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Bell Quest/8

From Wuw Archive

IM A BELL: Uhh... Man, they're supposed to be he-

{I Am Bell breaks through the floor and punches Im a bell. 5 seconds later, Bellzar, Stink-Up, I Am ShineZ, I Am Acidgrrl, Watashi Beru, Stinkoman, and 1-up appear}


ACIDGRRL: Always gotta push it, huh?

I AM SHINEZ: That's right!

I AM BELL: Because we're...


BADSTAR: These are the people that are going to help us save the world?


STINK-UP: With Bling inide a demon, rescuing him is saving the world.


H44WP: Did you forget about us?

BELLZAR: Yes. Yes we did.

{H44WP punches Bellzar in the face}

{The villains run to the other side of the room.}

DEMON BELL: You will never get us from over here!

IM A BELL: Yes we-oh, wait, for some reason we're stuck in the floor. We can't get them...

BELLZAR: Wait, Bellson's over there! Wait, he's tied up. Right.

BELLSON ROBOT: Bellson Robot Clone V1. Self destruct.

{The tied up Bellson explodes}

IM A BELl: Jesus Christ!!! B-Bellson?

JESUS: Yeah?

BELLSON: What? That was just a robot decoy, so I could run back over here and get you all unstuck.

IM A BELL: Now that I think about it, I am unstuck!


{H44WP Pulls a lever. A million, trillion Homsar robots come out.}

IM A BELL: Oh. My. God.


H44WP: Meet the Homdroids! Now, prepare to die!!!!

SHINEZ: Blaaaaahhhh don't think so! COOLNESS DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IM A BELL: It didn't work.

SHINEZ: What? But I'm cool!

IM A BELL: you're not.

BADSTAR: What are we gonna do?

SHINEZ: Uhh... sit here and wait for me to be cool?

BADSTAR: I mean the robots! What are we gonna do about the robots!?

IM A BELL: Find Marvin. He'll just depress them to death.

STINK-UP: How about we do this instead?

{Stink-Up put's both of his fists in the air. one glows white and one glows red. His hands glow brighter and brighter by the second. A guitar appears.}

STINK UP: {Holding guitar} Alright guys follow my lead.

IM A BELL: Oh My God! Hold on...

{Im a bell pulls a golden Flying V guitar out. It turns black. Im a bell throws it into the air, and it rtraansfoms into a giant zanpakuto}

IM A BELL: I can fight with the guitar, but I'd like to try out my Ano Yo Kyo-ki ["Underworld Insanity"] out.

STINK-UP: NO. We rock. The rock will overload their systems. Or something like that.

IM A BELL: Oh. In that case, {guitar transforms back to normal} So, what song we playin'? Dare To Be Stupid? Freebird? Thick As A Briiiiick?!!

STINK-UP: Better. The Party song!!! { This song.}

IM A BELL: Uhh... Nah. {starts playing} Put down the chainsaw and listen to meee! It's time for us to join in the fight! It's time to let our babies grow-up to-be cowboys! It's time to let the bedbugs bite!

BADSTAR: Let's sing a song we both like. And we better do it quick. The robots are getting here. Let's have a vote. Whoever wants to sing the party song raise your hands.

{Everybody except Im a bell raises their hands.}

IM A BELL: All in favor of playing Thick as a brick raise your hands

{Im a bell, the Hombots, Demon Bell, and H44WP raises their hands}

H44WP: What're we voting for?

BADSTAR: How about this song:

COW: How 'bout this?

IM A BELL: Badstar's idea is better.

BADSTAR: Alright! Let's rock!

IM A BELL: You start.

BADSTAR: How about Stinkoman starts.

STINKOMAN: Fine. {Stinkoman begin's playing the guitar. Soon, Stink-Up and Im a bell join in on their guitars.}

A HOMDROID: Dzzzt!!! Cant... Control... functions... must... {hold up lighter} FREEBIRD!!!!

BADSTAR: {Singing.} must have been blind I missed all the signs, The hints and the clues you gave me. You think its a game Where no one's to blame And you can decide to save me...

{Im a bell starts singing.}

IM A BELL: When everything's touch and go And you push that buttons that make me slow til I stop The pain I can understand But I can't know everything if everything is suffering...

SHINEZ: {Singing} I don't know what you had in mind. Is this your ideal waste of time. I don't know what your here to find. Maybe It's not much but it's still mine.

{Guitar solo.}

BELLSON: {Singing.} It must be the end You told all your friends Your very own version of things then...

PTER: {Singing.} Don't like to complain You're not even sane And that's being kind and flattering

HOMESTAR:{singing, badly} Now that I am Homestar Run...ner, And you run into me it's just four o'clock, til you mop The something I can get, But I know everything if everything is pudding!

1-UP: THAT'S MY LINE! Oh, well. {Singing badly.} And I don't know what pudding had in mind Is this your ideal waste of pudding? I don't know what pudding's here to find It's not much but it's still MY PUDDING!!!!

EBENEEZER:{creepily singing} Maybe I'll try to have my doubts Maybe I'll live with my withouts Whatever I lose I'll lose again What's a little fire in all this flame?

{Guitar solo.}

NEOSTINKOMECH: Even THAT's creepy! {awexome singing voice} And I don't know what you had in mind (Is this your ideal waste of time?) I don't know what you're here to find Maybe it's not much

{Guitar solo.}

ANTHRU-BORG: YOU SING LIKE THAT?!!! Wait, why are we even doing this? This is dumb. Oh well. {singing} I don't know what you had in mind Is this your ideal waste of time? I don't know what you're here to find It's not much but it's still mine

EVERYBODY: Don't know what you had in mind Is this your ideal waste of time? I don't know what you're here to find I figured it out it's a waste of time And it's not MIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{All the Homdroids explode.}


IM A BELL: That was...


KRAXARIO: I'll say!

SHINEZ: Shut up.

{Everything stops. Cut to everyone in the movie except The villains in a movie theater watching the movie.}

VEGEROT: Hey! Who stopped the movie!?

IM A BELL: What movie?!!!

BADSTAR: Don't you remember the film makers that kept following us around and told us that they were going to turn our adventure into a movie?

IM A BELL:{blinks} Uhh... no. No I don't.

BADSTAR: Really!? What were you doing the whole trip!?!?

IM A BELL: Reading Hitchhiker's Guide. Then again, I do remember some guy in a beret yelling at me...

BADSTAR: Hey, the movies back on!



ALL: Awww, c'mon!!!!!

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