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Green Grass and High Tides Forever!/RaikuPoll

From Wuw Archive

Should Raiku be an author? Some may say "yes", some may say "no." We wanna know what EVERYONE thinks on this situation.


Rues, foo!

  • You must back up your reason for voting whatever you did.
  • One with the most, wins!
  • We mainly want to hear from the readers, moresover the writers.

Yes, Raiku should be an author

No, Raiku shouldn't be an author

  • WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. - Look, Raiku, this is nothing personal, but I don't agree with you being an author over the fact taht you aren't as oreinted to writing fanstuff as everyone else is. Maybe if you were a little better, but there are defienetly things you need to improve on. Plus, your character needs more depth, he needs to be more dynamic.
  • If Raiku can join, anyone can join. And since the latter isn't true... Although I would like to join... Thus Spake Lilfut


If you want to join tahu just ask pat

  • This isn't a free-for-all! I'd like to keep it limited! WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 19:40, 7 September 2008 (UTC)

i can make my character dynamic

    • If users join here and there, it gets too crazy, and 6 is already a very big number on the author side. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 19:46, 7 September 2008 (UTC)

Maybe just me then?

This is why I started this! There's still things you'd need to learn about editing properly that I'd like you to learn before you become an author. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 19:50, 7 September 2008 (UTC)

What about i am a major character or recurring? Or i could have an editing teacher?

Recurring Character would be alright with me, as long as you could try to make him less one-sided when he appears. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 19:52, 7 September 2008 (UTC)

whats that mean? and would he goe on major chars or minor?

Well, it's eposidic, but it may not be for long...Put him under "Major" for now, and we'll see where that takes us. WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 19:54, 7 September 2008 (UTC)
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