAT'D I TELL YOU! YOU LOST! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THAT! {Chases Bell around with his Beam Swords}

SEPHIROTH: Now, Now, no fighting. {Gets Video Camera.} Alright, continue!

IM A BELL: Oh crap. {runs} I ONLY DID THIS TO HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CHAOS: Well, there's no such thing as dreadlords, so unless you're hiding a terrible secret under there, turn back to normal!


CHAOS: To the...78th floor. {presses button, and Muzak plays while they are carried up}

{After a few minutes, there's a ding, and the door open, revealing a huge fair, with a banner that says "FREE STUFF" held up between two poles. Znex is standing under it.}

ZNEX: Hello.

CHAOS: {Sarcastically} Oh boy. Free Znex! Now...what kind of ancients are we talking about? Did they show you the treasure?

ZNEX: I didn't see any treasure while I was here. All I saw was this big fair. And I didn't see any ancients anyway.

CHAOS: Hmm. This odd picture of a white lucario reading "Lucario Crossing" hints something off to me. Something...I'm not Getting!

ZNEX: Uh...Lucas?

CHAOS: That would make sense. He IS like, a... important person to all Lucarios?

ZNEX: Nah, he's just a Lucario lover.

SEPHIROTH: Lucarioes are cool. Anyway, has anyone gone to the newly discovered Utopia Planet?

{Noxigar warps to Sephiroth. His mana reads "0" afterwards}

NOXIGAR: Lucarios are generic. Instead, I'll bring an undead abomination for 5 seconds.

{Garzel arrives from the elevator}


NOXIGAR: Time's up. Now let's kill some dreadlords...


CHAOS: Lord, how much longer?

{Tommyspud falls down from the sky, hitting the ground with a thud.}

TOMMYSPUD: Sort of ow... {Gets up} What happened, the last thing I remembered was this blue watery thingie.

ZNEX: Uh...Chaos?

CHAOS: Yeah, I know. Now... all we need to do is to find Lucas. C'mon, juys!

TOMMYSPUD: Wait! I might have amnesia. Let's see here.... Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.... Ok, I'm fine.

CHAOS: I need new friends.

TOMMYSPUD: What, that blue watery thingie looked lethal... I mean, it had some weird gunk in it. I mean... You know what, let's go.

ZNEX: {to Chaos} Uh... {disappears, then reappears holding an undead skeleton} This could be your new friend!


TOMMYSPUD: Hey, I made one video game reference, and I can say that THAT is worse.

{Chaos' right eye twitches twice, then stabs Tommyspud in the eye with one of his beam swords.}

ZNEX: Uh, Chaos, couldn't you have just gotten your dad to take him to the underworld? That would've been less painful. O_o

TOMMYSPUD: OW.... {Pulls out sword, and eye reforms} That kind of hurt. I guess that means you want me to make more video game references?

CHAOS: No, seriously. I WILL kill you forever.

TOMMYSPUD: Fine, but if I go hand to hand, which is rarely, you got to plug your ears, because I can't be able to help shouting SF references.

CHAOS: Why can't Lucas Come here already?

TOMMYSPUD: Because, he has to have a entrance that will be remembered for all of time?

SEPHIROTH: I wonder how some of the other people are, such as Hades, Daxter, and the Other Sephiroth?

TOMMYSPUD: Meh, I don't know, why don't you go ask them?

{Lucas falls from the sky on a Magic Balloon}

LUCAS: What'd I miss?

SEPHIROTH: Nothin' Much.

TOMMYSPUD: Yeah, nothing really happened. Nice magic balloon, by the way.

VINDICATOR: WOW. That's an entrance that'll be remembered forev- {turns to Chaos} What happened?

LUCAS: Indeed. Using your Up Special Move as an entrance is not very famous.

SEPHIROTH: Yes. Say, have you met Companion Cube? {Gets out WCC}

IM A BELL: {busy destroying Tommyspud for mentioning Salad Fingers and Noxigar for mentioning the (non-existent) dreadlords, notices Lucas} Yo, Lucas! Nice to see you!

