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2749:Zombie uprising/Torontos ruins

From Wuw Archive

This is the Survivor Base. Go see Raggonix to get a mission.


Current Missions

RAGGONIX: All of the reemaining food is at the Sun Base. We need some brave people to fight there way up there and get it before we all starve.

  • Mission 1: Food Retrieval (Max 5 Signups)

RAGGONIX: If you don't want to do that then we need people to get access to Miami. Thats where all the weapons are.

  • Mission 2:Weapon Pickup (Max 3 Signups)

Old Missions

None yet.

Mission 1 Signups

Mission 2 Signups


ZOO977: I wonder what would happen if I dug a hole. {dives face first into some mud.}

RAIKU: You will probaly end up in Zombie turf.

ZOO977: Ok! {begins to make cow noises}

RAIKU: {Facepalms} Whadda idiot.

{An arrow lands with a note attached to it}

THE NOTE: Dear suvivors, The Zombies have trapped you all in toronto. We, the SUN, will stop the blockade as soon as we can get out of our base. Or you could repiar the trains to get out of the city. Bye!

RAIKU: We already have repaired them. Also if we don't get out, could sun get us some food?

ZOO977: I'll just drink mud. {drinks mud. clutches his stomach, leaves. returns in a second} Nevermind.

{Another arrow-note lands}

NOTE:The zombies destroyed the tracks when they attack us STOP We can not send food STOP We are trapped in our base STOP I made this into a telegram STOP

RAIKU: Come on Zoo, we are going in.

ZOO977: Okay STOP.

{An arrow-note hits Zoo977}


ZOO977: My brain is tingling.

RAIKU: Zoo, you are my co leader. That means you help me with every mission.

{Homestar tiger comes running in.}

HOMESTAR TIGER: {Slighty singing} Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god god god!

ZOO977: What is it, what is it, what is it it it?

HOMESTAR TIGER: We have... guests.

HOMESTAR TIGER: WAIT! I just figured something out! Don't zombies hate animal brains? If they do... That means I'm a ZOMBIE-PROOF SURVIVOR!!

ZOO977: Aren't humans animals?

HOMESTAR TIGER: No, I read that zombies ignore animal. As in animals that aren't people.

IM A BELL:{jumps down from a tree} I'm Zombie-proof as well. They can't crack my hard bell-exoskeleton. And if they did... {transforms into normal bell(he was in Pure Watashi form then). Bell rips off his bell, revealing his armlessness and his PotC Davey Jones-like face} Would they really want to eat MY brains?

ZOO977: Zombie physics confuse me.

IM A BELL: ...Are you calling me a zombie, Zoo?

ZOO977: No. {sits on a tree stump, takes out a journal. begins writing in it}

IM A BELL: Whatever. {stretches some face-tentacles into the tree, pulls an apple from it, drags it into his mouth}

ZOO977: {without looking up} That wasn't creepy at all.

???: { A fox with nine tails, yellow fur that was so faded it almost looked gray, an eyepatch comes out from behind an old ruined house} Heh, heh... so... I heard that some people were chosen to go get some food? And, who may I ask, are these people?

ZOO977: Me!

IM A BELL: Me. ...Wait. You seems familiar. Do I know you?

ZOO977: Wait... yellow fur, nine tails, kyubii's voice... ZORAX! You aren't rebelling anymore!

IM A BELL: Kyubii! It's nice to see you again! Oh, by the way, it's me, Bell. I don't think you've ever seen me without my bell exoskeleton.

HOMESTAR TIGER: {Pulls out shotgun, cocks it.} BRING IT ON! Let's go kill some zombies! NOW!

IM A BELL: Yeahhhhhhno. We need food.

HOMESTAR TIGER: Oh. Right. Let's go then.

HOMESTAR TIGER: Hey, guys, watch this! {Places gun barrel-down, sits on top}

{Homestar tiger pulls the trigger, and is shot into the air.}


ZOO977: {looks directly inot the bullet hole made} Weird.

{Homestar tiger falls down and lands on top of Zoo}

HOMESTAR TIGER: I stayed up there for around 8 months!

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