
From Wd

Many thanks to all of you who replied to my email. I've built the skeleton for a Website about the holiday at where I've begun placing a selection of photos and diary entries. (So far I'm up to Day 3.) I've also copied in material from Dan's excellent blog, which is at

The Website is a wiki, which means that anyone with access can update any page. You can click on any words in blue to take yourself to that page.

Photos are stored in a low-res format to keep their size small (width of 500px or less). If you want the originals of any of my pictures—I've tried to indicate who took each picture in its caption—just send me a note.

If you want to add any pictures or text or make changes to the Website, there are two options:

  1. You can update any page yourself, if you're happy with Wikipedia-like editing. To make changes, you'll need the Username and Password, which I provided by email.
  2. You can send the material to me, and I'll put it up there myself.

The Website is free for users like you and me, but the people place small ads at the bottom of each page to pay for it. I hope these aren't distracting.

Best wishes


PS Please send me any comments about this Website!

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