CHAOS:Bell, Bell, Bell. Bell, Bell. Bell. Let ME handle Noxigar!

IM A BELL: {turns his hand into dark flames} This says you're wrong.

CHAOS: {Activates Devil's Throne} This demamds a hand recount. {sticks Devil's Throne in Bell's face and electrocutes him}

SEPHIROTH: I just noticed! I'm the only one here, that hasn't been hurt yet today! My arm doesn't count, as I lost it in the Great War.

{Tommyspud reforms}

TOMMYSPUD: When did I mention Salad Fingers?

SEPHIROTH: Just now. {Stabs Tommyspud in the heart with a dagger.}

TOMMYSPUD: {pulls out the dagger and hole reforms} You know how much that gets annoying? {tosses dagger back to Sephiroth} Plus.... It's not like a stab there is going to kill me.

SEPHIROTH: Whoa. IMMORTAL!! YAY!! {Throws TS off screen. You hear lots of bloody noises, and Sephiroth comes out covered with blood. Sorry, I have to do that to every Immortal I meet. Except myself. I ain't emo.

{Tommyspud walks back in, reformed with no blood stains.}

TOMMYSPUD: Um, kind of Immortal, and then again, not. But, I don't want to explain it.

IM A BELL: Seph, you don't have to be emo to maim yourself! I mean look at me! I EAT roasted myelf, AND I'm not emo!

VINDICATOR: I'm emo for having black hair.

TOMMYSPUD: So, anyways... Why exactly am I here?

{Vindicator takes the Companion Cube and Sephiroth's portal gun}

VINDICATOR: Until next time!

{Vindicator fires both portals in different directions, walks through one, which shortly disperses.}

IM A BELL: You better farging pay me for this. {blasts a hole in the sky, revealing Vindicator. jumps up to Vindivator, takes gun and WCC, throws Vidicator to the bottom of the mountain, jumps back to the group, gives portal gun & WCC to Seph}


{Through all the commotion, nobody seems to have realised, Chaos has turned into Demon Chaos, and is waiting until everyone else stops fighting.}

TOMMYSPUD: {Notices Demon Chaos} What?

{Demon Chaos stabs his impure zanmato in the ground, breaking off the chunk with Bell, Tommyspud, Znex, Vindicator, and Sephiroth, leaving Him, Noxigar, and Lucas.}

DEMON CHAOS: For the record, you all deserved that. {ruturns to normal}

IM A BELL: {flies back to the group} Hehehe. That almost tickled.

{Znex appears.}


LUCAS: Hehe...Dinner blaster.

{Lucas shoots a burger at Bell}

{Cut back to where Vindicator is. The Cube, and the Portal Gun dissapear. Cut back to where Sephiroth is. He has them both back.}

SEPHIROTH: Nice try Vindi.

IM A BELL: Didn't I just do that?

SEPHIROTH: Then...What do I have? {Looks at hand. He's holding a Headcrab, and a Master Chief Helmet. The Portal Gun in his arm retracts, and out comes a Crossbow. He shoots, and impales the headcrab.}

IM A BELL: ... {steals Master Chief helmet} MINE!

SEPHIROTH: {Steals it back} GRR!!! Here, have this Gravity Gun. {Gives HL2 Gravity Gun to Bell.}

{Tommyspud walks offscreen.}

TOMMYSPUD: Be right back.

{Vindicator steals Gravity Gun and super charges it up, he then grabs Sephiroth and fires him into the air and runs away.}

{Cut to Tommyspud, who sticks out his arm, clotheslining Vindicator, who in turn, throws up the Gravity Gun. Tommyspud then grabs Vindicator by the neck, and drags him to Chaos, catching the Gravity Gun in mid walk.}

TOMMYSPUD: That was stupid, running straight towards me.

{Sephiroth gets out a Golden Revolver, and Shoots Vindicator in the heart area. Being dead, the bullet goes right through.}

VINDICATOR: {sighs} I'm dead, but it doesn't stop me from doing this.

{Vindicator grabs Tommyspud by the face and throws him to the ground.}

VINDICATOR: {sighs again} Idiots.

