
From Vaporstory


[edit] The Humans

[edit] Three Species

All races developed in relative isolation from each other. Thus, there are three races of human on Minerva, each with their own culture and religion. They mix now, but there is still tension as hard and fast divisions between the civilizations become blurred.

[edit] The Ferrans

The Ferrans came into full development on the continent of Avellia. Owing to the extreme temperatures on that continent, they developed their cities in the form of underground structures, coming out into the open only at night. They have evolved from the proto-human to look somewhat similar to Earth dogs, but stand upright and have opposable thumbs, hence their technological development. They are commonly known as The Endless. The origins of the name are lost to antiquity.

They worship Irith, but have three different sects of Irithism:

the Khish-Ty - who worship: Khishtar, Tyla, Phaerith, and Jh'tiseh
the Blestites - who worship: Calishul, Towash, Haerin, and Blesto
the Chi-taera - who worship: Chisha, Ch'taera, Relowar, and Chaith

(for explanation of deities, click: The Endless)

The Khish-Ty are the true scientists among the Ferrans. Beginning with Astronomy and Astrology, they emerged as the keepers of all scientific knowledge. They are arrogant, but they also freely offer their assistance in any endeavour provided one asks very politely.

The Blestites tend to be the mystics, worshipping the four basic elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. They're "spells" tend to be merely wishful thinking rather than true magic. But they are good at reading signs and omens.

the Chi-taera practice the practical matter: war, poverty, the Hunt, and the Harvest. They are mostly farmers, but they have developed a long-standing tradition of martial arts and are among the more dangerous people when angered.

The Ferrans see themselves as superior to other kinds of humans, but condescend to help they with their civilizationsa because compassion, in it's proper form, is part of their code. Besides, they seek to learn the other races' disciplines, as they aspire to develop as spiritual beings.

[edit] The Amnans

The Amnans grew in the waters of Harkyria. They became reptilian owing to the lack of editable food on the mainland of Harkyria. As reptiles, they have very strong scales and a water-proof skin. However, they do have lungs and can walk upright on land when they have to. Their civilization has been underwater since before the beginning of history, but is now developing on dry land. They look surprisingly like Homo-Sapiens Sapiens, except for the scales and gill slits on the neck.

Amnans have developed the power of magic, not as an evolutionary accident, but as a slow, controlled discipline. Like the Ferrans, they welcome any and all requests for help, provided the requests are suitably polite. They are commonly known as "The Bounded" because each one binds themselves to an appropriate senior when they come of age on the path to "The Beyond."

They worship Irith, as do the Ferrans, but truly follow either Prymos, the so-called "First-born of Irith" and god of magic, or Ralaia, the so-called "Second-born twin" and goddess of magic.

(for further explanation of the god and goddess, click: The Endless) (for further explanation of religious practices, click: The Bounded)

[edit] The Enthans

The Enthans came fully into their own as winged mammals in the mountainous regions of Ethalia. They have long feathers, both light and strong, on their legs, arms, back and neck, with a piercing sharp yellow beak. Spending so much time soaring alone, looking for food and pockets of society, they grew into a quiet, meditative race. Any and all governmental issues are discussed with great dignity and patience once every ten years. Owing to their solitary existence, they worship no god or goddess, and seek only to understand themselves, the universe, and their place in it. Since the beginning of the mixing of the civilizations, they have been named, "The Strangers" and have had an uneasy truce with the other two races.

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