New Wiki Logo/Old School to New Star

From Wiki Of Love


I'm not sure how much this crosses the boundaries of too much. But I thought it'd be kind of neat if the logo could switch back and forth between the original design for Homestar and the current. The one in the example above is set for 15 second intervals. But I made a 30 second and 60 second one as an example. The 15 second is just so you don't have to wait around forever to see it. The 30 or 60 is the actual timer I think it should have. Most people would see it as it is. Just a regular logo, those who stick around for awhile might notice it changed. They'd be like, wait a second... wasn't that a diff. Homestar? It will loop back and forth every 30 or 60 seconds from the original design to the current. It's not a very big file size either. Only around 20 kb.--User:Bleed0range/sig 04:54, 6 November 2006 (UTC)

I like the still image of Homestar (current) in front of the old star, but I don't like the animation. User:Invisible Robot Fish/sig 05:14, 6 November 2006 (UTC)
No matter what is decided, I think that this will deserve a paragraph in our history once we all decide. User:Invisible Robot Fish/sig 05:18, 6 November 2006 (UTC)
I basically copied the way TBC animated it. So, uhm, what are you saying man! You don't like TBC's animation!?! lol. And yeah, this is pretty historical. Err, hysterical. Hysterically long.--User:Bleed0range/sig 05:36, 6 November 2006 (UTC)
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