{Vindicator floats into a house and is essentially now out of this. OOC: Owned by character ethereality.}

IM A BELL: Um, whatever.

CHAOS: Hey! A book!

{Everyone stops and looks up to see a book on a podium.}

CHAOS: I think that's the treasure. I'll get it!

{Chaos grabs the book, but it grows a chain and latches on to Chaos' Belt. Everyone just continues what they're doing again.}

CHAOS: Hey! It's stuck! Dangit! Well, I might as well read. {sits down and opens up book.} "I Know Why The Sun Shines". Hey, everyone listen up!

"The truth of everything is not a terrific tale. The story begins and ends with the Sun Shining. The sun is superior and shows all truth. Throughout this book, you will learn truths via every new page."

Hmm. That's the only page in here. Vindi!

{Vindicator pops up.}


CHAOS: Why's there only one page?

{Vindicator pulls out a monocle and examines the book.}


CHAOS: So, the treasures...are pieces? That's dumb!

VINDICATOR: Nevertheless, it's the only chance of saving Wikihood for good.

CHAOS: Then, how do iget it off me.

VINDICATOR: You DON'T. It's SUPPOSED to latch on like that. And no power can take it off of you until you put all of the pages in there.

CHAOS: godmodding whatsoever can take it off?


CHAOS: Dangit!

VINDICATOR: Well, I've gotta go. Companion Cube is waiting! {dissapears}

CHAOS: Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to go on with this stupid momentum. Hey, Lucas!

COW:... Why am I not talking?

TOMMYSPUD: Quite a conundrum, it is. How many pages do we need?

SEPHIROTH: It doesn't say. By the way, anyone who trys to steal any of my stuff, will feel the wrath of this. {Gets out a hologram, showing 12 Bloodthirsty Orcs, and 1000 Poison Headcrabs.}

TOMMYSPUD: Man, why does everyone seem to have an army of some kind, but me....

SEPHIROTH: You get a few things from experience. Here, I'll give you a little army. {Gets out a cage of Rabbits and gives it to him.}

TOMMYSPUD: Can it be Rabbids instead? I think they are awesome.

SEPHIROTH: No. Though, you can also have a Michael Jackson.

TOMMYSPUD: Ugh, no. I think I'll just keep the rabbits for now, but sooner or later, I will be able to pull the rabbids out of my nintendo wii for my army.

ZNEX: Good for you. Now to rise my own army! RISE! {waves his hands and purple and black Poorbts rise up from the ground}

SEPHIROTH: Let's see how strong they are. {Gets out Golden Gun, and shoots one. The bullet deflects.} Ahh. I have an even bigger army too.


{Shadowy Figure and thousands of pitch-black Stinkoman 20X6 enemies break out from the ground}

IM A BELL: {morphs into 9} Chaos, before you get angry, er, angrier, this is just a fake ShadowMark form. I stole some of the past me's shadowmark DNA and purified it, so there is only thwe increase in power, and the pitch-black appearance. 'Kay? Oh, and, {releases Tommyspud's Rabbisd army out of Holo-Wii} Here you are. I was watching them for you.

TOMMYSPUD: Cool. Can the holo-wii pull out stuff from gamecube games?

{OOC: LOL WUT. OH RIGHT. I gave Chaos permissions :3 }

SEPHIROTH: Yes. Holowii can play any game in existance, since Nintendo bought Microsoft, Sega, Sony, and Atari. I'm glad Master Chief ain't in the new Smash Bros game though. My army is over 9000!! ....A Million In fact. I even have 300 Spartans, and 300 SPARTANS. {Halo Reference.}

IM A BELL: At least Mega Man's in there.

SEPHIROTH: In yours, or Mine?

IM A BELL: Both. I added nearly everything into my copy of SSBA.

TOMMYSPUD: Can I rip some stuff out of the Holo-Wii then?

IM A BELL: Sure.

TOMMYSPUD: Awesome. {Begins ripping Rare and powerful chao out of Sonic Adventure 2} This could take a while, my saves have a LOT of max stat chao. After this, I might rip out some stuff from Custom Robo, but full size.

