The Hearts (W.I.T.C.H.)

From Witch

The Hearts of the planets are one of the main points in the comic W.I.T.C.H. and the animated series of the same name. The most seen Heart is the Heart of Kandrakar (which was changed to Candracar by Disney for the animation) due to the fact that it is the main power source of the Guardians, the protagonist's of the show.


Heart of Kandrakar


The Heart of Kandrakar is the mystical Heart of the planet Kandrakar, the realm at the centre of the universe that is home to the Oracle who's job it is to look over the universe and protect it from evil, such as when the Council of Kandrakar raised the Veil to protect other dimensions from the threat of Prince Phobos.

Will holding the Heart of Kandrakar


Through the Guardians, the following powers have been shown

  • Wield Absolute Energy.
  • Possess the power of Quintessense.
  • Glamouring.
  • Teletransporting.
  • Sensing magical phenomena.
  • Empathy towards animals.
  • Empathy towards inanimate objects.
  • Invisibilty.
  • Hydrokinesis. (control over Water)
  • Change physical appearance of things.
  • Influence minds.
  • Hydromancy.
  • Pyrokinesis. (control over Fire)
  • Thermokinesis. (control over Heat)
  • Telepathy.
  • Geokinesis. (control over Earth)
  • Chlorokinesis. (control over Plants)
  • Telekinesis.
  • Aerokinesis. (control over Air)
  • Able to recall memories of others.
  • Flight.
  • Enhanced hearing.

The Heart has also shown the following abilities

  • Open (after an encounter with the Seal of Phobos which was absorbed into the Heart) and close Portals in the Veil.
  • Open folds.
  • Create Astral Drops.
  • Create multiple copies of the holder.
  • Show a creature's true form.
  • Shield holder from Dark Forces.

Following the examples of all other mystical Hearts shown, the Heart of Kandrakar probably has the power to create impenetrable prison bubble.

Heart of Meridian


The Heart of Meridian is the mystical Heart of the planet Meridian. Elyon Brown naturally has these powers as part of her heritage as rightful ruler of Meridian. The Heart of Meridian played a large part in season two of the animated series. It was taken by Nerissa who tricked Elyon into accepting a jewel from her mother's crown, which absorbed her magic and after it was fully absorbed tricked her again into making her willingly give it up, taking her powers in the process.


  • Generate waves and lightning bolts of energy and force.
  • Manipulate physical reality, changing it at will.
  • Create portals between Meridian and Earth, including ones that alter the matter that passes through it (she was able to shrink the Guardians and Caleb when they travelled to Meridian through a portal she created).
  • Open folds, holds in space in time to Earth, Meridan, Kandrakar, Zamballa and other worlds.
  • Generate ghostly images of herself, similar to the Astral Drops. These illusionary copies are capable of moving independently of Elyon, but have no shadows, nor do they react as a real person would. If they are touched they disappear.
  • Project an astral form, partly transparent, even between Meridian and Earth. Unlike her ghostly copies, this form is the true Elyon, and she is able to use it to communicate.
  • Teleport, even between dimensions.
  • Telekinesis.
  • Flight.
  • Influence minds, turning people (or animals) aggressive or forcing them to fall unconscious which is telepathy.
  • Become invisible.
  • Phase through walls and presumably other solid objects.
  • Depict scenes of the future in drawings (though Elyon uses this power unintentionally and without knowledge of it). This can be seen as a type of premonition.
  • Have power over the other five elements: Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Quintessence.
  • Trap others in an impenetrable transparent bubble prison.
  • Bind others with energy ropes (as she did with Phobos after defeating him).
  • Temporarily remove other's body parts, as she did with Taranee's mouth to stop her from warning the Guardians. This can be seen as reality warping.
  • Change her appearance (Glamour). This can also be seen as reality warping.
  • Turning drawings, thoughts or even stories into reality.
  • Make ice appear or freeze anything or anyone.
  • Increase the natural powers of the holder.

Heart of Zamballa

The Heart of Zamballa, like the Heart of Kandrakar is a jewel, but is shown to be a partially living being. Kadma consistently talked to the Heart, asking to be lent its power and to help "their" subjects, even occasionally asking for advice. The Heart, alike the Heart of Kandrakar has its own spirit, and is the owner of its own power, but is controlled by its holder.

The Heart of Zamballa was held by Kadma, and was later passed on to Ironwood.


  • Warping Reality,
  • Glamouring,
  • Creating force-field prisons,
  • Increasing the natural powers of its holder,
  • Allowing one to communicate with the zamballians,
  • Control over the elements,
  • Telekinessis,
  • Telepathy,
  • Mind control/influence,
  • Teletransportation,
  • Creating bolts of energy or light,
  • Create an impenetrable prison bubble.

Following the examples of all other mystical Hearts shown, The Heart of Zamballa can also probably open folds in time.

Heart of Earth

The Heart of Earth is the mystical Heart of the Planet Earth. The power belongs to Lillian Hale, the younger sister of Cornelia Hale, the Guardian of Earth, but it was decided that Lillian was to young to have the power as it was beyond her control, so Cornelia and Matt Olsen made Lillian give her powers to her "Regents of Earth", who were Matt, Mister Huggles and her cat Napoleon.


  • Reality Warping.
  • Glamouring.
  • Turning drawings, thoughts or even stories into reality.
  • Create glamour zones were the reality follows her wishes and rules and might be different from the outside world. The zones are surrounded by an invisible wall, and look normal from the outside. When one steps into the zone, they automatically become part of its reality.
  • Teletransportaion (including other people).
  • Endow others with powers.
  • Give plants and animals abilities, like talking.
  • Superspeed and Superstrength (Napoleon and Huggles).
  • Generate rays of energy (Matt).
  • Telekinesis.

Following the examples of all other mystical Hearts shown, the Heart of Earth can also probably open folds in time, as well as maybe have the power to create impenetrable prison bubble.

Heart of Aridia

The Heart of Aridia appears in the episode "V is for Victory", where Nerissa tries to take a third Heart. The Heart of Aridia is a giant rock being who can speak, feel, think and move. Because the Heart of Aridia does not show anything from his power, it is unknown what kind of abilities he has. Probably he is able to open folds in time like the other Hearts can.

See also


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