Aetil'c Super Cluster

From Vinidia

The Aetil'c Super Cluster is the primary super cluster in the known universe in Tellgam. It has a diameter and depth of just 10,000 LY containing a few hundred small stellar associations. The largest of these is called as TG47-355 which is a microgalaxy with a diameter of over 700 LY, making it the most massive and largest member of the super cluster. The rest of the universe is not yet explored or studied and remains mostly unknown to the inhabitants of the super cluster.


A disturbance in the edge of the Aetil'c super cluster causes light from the rest of the universe to be absorbed but not pass through it, causing its edge to be visually black and somewhat empty to anyone inside the disturbance. The existence of this disturbance is not known to the people inside and its origin and purpose is unknown. No exploration have been made to chart the disturbance as any means to peak through it fails. It is thought that when travelling through the disturbance causes any FTL engines to slow down and can only be traversed using impulse engines.

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