IM A BELL: Hey, Seph! I found a hack in SSBA! Go to Character Select, move your mouse over Character Maker and hold A down. Then, while still holding A, move your mouse over Premade Character Select, the hold down B. The, while still holing A and B, move your mouse to the empty space under Character Maker and Premade Character Select. Then, let go of A and B. Wait a few seconds, and there will be a third option, Premade Character Editor.

SEPHIROTH: Cool. I'll try it.

TOMMYSPUD: Speaking of SSBA, anyone want my custom levels that I made for the game? I have Ice Cap Zone from Sonic, completely made, as well as some Balloon Fight levels, and levels from Jewel Master.

IM A BELL: No thanks. {presses a few buttons} I just made a bottomless level you can only beat if you're character defies the laws of cartoon physics, which is MUCH larger than normal physics.

{A Time Rip appears in the sky. A future version of Sephiroth comes through,only that he is more robotized.}

F SEPHIROTH: Chaos!! No!! Oh.. Wait.. CRAP!! I've gone too far back! Wait.. Bell! {Runs to him, and gives him a tightly locked box.} Take this, and don't open it yet! I'll tell you when. Until though.. {Runs back into Time rip, completely ignoring past self.}

TOMMYSPUD: Heh... That was... Interesting.

IM A BELL: Hmm... {becomes 9 for a minute, drops box into his darkness, transforms back} I'm holding onto this. I can't trust that any of you won't open it prematurely. Even you Chaos.

TOMMYSPUD: I wonder when you are supposed to open it... Whatever, it's none of my buisness.

IM A BELL: Yes. It ISN'T. {notices Chaos trying to get the box} HEY! {stabs Chaos and throws him into a nearby mountain} You deserved that

TOMMYSPUD: Wow... that didn't take long for someone to attempt to take it.

SEPHIROTH: I wonder what's in that box? Well, I'll know soon, as it is I who gives it to you. {Starts flikering, and left eye turns into a red light.} What is happening to me?!

{Future Sephiroth comes out again.}

F SEPHIROTH: I have come again to say a few more things. Watch out Chaos! That book is more dangerous as you think! Don't let it control you! {Comes back in.}

TOMMYSPUD: Looks like the rip opened in your eye, or something.

IM A BELL: {stabs Seph in the eye. The Knife bends.} Um, does the book want whatever's in the box, or something?

TOMMYSPUD: I have a bad feeling about this.

SEPHIROTH: Weird. Someone's messing with the past.

IM A BELL: I think I have an idea... {gets out the box. there is some sort of strange energy coming of of it} I thought so. I guess I'll have to stay in 9 form so it cant control me. Hmm... Unless... {jams box back inside self, transforms into Pure Watashi (Golden Goku with Bell's head)} There. My pure form can hold back the energy. Um. Crap. I forgot about the calm voice. Hmm... {gets out demonic charm, wears it, becomes Demon Bell} HEHEHE. Perfect. Now the energy can only help me.

{Sephiroth starts speaking in a deeper voice.}


{Sephiroth becomes normal again.}

SEPHIROTH: Oh sog. {Pukes into a Puke Bag.} Man, doing that is not good for my stomach.

{Tommyspud's brown eyes flicker red for a split second.}

TOMMYSPUD: So, we have to find all the pages of the book, right? Where do you guys suggest we look first?

{everyone but Bell looks at the box}

BELL: {bleep} no. You heard Seph's future self. Now then. The best way to stop this is to morphs the box into something nondetachable, without harming the content. Hmm... How about wings? {morphs box into some demonic-looking wings. transforms into Pure Watashi, but still retaining the wings} And, Future Seph? Even IF I'm a demon, the box can't control me. I'M ALREADY CORRUPT.

{Cut to the Future. In a Dark Throne Room, A Large, Fully Developed Demonic Chaos is sitting on a large throne. At his side is a goblet of wine, and the book, with the pages fully in it. Many wiki users are there at his feet as slaves. Outside the castle, Future Bell is hiding at a wall, with the box still unopened. Cut back}

BELL: {coughs, notices a newcomer sign at the next mountain} Huh? {squints} Newcomer: Tracy Be-Ohhhh crap.

