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Bell Quest/3

From Wuw Archive

{The limo swerves around, crashes through a sign that say's "You are now leaving free country usa.", and swerves off a cliff.}

IM A BELL: VEGEROT! deploy the rocket boosters!!!

{rockets come out of the front of the limo. It is propelled back onto the edge of the cliff. A large metal warhouse is there. cut to the inside of the warehouse}

?????: Oh, crap. Guys, they're here!

????-?????: What are we doing here? We are supposed to be on the cliff farther away.

?? ? ????: I have an idea to keep them stalled long enough for us to leave.

{cut back to the limo. a hobo is trying to wash the windows}

HOBO: Uhh... wash yer windas ma'am?

VEGEROT: For the last time, NO! Wait, did you just call me "ma'am"?!!!!

{cut back to inside the warehouse}

????-?????: Nice plan!

?? ? ????: That wasn't my plan!

?????: Well, what was it then?

?? ? ????: {Whispers into ????-?????' ear.}And get the map while you are at it!

{Cut back to window they do not notice ????? and ?? ? ???? leaving the fake warehouse. They also don't notice ????-????? flying in a small ship thingy.}

BADSTAR: Well, it's a very long way to this Extremely Spooky Cliff. let's go.

IM A BELL: It won't take that long. Vegerot, warp speed please.

VEGEROT: It won't work. You see, we used up all it's power the first time.

IM A BELL: Crap. Well, everyone, get out. we gotta walk around the cliff to the other cliff-WHAT THE CRAP IS THAT?!!!!

{????-?????'s ship flies over the limo. the ship latches on, carrying the limo and everyone to the other side of the cliff. When the limo lands, it detaches from the ship}

{Everybody get's out. ????-????? laughs eviilly.}

????-?????: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Now, to make things harder for you!!! {The ship fires lazer blast at everybody.}

HOMESCHOOL: Oh, my GOD! You destroyed my limo! That costed me Two hundred bucks!

{pan left to show Vegerot's hair is on fire}

VEGEROT: You burned my hair! You're gonna pay! CHEA...TA...HA...ME...HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

{Vegerot destroys ????-?????'s ship}

????-?????: Ummm.... please don't kill me.

VEGEROT: Remove the question marks from your name, and I won't. Aw,crap!

IM A BELL: HA! Now you can't use attacks anymore! {to Badstar} I made him a bet. If he says something that breaks the Fourth Wall, he can't... use... attacks... Aw crap.

{????-????? was repairing his ship. He get's back in it, starts it, and laughs evilly.}

{everyone stares at Im a bell, angry}

IM A BELL: Uhh... hehe... c'mon guys! You've seen the destruction he's called! Besides, he agreed to the bet!

{everyone except Im a bell stares at Vegerot, angry}

IM A BELL: You shouldn't be anger him. he might attack. Oh, wait, he can't! Haha!

{A mechanical hand comes out of the ship and snatches the map out of Badstar's hand's}

IM A BELL: What the f-

BADSTAR: HEY! Did you just se that? He took my screenplay!

VEGEROT: Uhh... So, that WASN'T the map?


IM A BELL: Well, where is it then?

????-?????: I stole that too! {Holds up map.}

BADSTAR: OH, {Bleep}!

{Everybody stares at Badstar with mouths wide open. (even ????-?????. he drops the map, which somehow has a brick tied to it. It lands on Im a bell's head)}

IM A BELL: Aw, holy frickin' sh-Uhh... where's MY bleep?!!

?????:{from communicator} Uh, boss's dyin'!

{darkness spills out of Im a bell's head wound and into the communicator}

?????:{from communicator} Hey, thank Im a bell. His anti-energy from wounds saved the boss!

{????-????? picks the map back up and warps away.}

BADSTAR: ...{Bleep}


{????-?????'s communicator falls to the ground}

?? ? ????:{from communicator} did you thank him? hello? {Peelb}

IM A BELL: A backwards bleep? That can only be one person!

HOMESTAR: Senor Cardgage?

IM A BELL: What? Ew! No, I was talking about King Henry!

VEGEROT: Uhh... isn't he dead?

NEOSTINKOMECH: Well, I'm dead? Do you have a problem with that? Are you racist against dead people? Huh? HUH? HUH?!!!

BADSTAR: Ummm... guys? We have problems. We lost the map, we don't know were we are, and our car is destroyed.

NEOSTINKOMECH: Grrr... Ya know what? I'm outta here. I'll be... food... for the rest of eternity.

IM A BELL: Can I join you? Dang... Supra sam... destroying 1-up sprite comics...

BADSTAR: Guys! Cheer up! Bling is depending on us!

NEOSTINKOMECH: Wait, we're saving Bling?!!!!! Uhh... forget everything I said about leaving!



{cut to a laboratory. NeoStinkomech is there. Bling rises from a table}


{cut back to wherever we were just at}


BADSTAR: Let's go! Homeschool, do you think you can build a new car?

HOMESCHOOL: Well, I need... a twig, a giant model of Don Patch, and some tea!

IM A BELL:{to himself} show-off.

BADSTAR: Maybe there's another way.{Looks at Homsar} Hmmmm.... I have a plan!

{Cut to Everybody except Homsar standing on Squeaky.}

IM A BELL: Uhh... Fly... Squeaky?

BADSTAR: Bell, this is HOMSAR we are talking about. Sqeauky, don't fly.

{Everybody flies up.}

IM A BELL: So... how are we gonna get there if we don't have a map?

EBENEEZER FINKLEHĂ–LLER: Wha? oh, well, I had the map the whole time!


{Ebeneezer pulls the map out of his pants}

BADSTAR: On second thought, you hold it.

{Cut back to the lair. The evil guys are staring at the monitor.}

?? ? ????: THEY HAVE THE MAP!?!? Anti-Bling, you are so fired!

ANTI-BLING (????-?????):{angry} One, that ain't our map! I can see it's also a map odf everyone in FCUSA under the age of 20's houses.

?????: uhh... EW!

ANTI-BLING: And Two, you idiots aren't supposed to reveal our names until they get here! Okay, Ll?


ANTI-BLING: Look, the readers obviously have figured that you're Ll by now. "Im a bell's negative energy", "Backwards Bleep", and our freakin' hidden names are just question marks over the letters!

H44WP: Don't call us idiots! We are the most evil guy's ever! YOU ARE FIRED!!!


ANTI-BLING: Uhh... Oh MY GOD! Um, jeez, were we even gonna reveal H44WP?!! Oh, and you can keeep the collectors' plates!

{cut to the Bling search party. Anti-Bling appears}

ANTI-BLING: Hi, uhh, look, H44WP fired me, and, I'm joinin' you from now on.

IM A BELL: Wait, Homsar44withpie is behind this?!!!!

ANTI-BLING: And Ll e bami!

BELLSON: Uhh... isn't he supposed to exist if Im a bell's dead?

ANTI-BLING: I guess not. I'm gonna transport you guy's to the extremeley spooky cliff now.

IM A BELL: Waitaminute, Ll IS supposed to only exist if i'm dead! Wait, when was the last time I died?

VEGEROT: Yesterday. Oh, by the way, you're still dead. I think I can see wings growin' outta your back!

IM A BELL: Man, once I get Bling, I am going to destroy H44WP!


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