Abigail DeLaroux

From Wikistar

Name: Abigail DeLaroux
Alias: Mother DeLaroux, Your/Her Eminence DeLaroux
Player: CelestinaStar
Allegiances: Herself, YHWH



Short, ragged dark hair, kept that way with an old pocketknife. She is far too tan for her own good, and she has a lot of dark spots on her skin, possibly from skin cancer. She usually wears ragged canvas shifts with leather leggings, usually handmade or donated by followers.


Abigail DeLaroux was born something like 25 years ago, into a family of apologetics. They had a copy of the Christian Old Testament, and believed that God was testing the faithful with the apocalypse. Their God was a vengeful God, but fair to the faithful. After her mother died of radiation poisoning when she was about six, her father raised her alone and with a firm, religious background. The girl grew into a quiet and repentant young lady as her father gained followers. After he died, she became minister by default. She trained one of her closest friends in the flock to take her place, and then took off to spread the Word of YHWH.


Taciturn, quiet. In love with God. Stern. Think stereotypical Mother Superior.

Character Notes

  • Has a surprisingly pleasant singing voice.
  • Carries a KJV Bible version of the Old Testament and a handwritten hymnal.
  • Quotes the Bible at strange times.
  • Is most likely crazy.
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