{a British Im a bell-like person (Tracy) lands in front of Bell}

BELL: God... why are YOU here?

TRACY: Tyrannous demons? Curséd boxes? I cannot afford to miss any piece of this!

{cut back to the future}

{A Dark Figure, in a robe walks to Bell, with a Red Light glowing from the darkness.}

???: Bell, I fear for this universe. Lord Chaos could destroy it whenever he likes.

IM A BELL: Yes. I know.

???: Lots of people have been killed in this week. We need to stop all this from happening.

{Vindicator, still ethereal, appears, he begins to make ghost wails}

IM A BELL: VINDICATOR! ...How long were you floating there?

{OOC: What's with all the futurey stuff?}

{cut back to present}

TOMMYSPUD: I think you guys are overusing future events...


TRACY:{steps back} Eep.

TOMMYSPUD: I thought he explained it already?

IM A BELL: I know. I just want to know why he hasn't realized I don't want him here. He's to annoying.

{OOC: I'm surprised none of you are wondering who Tracy is}

TOMMYSPUD: You know him?

IM A BELL: Uhh... Sure. Let's go with th-

TRACY: He's my dad!

IM A BELL: ...And WHY did you tell them? I think your actually TRYING to annoy me.

TRACY: WAAH! Daddy doesn't like me!

IM A BELL:{smacks Tracy} Shut the {bleep} up.

TOMMYSPUD: Am I allowed to be confused, Bell?

IM A BELL: Um, yes.

TOMMYSPUD: Ok... First things first, how did he find us?

IM A BELL: That's a good question.

TRACY: You didn't notice the tracker I installed inside your eye?

IM A BELL: Huh? {rips out eyeball. A small tracking device is inside it} Oh. {crushes eyeball and tracker. eye grows back} I hate you even more now.

TOMMYSPUD: WOW... So, what are you going to do, Bell?

IM A BELL: Er, what do you mean?

TOMMYSPUD: He's your problem, so what's the solution?

IM A BELL: Hmm... Is it still against the law to kill your child?

{Tracy hides behind Tommyspud}

TOMMYSPUD: I don't know. {steps away from Tracy} He could get killed by journeying with us, anyways.

TRACY: ALL OF YOU GUYS ARE PSYCHOPATHS! {runs off the mountain. flies back up} Hehe. Nevermind.

IM A BELL: Oh yeah. He's immortal.

TOMMYSPUD: You could just lock him in a cage.

TRACY: Um, are you two the only insane people here?

TOMMYSPUD: Nope. I bet that makes you want to leave, right?

TRACY: Yes. {voips away. voips back. has an evil look in his eyes} Nevermind.

IM A BELL: Um, what's with you? You seem... psychopathic now.

TRACY: I AM! I just had to drink some bloody Tortan!

IM A BELL: Hmm... Tortan with blood... That's a neat idea. Anyways, okay, you can join us. {rips off and roasts an arm, it grows back} Want some roasted me?

TRACY: SURE!{eats some of the arm} Mmm... Marshmallows...

TOMMYSPUD: Ok... so, where are we going to look for the pages?

IM A BELL: Uh... {looks at box. is lying} I-I have no idea.

TRACY:{also lying} Er... M-Me neither.

TOMMYSPUD: Why are you guys nervous... Unless you are lying!

IM A BELL: Sometimes you have to lie for the sake of humanity.

TOMMYSPUD: Explain, with no future lapses.

IM A BELL: Well, we're looking for the pages, and why do you think the future Sephiroth doesn't want us to open the box?

TOMMYSPUD: Until he says, though... It must be a counter measure if Chaos turns... eviler.

{Vindicator appears out of nowhere, he turns corporeal.}


{Vindicator opens the box, then turns ethereal again. Future Sephiroth Emerges again, from the sky, and puts Tracy in a Headlock, then puts a machete against his neck.}

F SEPHIROTH: IT'S YOU!! I WILL KILL YOU BEFORE YOU MAKE DAMAGE TO THE FUTURE!! This man, is one of Chao's Consorts. He killed one of my best friends!

