Devlin Marks

From Worldinherhands

Identity: Devlin Marks (Dev)
Is your true identity a secret?: Not really
Alias: The Agent
Age: 24
Sexuality: Straight
Clothing: [WORK] Black cloak (sometimes), Black t-shirt, black leggings, black boots. [OFF-TIME] Whatever strikes her fancy, usually the best in style & make
Appearance: 5'7", blonde hair, green eyes. A facial tattoo that spans the right side of her face around her eye.

Do you have a theme song? If so, do you sing it yourself?: Melissa Etheridge, a god in our time, put out a song called 'Secret Agent'. It's got these lyrics, that just fit. About how what you see isn't what you always get.
Catchphrase? Poof!
Costume: She dresses in all black when she's working. Does that count?
Do you have a sidekick? Are you a sidekick yourself?: She doesn't need a sidekick. In a way, she's the ultimate in sidekick.
Is there a superhero/villain that you look up to? : Superheroes put their pants on one leg at a time, right? (Although, she wouldn't say no to getting Iron Man in the sack.)
What are you famous for?: It's against her code of conduct to name names, but remember when a certain heiress was targeted by several unstable fans? She's the one that took them all out at once. It's a gift. She doesn't ask for medals, she just wants a paycheck. Hire her to watch your back and she promises you'll be just fine.

Personality : Cocky, self-sure, sharp-tongued, open-minded, says it like it is, a bit of a loner, decisive, independent, dependable, honest, trustworthy, EXTREMELY loyal.

Abilities: Teleportation. Basically, the ability to 'poof' from one place to another. With a bit of practice, it's been honed to the point where she can go a very long ways and not miss a destination, even if she doesn't know exactly where it is. With that same bit of practice, she's learned that nothing living survives being poofed with her. She also has the ability to disintegrate that which she touches if she really wants to. Boy, was THAT a bitch to learn to control. It's not like disintegrating and reintegrating oneself.

Home(s): Born in Phoenix, AZ. Moved to Beverly Hills, CA at the age of 18 and, after saving an up-and-coming actor from a normal mugging by three hoodlums, she became known by A-listers as "The Agent" to call when you needed extra security help. She has a house with a state-of-the-art security system and accepts clients by phone. She meets with them in a small boutique in NYC, also marked with a security system.

History : Dev was born in Phoenix to affluent parents and attended all the best schools. At 15, her power manifested and her parents tried to hide her from the public. Two weeks before her 18th birthday, she snuck out and got a distinctive tattoo, something her parents had always forbidden even though 'all my friends have one!'. Realizing they couldn't control her anymore, they begged her to keep it as far under wraps as possible. She left the night of her 18th birthday party which is where she came upon the up-and-comer. Two weeks later, her parents died in a plane crash. She doesn't work because she needs the money, but she does love the money.

What is the most heroic/villainous thing you've ever done?: Done jobs for free? No idea. She doesn't think of herself as a HERO. She just does what needs to be done. Occasionally, she'll step in and help someone out. That's all it is.

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