Super Sam accidentally the entire Wiki User Wiki.


From Wuw Archive


There's 2 many heroes in Wikity! Captain Awesometon comes and foils one of Sirhcnoc's plans, making him the hero. That's fine with Conchris and co but what happens when it gets out of hand?


{Open to a dark corner in Wikity, a strange shadow pops out of nowhere}

?????????: Soon, my plan against my fellow villain will be complete. There can be only ONE villain in this show. Ha ha ha ha... HA HA HA HA! WA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! {coughs}

{Cue introduction}

{Open to the Streets, Sirhcnoc jumps down from a giant robot and gloats in front of the beaten down characters}

SIRHCNOC: Har! Har! Har! I am so awesome, I won when we had a well-scripted fight!

CONCHRIS: Yeah, except that the readers don't even know how we got beaten up...

SIRHCNOC: SILENCE! It was a well-scripted fight! Obviously, the reader would've read it.

CIEEIA: Since when?

CRUROAR: Yeah! It's not even in the script!


{The giant robot shoots out several rabbits with rabies, but before they could react a blur appears and the robot blows up}

SIRHCNOC: DAMN! Who could that be?

{The blur stops to reveal a man in a rather tight suit}

CAPTAIN AWESOMETON: I am Captain Awesometon! I am here to save the day, so stand back puny citizens!

CRUROAR: Did he just call us puny?


CRUROAR: Oh, phew. I thought he meant that on purpose for a second there.


{Awesometon beats up Sirhcnoc and throws him into jail}

SIRHCNOC: Eh, I'll get away.

{Several citizens crowd around Awesometon}

AWESOMETON: Yes, I am so awesome. The day is saved!

CIVILIAN: How can we ever repay you?

AWESOMETON: Fear not! For I shall be your hero from here on!


AWESOMETON: Up, up, and away! {flies away}

CRUROAR: Wow... What a Gary Stu.

CONCHRIS: I can't hear you among the noises of scorpions attacking me!

CRUROAR: I don't know why he shown up unexpectedly... Hmm...

CIEEIA: Is something wrong?

CRUROAR: Yes. But first, I need to go get something to eat.

{Timeswipe to Conchris' House - Cruroar's Room, Cruroar is at a table with a plate beside him and a blueprint}

CRUROAR: Hmm... A superhero comes out of nowhere and beats up Sirhcnoc and puts him in jail... Something's seriously wrong here... but I can't object to this... I need someone who can...

{Timeswipe to a Lawyer's Office}

CRUROAR: Please, you got to help me!

LAWYER: Sorry, I don't deal with accusing superheroes to be cheap. Besides, I have so much of his merchandise that I don't have the guts.

CRUROAR: So much for that option...

{Cut to The Streets, Cruroar is being followed by Chrionroar}


CRUROAR: I say I {imitates Captain Falcon's voice} FALCON PAWNCH {normal voice} you instead. {punches Chrionroar but he only falls over} Damn knockback.

{Cut to Conchris' House - Main Hall, several fighting noises is head, Clark bursts in and shuts the door}

CLARK: You gotta help me, Conchris!

CONCHRIS: What? You're just a villain!

CLARK: But, that guy, he somehow knew that I'm Sirhcnoc in disguise!

CONCHRIS: That hat doesn't do you favours.

CLARK: But nobody knows about it except you!

CONCHRIS: Uh-huh...

{Captain Awesometon breaks into the house through the ceiling}

AWESOMETON: Have no fear! Captain Awesometon is here!

CONCHRIS: I feared that you would break the ceiling.

AWESOMETON: Ha ha ha! Us superheroes have no reason to meddle with such minor details. Now, evildoer! Back to jail with you!


CONCHRIS: Dude, there's not going to be men in black suits that appear out of nowhere and start dancing for you.

CLARK: It is possible.

AWESOMETON: Enough! Now I shall beat you up!

{Awesometon beats up Clark and puts him in jail}


AWESOMETON: Oh, you want to beat ME up too?


