Ultimate X-Men 1

From Ultimarvel

[edit] Ultimate X-Men #1 (Mark Millar, Adam Kubert)

Cover to Ultimate X-Men 1.

• The trial run of the Sentinel project neutralizes a “mutant nest” in Los Angeles.

• Henry “Hank” McCoy (Beast) is located by Jean Grey (Marvel Girl) in a bar in San Diego.

• Ororo Munroe (Storm) is broken out of a jail in Athens, Texas by Jean. She has been incarcerated for being a car thief.

• In New York, Piotr Rasputin (Colossus) is double-crossed in a Russian mob arms deal. His identity as a mutant is exposed and he is then contacted by Jean Grey and invited to Xavier’s school.

• Hank, Ororo, and Piotr and introduced to Scott Summers (Cyclops) and are given their mutant names at Xavier’s school. They are then introduced to Charles Xavier who demonstrates the Cerebro hardware.

• The X-Men rescue Bobby Drake (Iceman) from a sentinel attack in Times Square. During this fight, Bobby manifests his mutant powers.

• Magneto assigns Wolverine to infiltrate the X-Men and kill Charles Xavier.


- The sentinel project is in retaliation for anti-human bombings in New York and Washington. These attacks occurred seven days before the sentinel trail run. After the attacks, Magneto broad casted a threatening message to humankind.

- Amnesty International declares the sentinel program as inhuman and unconstitutional.

- Bolivar Trask is identified as the sentinel designer.

- Beast’s shoe size is identified as a 42 by Jean Grey.

- Storm notes that Magneto’s lackeys have been trying to recruit her.

- Xavier’s school is identified as “The Xavier Institute for Gifted Children”.

- Bobby Drake is identified as being 15 years old.

- Beast indicates that his childhood was filled with abuse from a drunken father.

- Serving Magneto in the Savage Land are the following shown members of the Brotherhood of Mutants: Scarlet Witch, Pietro (Quicksilver) and Toad.

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