TOMMYSPUD: I better not die in the future. Oh, wait, I can't die.

F SEPHIROTH: No, you aren't dead in the future. You're in the Resistance.

TOMMYSPUD: I find that weird... {Eyes turn red for a second}

F SEPHIROTH: Trust me, you change quite a bit.

TOMMYSPUD: Hmm.... I guess I'll see that bridge, when I get there.

VINDICATOR: {facepalms} Don't use analogies.

TOMMYSPUD: {Doesn't flinch} ok... So... Vindi, what's up?

F SEPHIROTH: Vindi's future is uncertain. He's disappeared. No sightings.

IM A BELL: Wait, my son killed who now?

TOMMYSPUD: I don't know. This is getting sort of confusing.

IM A BELL: Yes... {closes box} Future Sephiroth, I've been to the future. Chaos isn't a maniac, and my son hasn't killed any of your friends. Just WHAT is going on here?

F SEPHIROTH: Timetravellers. It's all because of the Book! That book shouldn't be in this time! I'll show a powerpoint of it!

{Future Sephiroth Gets out a large Windows 98 Computer, and loads powerpoint on it.}

F SEPHIROTH: What? This is my only computer with powerpoint on it! {He loads up a slideshow called: "Rise of Chaos.". A picture comes up, showing a Large Godly Chaos, dressed in black, yellow, and Red, and many wiki users in chains. Above is the title. He clicks, and it shows a picutre of the team a short time later, with Chaos holding the book, smiling, with everyone around him. He changes the slide, and now it's a picture of Tracy and Chaos reading the book. He changes again, and it shows Chaos sitting in a chair, with a sign saying: "President of USA, and Prime Minister Of Britain. He changes the slide, and now it is Chaos, leading an army of demons. Above him is a Black flag, with a white symbol, looking like Chaos, holding a sword. Next slide shows Chaos on top of a spire, raising his arms, with an evil grin, while everyone else is bowing down to him.} There. Chaos's rise to Evil. By the way, Vindicator, the box you opened was fake. I gave Bellstrom a fake box, and the real box. He's hidden it perfectly.

{Cut to The Future again. Future Chaos, is on his throne, speaking to Future Tracy. You can't hear what they are saying. Future Chaos rises, and dissapears in black light. Cut back to the past, in a farm. Future Chaos raises his hand, and the farm burns down. He floats into the sky, and flys towards the north. Pan to an alleyway, a man is walking in it. OOC: Yes, I'm aware that it is the future.}


MAN: Hmm?

VOICE: Hey you!

{Vindicator, still ethereal, comes out of the shadows.}

MAN: Yeah?

VINDICATOR: You uh, wanna dollar?

MAN: No.

{The man leaves.}

VINDICATOR: The future sucks.

{Vindicator walks through a wall. A Poison Headcrab comes out of the wall, with a spike through it. Cut to the Present.}

F SEPHIROTH: I will leave now. I'll be back later, Bell, to tell you of your importance. {Goes back into portal.}

TOMMYSPUD: Uh, huh... We should probably start to look for those pages.

SEPHIROTH: Yeah... Lets go to Canada!

TOMMYSPUD: Maybe we shouldn't...

IM A BELL: Vhat about Russia, my comvades?

TRACY: Da. I agvee.

IM A BELL: {grows a red Russian army suit, transforms into Comrade Bell} Onvard to Russia! Are you coming, my comvades? Hold on. {pulls out a cellphone, calls someone} Da, Comvade. It ist me. Bving de jet. {hangs up}

{A Russian jet plane driven by Ran Cossack flies in}

RAN: Comvade Bell! Comvade Badstar! How are you two?

COMRADE BELL: I am vine, spasibo for asking.

RAN: Good, good. And vhat about you, comvade Badstar?

SEPHIROTH: {Grows a Moustache, and is now wearing a soviet uniform.} In Soviet Russia, Sephiroth kill you!

{Camera turns to Tommyspud}

TOMMYSPUD: I'm not going to turn into a Russian. Anyways, I was just thinking we would walk in a random direction, but we could use that Helicopter, so OFF to Russia.... Wait, where's Vindi?