{Conchris pulls out his laser blade and starts charging at Captain Awesometon, he slashes at Captain Awesometon several times before being knocked down to the ground}


AWESOMETON: Ha ha ha! You're too pathetic to be a superhero! Now, I shall take my leave! Ha ha!

{Captain Awesometon prepares to fly away but is suddenly caught off-guard by Cruroar and Cieeia grabbing onto him}

CRUROAR: You won't get away with this!


{Cieeia jumps onto Awesometon's back and starts whacking him in the head with the pipe, Cruroar fumbles about in his pockets to find the solar gun but is suddenly blasted off by Awesometon's laser hands}

CRUROAR: Ow! What the hell?

AWESOMETON: I'm too awesome to be defeated! Ha ha!

{Captain Awesometon throws Cieeia off and flies off}

CONCHRIS: Great... Not only do we have trouble, we also have a Garry Stu.

CRUROAR: We need to counter with our own...

{Forest jumps into the scene}

FOREST: I think I could be of assistance?

CONCHRIS: No, you're not Mary Stu.

FOREST: I can be very Mary Stu, you idiot. Watch.

{Forest obliterates the five buildings on the street and walks away from the explosions without a scratch}

CONCHRIS: No, that's what you were programmed for.

FOREST: Why can't I fight someone of my own experience level for once? Sometimes, I wish you were dead.

CONCHRIS: Be quiet!


CONCHRIS: You'll die!

FOREST: So what? You can't stop me! {flies away}

{Conchris stares at Forest in awe}

CONCHRIS: She's done for.

CRUROAR: Where's Chrionroar, anyway?

CIEEIA: I have no idea.

{Cut to Captain Awesometon's lair of Awesomeness, Awesometon flies in}

AWESOMETON: Another awesome day. Isn't that right, Not-So-Awesomeboy?!

{Pan right to reveal Chrionroar chewing on a chair}


AWESOMETON: Nothing is going to stop me on my world d- I mean, saving the world plan!


AWESOMETON: Nobody's going to stop me!

{A giant laser beam hits both Chrionroar and Awesometon, sending them both into the giant monitor. In the hole made by the laser, Forest stands there with anger}

FOREST: I have come to kill you.

AWESOMETON: Kill? Me? Ha ha ha! You're weak like the rest of them!


AWESOMETON: Don't worry about me, Not-So-Awesomeboy. This must be another henchman sent by the evil Sirhcnoc!

FOREST: I am not! Now, let's fight!

{Fight music starts playing (No specific song for this fight, I suggest playing something that sounds Hero vs Hero or something)}

{Forest and Awesometon fly up into the top of the lair and start exchanging blows, some of Awesometon's blows hit Forest (with no recoil) whilst Forest waits for an opening, when Awesometon misses with one punch, Forest grabs Awesometon and blasts him into the air with the laser cannon. She then jumps up and starts whacking Awesometon until he hits the ground and then she starts charging the laser}

FOREST: It's time for you to be put to sleep, you arse!

{Forest prepares to fire the laser but is stopped by Chrionroar cartwheeling in and blocking the blast with his head}

FOREST: What the hell? You idiot! I was about to kill him!


{Chrionroar starts dancing towards Forest. When he gets close, Forest grabs him and throws him off the side}

FOREST: I'm sorry to do this but you deserve it.

CHRIONROAR: I WINZ! {lands on the ground with a thud}

{Forest turns around to see that Awesometon is gone, she looks around for him until he grabs her and holds a knife up to her neck}

AWESOMETON: Any last words?

FOREST: Yes. Sparta.

{Forest grabs Awesometon's arms and kicks him into the convenient pit of death}


{A strike of lightning hits Awesometon and he disappears}

WRITER: {booming voice} Yes you can. Get the hell out of this show!

FOREST: That was too easy.

{Cut to the Dark Corner of Wikity, a strange being walks up to the man in the shadows}

STRANGE BEING: Sir, your henchman, Awesometon, failed to properly get rid of Sirhcnoc and his enemy.

?????????: Damn! I was hoping that would work! Oh well, only in two episodes time, I'll reveal my identity for all to see! MWHAHAHAHAHA!

{Cue credits}

{Cut to a screen with the word "END" on it}

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