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I Know Why The Sun Shines/1

From Wuw Archive


The series begins.


CHAOS: There are heroes all around us.

{Large text reading "Heroes" appears.}

CHAOS: Some of them are big, but others are very small.

{The "Heroes" word grows big, then shrinks.}

CHAOS: Heroes can be found in all places, across all the lands.

{The "Heroes" word divivdes and spreads out.}

CHAOS: These Heroes protect us, defend us, they are the saviors of our kind. Some times they are strong like ants, sometimes. These heroes, however, can kill.

{"Heroes" word dissolves offscreen.}

CHAOS: But, these heroes are un-aware of the truth! THE TRUTH OF...


CHAOS: But the only question is...What is...


CHAOS: Some say it is a force, others say it is a power, an ability to see everything. But they are wrong. The truth of it all is...{Under breath} To give Chaos a Taco and some Hot Sauce As I was saying, it is...


CHAOS: This truth can delude a man, but it just so happens that it cannot delude girls, soul reapers, Bells, or Demons who's father JUST SO HAPPENS to be death. {cough}NOT A COINCIDENCE!{cough}

CHAOS: So, these 4 heroes set out to find out the truth, and the truth "Starts and ends with the Sun Shining." So with that knowledge our heroes begin their journey.

{A few minutes goes by, then a record scratches.}

CHAOS: Wait. You thought it started NOW!?! Oh, sorry. You'll have to wait for the second episode to go by. So...go away now. We're done with this episode.

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