{The Spart, and 300 Spartan Cheats appear from the horizon, all walking to Sephiroth.}

THE SPART: Sephiroth, My master. We have retrieved the Triforce. Here you are. {He gives the Triforce to Sephiroth. He then turns around to his army.} SPARTANS! Go home! You all have a bundle of treasure each, and a feast for kings waiting for you! Onward! {The 300 Spartan Cheats charge to the north, Screaming "YAY!!!"} So, master, how have you been?

SEPHIROTH: Good. Everybody, you remember my Pet Cheat, The Spart, Right? He's from Spartan Times a Long time ago. I had brought him back here, on my travels.

TOMMYSPUD: Um... No? Maybe that's because I'm new... {Pulls up hologram of his Rabbid/Chao/Robo army. The Rabbids seem to be injuring themselves, like usual} Meh, what doesn't kill them, makes them stronger... {the hologram disappears on a Rabbid running around, screaming with a plunger.}

COMRADE BELL: Oh, Zdravstvuite, My Zpartan comvade.

COMRADE TRACE: Zo? Eet ist zetlled? Off to Russia!

COMRADES BELL, TRACE, & RAN: To Mother Russia!

{Sephiroth summons a Star Fox arwing.}

SEPHIROTH: I'm taking this. Anyone want a ride too?


ZNEX: I'll warp out. {fades out and disappears}

{Sephiroth goes onto the plane, and rides to the distance.}

LUCAS: Wait for me!!! {flys away on Gwonam's carpet}

TOMMYSPUD: I just hope this isn't a waste of time, and we find some pages...

{Tommyspud disappears}

{Cut to Inside the Arwing. The Spart Appears on the screen.}


{Sephiroth does a barrel roll to the right, just missing an asteroid.}

CHAOS: Enough! {Chaos activates his Devil's Throne, and tears open a hole that sucks everything back into normal.} There! We have the book! Now, let's go find pieces to it! {walks away, mumbling}

VINDICATOR: {following Chaos} Greasy, Grimmy Gopher Guts...

IM A BELL: Fine. But I'm still keeping the box. {the box reappears, and is transformed into the wings again} Hold on. {reforms Comrade Bell} YOU! Go to Russia with Comrade Cossack, and report back if you find any pieces of the book!

{Comrade Bell and Ran disappear}

IM A BELL: Wait, where's Tracy?

TRACY:{busts out of the ground} Here!

CHAOS: Bell?

VINDICATOR: {humming} I want my Baby Back, Baby Back, Baby Back Ribs. Oh, I want my Baby Back, Baby Back, Baby Back Ribs.

TOMMYSPUD: I wonder where the pages are... Seriously, I hate that book, we find the stupid thing, and it only has one page... NOT ONLY THAT, BUT WE HAVE NO CLUE WHERE TO SEARCH... I mean, am I supposed to dig into the ground to find a page?

IM A BELL:{to Chaos} What?

{Chaos takes out a beam sword, and stabs Tracy to death.}

CHAOS: That. Hey! A page, right here in the snow!

"The Sun is all powerful. The Sun can be used to power planets, with some help from the thermal core. A Planet of such ability is the small, doomed planet of Te-"

Dangit! This page is ripped! But it appears to be page 2. There. {sticks in book.} Well, let's go find the other half! AWAY!


Active Time Event

{A coffin is opened up inside the mountain, and a bandagedman walks out. it trots out to catch up with a random speelunker.}

SPEELUNKER: Oh, my word! Sir! Do you needc help!

{the body turns its head, and jumps up to the speelunker.}

SPEELUNKER: Oh, my god! What other-worldly being are you!

{The bandged stranger knocks the speelunker down to his feet.}

???: {raspy} No god. {His left eye shines a star-shaped green, and the Speelunker screams. When it's over, all that's left of the speelunker is a pile of blood and guts.} {normal voice} Now, to enact my revenge on Chaos! {tears off the bandages on his face, and long, blond hair flows out of it, as he laughs maniacly. His eyes remain unseen.}


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